Kos: False Flag Assasination Of Hussein Will Drive USA To Attack Iran

May 29th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Yep. That’s the conspiracy theory being spun over at the mealy-mouthed little faggot’s dungheap blog. Send Obama to Iraq to check out the troops and have the CIA assassinate him, then blame it on the Iranians.

Perfect false-flag op.

This will give the left-wingers in America the impetus to say, “Enough! Bomb, bomb, bomb…bomb, bomb Iran!” Because their beloved Magic Messiah fell prey to the evil Iranian theocracy.


Note: It was a left-winger that even came up with this, heh heh…hold your nose, this from the Daily Kos:

McBush and company are counting the days before Obama will return to Iraq. Nothing will suit the neocon’s plans better than Obama giving them photo opportunities with the usual sales gang put forward by Psy Ops. My simple suggestion that this could be a trap, fell beyond the pale for the new moderators over at Huffpo, let’s see how it fares here.

Whoa, hold up, forgot to tell you, even the weirded out Huffington Post wouldn’t take this piece…okay back to the mealy-mouth…

Darth Cheney has made repeated promises to both the Saudi royals and the Israeli Likudists (in my minds ear) that America will destroy the energy capabilities of Iran, but to date, Darth has not been able to manufacture the impetus for it. My conspiracy theory is that a false flag attack on Obama, would inspire the shock and anger of the American people to give the green light for the mass bombing of Iran, perhaps including nukes.

This would presumably destroy any hopes of Iran’s having ‘the bomb’ as well as severely limit Iran’s ability to support Hamas and Hezbollah, thus aiding the Likudists. It would also give the Saudis greater control of the world’s oil market as well as diminishing their Shia competition in the Muslim community. Leave it to the fascists to try and kill one bird with one stone (and 1300+1 bombs).


Nods to LGF.

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16 Responses

  1. Rob

    Wow some people are idiots. Why would Iran assasinate Obama? I mean he’s doing their work for free?

  2. GregGS

    I need thorazine to get threw this.

  3. Bill Smith

    Rob is right. The Iranians have zero reason to want to kill Obummer.

    It’s the Left again being driven by their emotions, and their immediate own needs rather than by the facts.

  4. mike3481

    The most telling phrase…”My conspiracy theory is…” :shock:

    Only a clinical exam could diagnose whether Kos is a Psychopath or a Sociopath, either way…the guy’s NUTS!

  5. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    The kos kiddies are too twisted for kolor TV …

  6. NickD

    Dammit - who the hell leaked our master plan for taking the elections?! OPSEC, people, OPSEC!!

  7. GregGS

    “This would presumably destroy any hopes of Iran’s having ‘the bomb’ as well as severely limit Iran’s ability to support Hamas and Hezbollah”

    ??sounds like a win win to me??

    If that’s the “goal and the result”… Why would we need to have the CIA do “anything to anybody”, to convince us of the good that would come from a preemptive strike?

    Dumb question to myself, all liberals will never understand a preemptive strike anymore than they understand self defense after an attack!!

  8. Maynard

    Sounds like a great plan to me!

  9. Kurt(the infidel)

    whos hand do i shake after the deed is done?

  10. Q_Mech

    If someone were to challenge me to dream up the single sentence that epitomized the craziest currently-trendy conspiracy BS I could, then I’d have trouble improving on this one.

    “My conspiracy theory is that a false flag attack on Obama, would inspire the shock and anger of the American people to give the green light for the mass bombing of Iran, perhaps including nukes.”

    Magnificent! I’ll take away a few points because it doesn’t include Elvis, for a score of 97 out of 100.

  11. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    Heck, go for it :!: :!: :!: :beer:

  12. The Angry Redneck

    Ummm…are you serious? Uh, we get it Kos…the wheels are turning, but the hamster’s dead.

  13. Jeff

    I thought it was Hillary who was gunnin’ for him, gave him till June to get out….or else.

    I like this Op better though, for all the reasons the conspiracy theorist lists.

  14. TJ (Honorary Lesbian)

    thats an awesome Idea! can we blame HIM if the CIA does just this? :gun: :lol:

  15. John Griffin

    Wow!! and I thought these characters were just marxists. They are escapee’s from the movie set of ” One Flew Over the Cookoo’s Nest.” Folks you just can’t make this stuff up!

  16. Dan (The Infidel)

    Kos Kool-aid. LOL. Now why would the Iranians or any other jihadi organization assasinate a good useful idiot like Obama? So long as fools like Obama and the Kos kiddies breath free air, the jihadis have nothing to worry about.

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