Libertarian Party Picks Barr As MSM Presidential Fly In The GOP Ointment

May 25th, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.


What can we expect from the MSM in the general election campaigning?

Well, the MSM who will be campaigning for Hussein, will give Bob Barr the spot-light like no other third party candidate will ever have been given. Barr will be portrayed as “very conservative” and always when in comparison to John McCain …

As if I need to tell you why … So the “very conservative” voters who are wrinkling their noses at McCain will throw their vote(s) to Barr … splitting the Republican/Conservative vote … and giving Hussein the edge in the general …

Barr may not think he’s in the race as a “spoiler” … But make no mistake … the Hussein-backing MSM will be certain to ‘draft’ him as just that a ‘tool’ of the Hussein-backing MSM.

So, here we go … flies and all.


DENVER - The Libertarian Party on Sunday picked former Republican Rep. Bob Barr to be its presidential candidate after six rounds of balloting.

Barr beat research scientist Mary Ruwart, who was the party’s presidential nominee in 1983 and vice presidential candidate in 1992, by a vote of 324-276 on the final ballot.

Barr endorsed Wayne Allyn Root, who was eliminated in the fifth round, to be his vice-presidential nominee.

Barr left the GOP in 2006 over what he called bloated spending and civil liberties intrusions by the Bush administration.

The former Georgia congressman said he’s not in the race to be a spoiler.

“I’m a competitor and I’m in this to win. I do not view the role of the Libertarian Party to be a spoiler and I certainly have no intention of being a spoiler,” Barr said.

Barr said he expects the party to be on the ballot in at least 48 states and perhaps all 50 if the party can qualify in West Virginia and Oklahoma. Barr said he also expects to be invited to the national political debates by qualifying with poll support of 15 percent or more of registered voters.

Sunday’s election also marked the end of the latest chapter in the political career of Mike Gravel, a former senator from Alaska who recently dropped out of the Democratic presidential race.

“I just ended my political career,” he said. “From 15 years old to now, my political career is over, and it’s no big deal. I’m a writer, I’m a lecturer, I’m going to push the issues of freedom and liberty. I’m going to push those issues until the day I die.”

Gravel left the Democratic Party after he was excluded from some Democratic debates because he failed to meet fundraising or polling thresholds. He said the Democratic Party no longer represented his values because it continues to sustain Iraq war, the military- industrial complex and imperialism.


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6 Responses

  1. T Double Dash

    That might be a little bit of an extreme conclusion. Don’t know until it happens.

  2. dad3-7

    barr is a traitor just like ross perot… perot elected bill clinton twice and look what a mess this country got in because of it… the MSM will campaign for barr like they did for perot and didn’t for nader… that way they can influence the election..

  3. A. S. Wise- VA (George S. Patton Conservative)

    He looks kinda like a perverted, dirty old man…

    Isn’t it convenient how both the Libertarian AND DNC are held in Denver this year?

    Heh, we should manipulate the Paulnuts into forcing RonPaul into a political battle within the libertarian movement. Let’s call it Operation: Chaos II! :lol:

  4. MarineSgt

    Let us not forget… he ate the cheese.

    Thanks Borat!

  5. Tom in CO

    What was Ron Paul not enough?

  6. Doug

    I actually watched their debate last night and I found Barr to be a pretty stand up guy. While I agree with many things on the libertarian platform (Repeal nearly every gun law, low taxes, less government, less inflation so on). I find their war policy and their “family values” stances to be extreme shortcomings.

    But as the Libertarians are generaly embracing the anti-war side (Not all of them do) He could potentialy bleed more votes away from the demos with southern democrats.

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