Letter From Congressman Pete Stark Criticizing The Military

May 23rd, 2008 Posted By Lftbhndagn.


I’m sure hes just upset that the Soldiers were taking up seats that could have been used for Code Pink-O Members…

Kudos to The Free Republic for this one:

A class of senior Army War College officers (all of whom are either Iraq or Afghanistan combat veterans with multiple deployments) were taking part on a tour of Congress. All of this was officially approved and part of the Army War College curriculum.

The officers observing Congress hold multiple bronze stars between them; and other citations too numerous to mention.

Congressman Pete Stark observed them in the gallery, and below is his official letter of outrage.

If Congressman (D-CA) Pete Stark’s office wishes to dispute it, let them.


Below is the text of a letter sent today to Secretary of Defense Robert Gates by Representative Pete Stark (D-CA), regarding the possible abuse of military officers’ time.

May 16, 2008

The Honorable Robert Gates
Secretary of Defense
1000 Defense Pentagon
Washington, DC 20301

Dear Secretary Gates:

Yesterday, while voting on the war supplemental spending bill in the House of Representatives, I couldn’t help but notice a contingent of approximately 20 flag rank Army officers sitting in the House Gallery watching the debate and vote for a couple of hours. I was looking from below so I thought they were Army, but there could have been other branches present.

It’s possible they were on leave time or vacation. If so, I obviously have no concern. However, if they were doing this on military time, I want an explanation of why they were there.

At a time when our nation is at war, our troops are over-extended, and the Administration is literally asking for emergency military spending, what good to the “war on terror” is having US Generals and other top ranked officers - who were likely accompanied by staff and escorted by their chauffeurs - spending hours sitting in the gallery of the House of Representatives?

Please provide for me the name, rank, branch, and duties of each of these officers, as well as the number of additional staff and drivers that were used to facilitate their attendance yesterday. I would like this information by Monday, May 19th.

If they were here on official duty, this was an abhorrent misallocation of our military resources at a time of war.


Pete Stark

CC: The Honorable Ike Skelton, Chairman, Committee on Armed Services

CC: The Honorable Jack Murtha, Chairman, Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Defense

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26 Responses

  1. jsc0311

    FUCK YOU, PETE STARK!!! EAT MY ASS, SCUMBAG!!! If you truly cared about mission accomplishment, you and your democrat assholes would not have played with our funding and try to impose timelines on us while looking for any wrongdoing and ignoring all of our accomplishments.

  2. Kurt(the infidel)

    wow what a son of a bitch!

    “If they were here on official duty, this was an abhorrent misallocation of our military resources at a time of war”

    Democrats are an abhorrent misallocation of idiots. I want to know what you Pete Stark, and your other friends in congress have accomplished lately. I want to see a disclosure of just where my tax dollars are going and what makes you adequate to question why a few of our servicemembers were at the House of Representatives.

  3. Mike Mose

    Pete Starks makes all the highly educated people from California feel very proud. The last thing that military men should do is listen to the Democratic party’s actual words.

    Explain to me why the GOP and the US military stops terror attacks in Democrat strongholds.

  4. TedB

    I’d like to see the answer.

    If he was actually concerned about money he would not ask to waste even more on his chickenshit investigation of who they were, etc. He would have sent the same stupid letter without the request but saying keep the on duty military personnel out of the gallery.

    Instead, he just revealed his bias.

  5. Poe

    What a toolbag.

  6. RC

    I’d like to know why Stark is a treasonous POS by today! To make it easier here’s a multiple choice selection:

    a) because I’m a bitter spiteful Democrat and sedition at a time of war comes easy.

    b) I have a small prick and suffer ED, men in uniform protecting my country 24/7 make feel extra small and insignificant.

    c) I’d rather undermine US military personnel, than go after 7th century goat fucking ragheads who only emerge from their environmental-friendly caves to strap c4 to children, terrorize whole families and villages, bury women alive and saw the heads off westerners.

    d) because the daily Kos are my personal advisers.

    e) I’m a superior TWAT and proud of it AND I want to take the mantle away from Olberass when it comes to hating on the military.

    f) what Michelle Obama says or else..

    g) All the eff’n above, I’m a bed wetter too and dream of shagging Persian mountain goats day and night like my heroes OBL and Ahm-a-fucking-despotcocksucking-holocaustdenier.

