Man Claims He Has Actual Alien On Video Releases Still Photo - Pics & Vid Inside, Real or Fake?

May 30th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Okay, so the other day I was reading about this guy in Colorado or some shit and he said he had an authentic video recording of an extra-terrestrial alien peering in his window.

Tape and film experts have determined that the video is authentic.

Buy “authentic” they mean that is has not been altered or retouched or messed around with in any sort of post-production shenanigans, that the tape is genuine.

What they cannot verify is what the hell is staring in the window at them. They say the face pops up and down at the window sill peering in and blinking several times. Some commented that it is either a genuine living creature, or a very elaborate puppet.

What pisses me off is they hyped it up that we would get to look at the video today, and then they pull this.

Check out the interview with Shep and Peckman…

Smells like bullshit to me. But who knows, I don’t rule out the possibility. It has never been proven to me that they exist, nor has it ever been proven to me that they don’t.

I have my own ideas on the subject rooted in Biblical passages and thats all I’ll say about that.

It was shown to select media today, but they only released a still frame from the video, citing contractual arrangements for the video to appear in an upcoming documentary.

So I grabbed the still and fucked around with it, messed with brightness and contrast and all that other stuff and have stuck them all in here for your…entertainment/perusal/scrutiny…whatever.

I remain cautiously and skeptically…curious.

Below the pics is an article from the Rocky Mountain News:

Original photo as released:

Now these I tweaked…

Original Inverted:

Bright & Contrast tweaked up:

B&C Tweaked & Inverted:

Sepia toned:

Bas Relief:

Neon Glow:

Viewing E.T. film, expert is a believer
By Daniel J. Chacon, Rocky Mountain News

The Colorado Film School instructor who analyzed a video that purportedly shows a space alien swears the footage is real.

“There is no doubt in my mind that (Stan Romanek, a Colorado native who has reported UFO sightings,) did not post-produce this material. In other words, it’s not a trick done in special effects,” Jerry Hofmann, a professional film editor with more than 30 years of experience, said Thursday. “I have equipment that will test to see if that shot was recorded originally on that tape, which it was,” he said.

However, Hofmann said there’s no way for him to know whether or not the little gray alien, which was videotaped peeping through a window, is the real thing.

But Hofmann thinks it is.

“The chances are that we are not alone,” he said. “That’s the conclusion I’ve come to.”

Hofmann, a Colorado Springs native who used to work in the Los Angeles film industry, said Romanek doesn’t have the resources to videotape something so elaborate.

“He kept the camera handy, and he saw this little gray (alien) running around his house. He saw it, so he got the camera out,” Hofmann said. “The thing is about 4 feet tall. The only thing that shows up in the video is his head. It pops up from underneath a window. But his eyes blink. His cheeks move. He turns his head side-to-side. This would be a very elaborate puppet.”

Hofmann said people who work in Hollywood animatronics have seen the video, and he said that such an elaborate puppet would cost around $50,000.

“The guy (Romanek) lives on a freaking government pension,” Hofmann said. “He’s got a wife and three kids. He doesn’t have money. I just don’t think he faked this. I think what we got here is the real thing.”

Hofmann said he had never heard about Romanek until he was approached last July to analyze the video. Hofmann, 57, who has been married for 35 years to his college sweetheart and has two grown children, said he used to be a skeptic about space aliens.

“My whole view has totally changed,” he said. “There’s something going on.”

(Rocky Mountain News)

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25 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    Nice Jack-o-Lantern. :mrgreen:

  2. Reign in Blood

    Has to be an alien. Lord knows that rubber masks like this don’t exist and it certainly couldn’t be someone in that mask, a child or adult perhaps, standing in the window to set up this “alien” video. :idea:

    I will have to go get myself an alien mask and make my video right away and then maybe I might get on national TV too. :roll:

    Silly people are so easily duped.

  3. The Angry Redneck

    Oookay…the village called, they want their idiot back.

