Seeking Your Opinion/Theory: Is Hillary All In Because She Has a Shotgun Pointed At Hussein?

May 14th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


I remember a while back, couple months ago…word was the Clintons had a “truckload” of dirt on Barack Hussein Obama. Remember that?

I know the Clintons…much the same way most of you do, via the years of scandal upon mudpile scandal, that they always just seem to levitate up out of. So the word “truckload”…when used by a Clinton, has to be a relative term when addressing John & Jane Q. Public.

I mean, is it like a 1974 Datsun pick-up truck type of truckload that we’re talking about here?

Or perhaps a Ford F-350?

Or is it a Caterpillar massively huge dump truck, the kind like are on that DVD entitled “Road Construction” that my four year old son watches six thousand times a week? You know, the kind of truckload it would take ten men ten hours to empty with hand shovels?

Seems to me that the Right Rev Jeremiah Wrong, and Tony “He owes my $260,000 worth of favors” Rezko, and William “I don’t regret trying to blow up the Pentagon” Ayers are mere Ford F-350 dirt piles.

One of the reasons all these political talking head pundits on cable TV news spout out each day as to why Hillary still sticks it out is because something catastrophic might happen…

Catastrophic? Are we talkin’ Vince Foster type of catastrophic? indicative of one of them nasty mother fucking dump trucks, whose tires are taller than I am?

Or is it something entirely different?

What say you, oh wise and noble Dollard Readers…?

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20 Responses

  1. 0311inOHio

    I heard that Hussein and the “Thing” Obama family have planned a 4th of July picnic at Fort Marcy Park. If I heard it then the Hildabeast has heard it. :mrgreen:

  2. 0311inOHio

    That picture always cracks me up… :lol: :beer: :beer:

  3. sully

    I would very much like to believe the Hildabeast has a nuclear option up her sleeve but I don’t. She’s losing because she ran a bad campaign. If she had an ace she’d have showed it when she realized she was being end run in the caucuses.
    Don’t get me wrong, she’s ALMOST as bad for America as the messiah; but her best hope to clear him from the path of her destiny is her convincing superdelegates he can’t win big swing states. I happen to believe that is a valid argument FWIW. He wins states that Democrats historically lose in general elections anyway.
    All that doesn’t matter though when the media is so in the tank for the guy that miscellaneous body parts start tingling and shit.

  4. Kevin M

    All I know is that as much as want Hillary to lose, it would be a very nice thing to watch Hussein go down in flames surrounded by so much dirt that he will disappear back into the racist background and never reappear again. Hillary is no friend of mine, but Hussein is a national embarrassment on an unimaginable scale. I want her to lose, but I want him to die.

  5. Kurt(the infidel)

    heard that Hussein and the “Thing” Obama family have planned a 4th of July picnic at Fort Marcy Park. If I heard it then the Hildabeast has heard it.


    now thats a good one :mrgreen:


    I remember hearing about the truck load of dirt as well and its always been a thought in the back of my mind but never really mentioned it because for whatever reason she has been very reluctant to bring out this dirt so far.

    but its always been a thought. She may have a giant ace up her sleeve and would sure as hell explain this madness known as the democratic in-fighting that has been going on.

  6. mike3481

    :arrow: Kevin M

    :gun: :beer:
    :arrow: Bash

    You mean the open-pit copper mine dump trucks that are 25′ tall with the 15′ tall tires?

    If so, then yes, I believe your correct, nobody digs dirt as well a Clinton,Inc.. Those fucking cock suckers at Clinton Inc. won’t hesitate in destroying Hussein in the most fucking, vile manner possible so as to create, such a shock through the U.S. electorate, the Dims. will have no choice but to dump the Muslim candidate…AT THE CONVENTION! :mrgreen:

  7. Bash

    :arrow: 0311inOhio

    That pic cracked me up also, but look at the one here tonight, I just photoshopped it…here is the original:

    I added the shotgun…heh heh :gun: :beer:

  8. Word-Drum

    Hellary sank even further into the slime. Her now famous phone call where the ooze dripped… appealing to “Whites”

    With great diffulty she got the word out: White
    She even knew how slimy it was.

    Here’s my bet for The October Surprise from The Clinton Crime Family: Saddam Hussein=Rezco=B.Hussein
    Oil-For-Food baby!
    It paid for Barack’s house and more.

    This video of Hillary finds her feeling a little mad:

    “Hillary’s Downfall” (Warning Extremely Funny)

  9. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    I dunno, :arrow: Bash …

    I’m more into the politics than you are, I guess.