  7. BILL



  8. Lock and Load

    :arrow: RC
    Damn well said :cool: that about sums it up :twisted: :beer: :beer:

  9. Dr. Jerry

    Thanks Bill,

    I sent a message to the moron. However, he is just like the rest of them, he hears nothing that could ever change his traitorous mind.

    I await Congressman Starks reply. I’ll probably be waiting a long time.

  10. Jim Isom

    Actually, Stark does have a point. I can’t think of a bigger waste of time than watching a bunch of idiots screwing up our country.

  11. blastdad( typical white patriot)

    He’s worried about wastieng time and resources?!!! Look in the mirror you dumba$$ !!!!!

  12. RJI

    What more should we expect from one of our WHORES in the US CONGRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. steve m

    God damn it…I’m so fucking sick and tired of these fucking congressional pompous morons, I’m writing to the asswipe right now..FUCKFUCKFUCK….ARGGGGGHHHH! I’m fit to be tied today, godamn morons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. steve m

    Here’s the text of my message to that fool…


    I fail to see the “concern” on your part in regards to the alleged “misallocation of military resources at a time of war”. As citizens of this country and members of the Armed Forces, the men and/or women in question were well within their rights to be in attendance on the day in question.

    Your attempts to aquire the names, ranks, etc., of these honorable folks is being seen nationally for what it is, a thinly veiled attempt at retribution and intimidation.

    As a member of a family that has given service to this great nation in every major conflict since World War I, I am appalled, disgusted, and deeply concerned, by the abhorrent behavior shown towards our military by you and so many of your democrat associates.

    Your partisan behavior and odious pandering to the very vocal, yet small minority, of folks who have no regard for the miltary, cannot grasp the concepts of self-sacrifice, service, and honor, and suffer from the utter lack of common sense, speaks volumes for your lack of credibility and non-existent foresight.

    If you are truly so concerned with the “misallocation of resources” I suggest a long, hard look into how you and so many of your colleagues on both sides of the aisle conduct the peoples business and spend the peoples money.

    I also suggest you excersise utmost care and caution as you don’t want injure yourself while dismounting from that very high horse you are upon.

    …… :mad: :mad: :mad:

    Like Glenn Beck says - I got blood shooting out of my eyes!! :mad: :mad:

  15. A. S. Wise- VA (George S. Patton Conservative)

    The bastard!

  16. Dan (The Infidel)

    Pete Stark is a biased tard just left of stupid. Fuck him and the mule he road in on.

  17. Dbo

    great letter steve m!

  18. Phil N Blanx

    Talk about wasting taxpayers money, here is a list of the members of the Out of Iraq Congressional Caucus. All democrats of course.

  19. Howie

    RC can I choose for him?

    It would have to be g, only because it included all of the above and I could not choose only one!!

  20. Knighthawk

    I just called this shit head’s office, demanding he call me back and explain himself. I won’t hold my breath. He’s a waist of taxpayers dollars that piece of sh_t.

  21. Zeke Eagle

    I demand mandatory random drug testing for every member of Congress and their staff to include breath analysis for alcohol before they vote.

    The arrogant sons of bitches must be under the influence of some mind altering substance to behave so recklessly.

    If they continue to spout this kind of hateful insult they’ll be dragged out and hanged.

  22. Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler » Supporting Our Troops, Dhimmicrap Style.

    […] I found this golden nugget over at Pat Dollard’s site. Seems Representative Pete Stark (Surrendercrat, Kalifornia) has a problem with some Army officers attending a session of Congress. […]

  23. Q_Mech

    While we’re all sharing letters, here’s mine:

    I understand that you were upset to find out that a group of soldiers attended a session of Congress recently. To be frank, you have no right to be upset. I can think of no better place to fight the enemy than in the halls of Congress.
    And you, sir, can go to hell.

    Dr. xxxxx

    May he soon catch the clap, and spend a week or so pissing hedgehogs. :twisted:

  24. SD

    Stark you and cc buddy Murtha can shove it up your asses! God forbid some Soldiers who for some reason fight for people like you, listen to what you are actually doing. The idiocy this Democratic house and congress try to pull is just about stupid. What about all the money he porked out on bills to waste on his ass kissing programs to keep him in office. As a Soldier I am appalled and agree that there is some serious misallocation of government funds going on, it’s called your pay check.

  25. Righteous Anger


  26. Jenn

    Mother bleeping son of a motherless goat. He can go bleep his bleeping self up his ass. Bleep him.

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