  4. Denghis (Ibn Al-Himar)

    Looks like my Uncle Bob…

  5. Steve in NC

    Yep and the spacecraft he rode in is a an old pie pan hanging from fishing line.

  6. Bill Smith

    Well, I was mildly interested earlier this week when they promised a video, but now I’m totally turned off. I don’t respond well to hucksters, and a huckster is what a huckster does.


  7. allahlovesporkchops

    It’s either Ray Walston of My Favorite Martian, or Nancy Pewlosi is stalking him.

  8. Bill

    Id hit it..

  9. Specter

    This fucking clown is from Boulder, he want the state to use tax dollars for alien preparedness. :gun: :gun:

  10. mike3481

    14:59, 14:58, 14:57…

  11. MarkN

    Jeff Peckman is the guy who wants Colorado to establish a “Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission” to greet ET’s when they arive. Typical Boulder loon!

  12. scREDneck

    That’s not an alien :!:
    It’s a mooslim with his turban off :!:

  13. Molly

    If there were aliens in Colorado, you would think that NORAD would have picked up on any UFO’s in the area.

    I have not seen the video of this “alien” moving, but that doesn’t look like any elaborate mask or puppet from the picture.

  14. Kurt(the infidel)

    Its a Ron Paul supporter

  15. Phil N Blanx

    From the article — “He (Romanek) kept the camera handy, and he saw this little gray (alien) running around his house. He saw it, so he got the camera out…”

    From the Denver Post — “…the video was taken on July 17, 2003, in Nebraska by Stan Romanek, who set up the camera because he thought peeping Toms had been looking into his house at his two teenage daughters.”

    Don’t know if it’s real or not but ya would think the Alien busters could at least get the part of the story about the circumstances surrounding the filming of the videotape together for starters.

  16. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    Always with the fucking government covering it all up …

    The government isn’t everywhere at all times … I’m still waiting for all those authentic UFO and alien videos … You know, like all the great tornado and girl fight videos.

    Yep … It’s an alien …

    Name’s Sanchez, and he’s my neighbor’s gardener …

  17. Tom in CO

    Glad to know all the nuts are still in Boulder, and not Fort Collins. Well, except for J. David McSwane, author of the infamous “Taser this, F*** Bush” editorial in the CSU newspaper. :roll:

    Fox Mulder should be all over this alien spotting!

  18. Mike Mose

    The left will immediately want and demand $50 billion to start a Dept of Alien…………………

  19. just posting

    ok, so if its an alien that flies in a ufo, i think it would have technology to watch that guy other then walking up to his window and peeking in like a stalker.

  20. just posting

    And that aliens ufo better be hybrid or al gore wont fly back with em to his home planet.

  21. JewishOdysseus

    Hoax. Not even close.

  22. Zeke Eagle

    Ladies and gentlemen, take my word for it; attend any anti-war rally, you’ll see stranger than that right here on old Terra Firma. Yessiree, terrestrial moonbats out in broad daylight. Some will of course be found to be voyeuristic as well as quite insane.

  23. monkeysdad (Sur Tejas Gringo)

    :arrow: drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)
    Yep … It’s an alien …

    Name’s Sanchez, and he’s my neighbor’s gardener …


  24. T-Bagg

    Reminds me of something I did when I was little. For one Halloween I went as an alien. The mask was pretty remarkable, it would creep me out. I kinda wish I still had it. So any way, one night I sneaked out side. Inside were my three younger brothers, my parents and a couple of their friends from across the street. I donned the mask and peered inside the window… And waited for someone to notice. Oh man! If you wanna see a house full of people flip the hell out try this. There was screaming, crying, running, flipping over couches, hyperventilating, adults and kids alike. :lol: Oh that shit was funny.

  25. Brian H

    Reality check — is there ANY possible reason, however alien, that a LGM would want or need to peek at this doofus?

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