    Thing is, as much as we are all getting pretty worn out this election cycle, I believe we are seeing politics at its worst (the Hussein worship … and the Clinton tactics we’ve all come to expect) … and unfortunately at its “best” (cripes!) with John McCain refusing to get tough …. and then pandering to the fucking global warming cultists (yeah, as if that’s gonna get him votes)

    :arrow: sully makes a great point about Hildacankles trying to convince the super delegates Hussein cannot win the states he needs in a general election …

    Honestly, she’s playing this one quite smartly, although losing the MSM and support people/groups to Hussein … not to mention the bullshit she and Bill fucked-up early on with the fake tears and his bully speeches that fell flat. Coming down to the wire she seems to be using the whip in measured slaps on her jackass while taking strategic swipes at Hussein and his jackass as she’s passing him.

    Frankly, I’m with the others who want to see her stick this out and fight to the bloody end … I don’t care who/which gets up. By November he/she will be nearly spent when facing McCain … who can use the handicap.

    Good Christ!

  10. Jeff

    She’s hangin’ in because she is totally insane.

    She’s way too power hungry to let this go without a fight. In fact, she’ll be fighting long after the elections are over.

    Eventually, she’ll find herself in a mental institution swallowing Valium by the handful, babbling about how the 2008 election was stolen from her and that she’ll be back to fulfill her destiny…in 2024.

  11. KBoomr113

    I’m just going to pretend that the Globe is right and Obama is involved in the gay Trinity Church musician’s murder. Now that would be interesting if true. haha

  12. Typical White Texas Mom

    Wake me up in 2012

  13. Mucasplug

    The big news is that Husein is “Gay”. No lie, that is secret in the black community. I have been hearing it for weeks. Go to youtube and search “holy trinity”.

  14. 0311inOHio

    :arrow: Bash

    How the fuck did I miss that one? Funnier yet.. lol

    I will blame on the late hour and to many hours on my new lap top trying to figure out why it ain’t so easy hooking up the linksys wireless. Was about to through the fucking thing out the window when all of a sudden, surprise ass hole, you are now ready to go wireless. Wall to wall signal. :shock:

    Layed in bed with it (wife does not know) and fucked with it untill I heard her coming up the steps. Heeheee, I am awake and on line and she is sleeping, she has no idea :mrgreen:
    :wink: :beer: :beer: :beer:

  15. Mike Mose

    I believe that the Clinton’s are hanging around because they KNOW something else, tandem dump truck, is coming out. They had the FBI files threw the 90’s so that will stop some of the super delegates. If HRC wins Kentucky like she won WV, There will be blood at the convention.

  16. Bob USMC

    Oh she’ll definitely win Kentucky. I seriously hope that convention implodes and all the treasonista’s go out with a big bang! :mrgreen: :twisted: :gun: :beer:

  17. Quincy

    She is hanging in because she won all the big states. New York, Texas, California, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Florida, Michigan.

    In a winner take all delegate race (which the Repubs are smart enough to have) she would be beating Obama.

    This whole thing stinks to high heaven.

  18. Steve in NC

    I never thought the hussein would get this far without a proper hobbling from the party bosses. I thought she had something else big to go with and we would seen it before now.

    But if it hits between the end of the primary voting and the convention, she is still a player and just needs a small number of conversions to go over the top.
    If it hits after the nomination the dirt can be said to come from the McCain camp. It may cost the hussein the election but will give the donkeys four more years of braying that the republicans have another tainted election victory. In 2012 she runs again.

    Or possibly with the continuing defections to the hussein camp from hillary she may be holding it tight in respect to the party over all, even if they had forsaken her.

  19. steve m

    W/the clintons, you never know. Are they bluffing or are they really holding Aces…NObama didn’t fare well w/the “average” white foolks in WV. Rumor has it many will vote Mcain before NObama if the Hildebeast doesn’t get the nod…Hot summer in Denver w/FLA and MI delegates looking for some attention…Mike’s got a good point w/those FBI files too…Who knows, she’s a crafty bitch playing high stakes poker…

  20. Kim

    If she’s intentionally waited this long after Obamessiah has amassed MSM media loyalty, collected past Clinton supporters jumping ship, and beefed up his “anything but me is racist” platform, it better be one “open pit copper mine truck” full of explosive goodies. And if she has intentionally waited, you can be sure the Clinton Inc. machine has been taking names of all the deserters! :gun:

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