Manbearpig’s Global Warming Profiteering

May 9th, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.


Al Gore And Climate Ka-Ching

Junk Science: Al Gore blames the Burma tragedy on global warming despite growing evidence to the contrary. Could the hype be related to his financial interests?

Gore’s reaction to the death and destruction caused by a cyclone ravaging Burma was to utter an emphatic “I told you so” Tuesday on National Public Radio. In an interview on NPR’s “Fresh Air” broadcast, the jolly green giant made the charge while talking about the paperback release of his ironically named book, “The Assault on Reason.”

Ignoring the fact that the rising death toll is due in part to an incompetent, isolationist and authoritarian government that allows most of its people to live in shanty towns of tin and bamboo, Gore claimed that “we’re seeing consequences that scientists have long predicted might be associated with continued global warming.”

In other words, people die in Rangoon because of an SUV in Richmond, Va.

There’s a “trend toward more Category 5 storms,” Gore claimed, and this trend “appears to be linked to global warming and specifically to the impact of global warming on higher ocean temperatures in the top couple of hundred feet in the ocean, which drives convection energy and moisture into these storms and makes them more powerful.”

Except, as we recently noted, the trend in the world’s oceans — as shown by measurements taken by a fleet of 3,000 high-tech ocean buoys first deployed in 2003 — is toward cooling. As Dr. Josh Willis, of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, noted in a separate interview with National Public Radio, “there has been a very slight cooling” over the buoys’ five years of observation.

As Joseph D’Aleo, the Weather Channel’s first director of meteorology, told National Review Online’s Deroy Murdock that the slight warming trend “peaked in 1998, and the temperature trend the last decade has been flat, even as CO2 has increased 5.5%. Cooling began in 2002.” He added: “Ocean buoys have echoed that slight cooling since the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration deployed them in 2003.”

In fact, Ryan Maue of Florida State University’s Center for Ocean-Atmosphere Prediction Studies says 2007 “will rank as a historically inactive tropical cyclone year for the Northern Hemisphere as a whole.”

In the past 30 years, Maue adds, only 1977 had less hurricane activity from January through October. Last September had the lowest activity since 1977 while the Octobers of 2006 and 2007 had the lowest activity since 1976 and 1977, respectively.

So why the hype? Well, global warming is a growth industry designed to keep Earth and some bank accounts green.

Gore himself joined the venture capital group, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers just last September. On May 1, the firm announced a $500 million investment in maturing green technology firms called the Green Growth Fund.

The group announced another $700 million to be invested over the next three years in green-tech startup firms. But if the green technology business, uh, cools down, there will be no return on that investment. There would be no need for such investments if global warming wasn’t a threat. So Gore just launched, among other things, a $300 million on an ad campaign to convince us it is so.

Speaking at a conference in Monterey, Calif., on March 1, the former vice president admitted to having “a stake” in a number of green investments into which he recommended attendees put money rather than “subprime carbon assets” such as tar sands and shale oil. He also is co-founder and chairman of Generation Investment Management, which sells carbon offsets that allow rich polluters to continue polluting with a clear conscience.

We have a prediction all our own — that disastrous global warming will not occur. Then the greenies will take credit for preventing it and ask us if we’re glad we spent trillions in fighting it. Al Gore will be laughing all the way to the bank.


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7 Responses

  1. Jarhead68

    Algore…the charlatan, the snake oil salesman, the buffoon, the over-bloated bullshit artist and the LOSER of 2000. He should just shut up and retire to his “carbon ass-print” in Tenne-freakin-see.

  2. tedders

    He’s a frigging journalism major fer chrissakes! He has as much business interpreting scientific data as Ozzie Osborne has doing heart surgery! Why does anyone listen to the buffon?

  3. Kevin M

    When you want to make a single person change their behavior (e.g., quit drinking/drugs, lose weight or save money), the most effective means is to inspire them. Give them a positive goal, get them to focus on it intensely and cheer them in their action as they pursue that objective.

    On the other hand…

    When you want to make TENS OF MILLIONS of people change their behavior…you scare the living shit out of them. You TERRORIZE them. You make them horrifically afraid of the consequences of not subscribing to your own brand of action.

    Cancer won’t do it. PCBs and mercury in the fish won’t do it. COMPLETE AND UTTER GLOBAL CATASTROPHE is the ticket of the day. You call up Jerry Bruckheimer and ask him “What would pass for a ’scientific’ reason for the end of the fucking planet?” and then you whip up a BS documentary along the lines of Loose Change and tell everybody that their days are numbered.

    In another era, assholes like Gore would be stuffed into a sack with a rabid badger and thrown into the River Bosphorus.

    What a dick.

  4. Q_Mech

    Of course he did. I’m just waiting for him to blame the Galveston hurricane of 1900 on global warming. Why not, eh? Some 15,000-ish people died and the whole city of Galveston, TX was utterly devastated New Orleans-style. That sort of thing only occurs because of global warming, right?

  5. Kim

    Walter Williams of recently posted:

    1968: Paul Ehrlich (Gore’s hero) forecasted 65 million Americans will starve to death between 1980 - 1989 (oh yeah, and England would be nonexistent in 2000)

    1969: Enviros warn of “new ice age” as “likely source of wholesale death & misery for all mankind”

    1970: Senator Gaylord Nelson in Look magazine “somewhere between 75% and 85% of all species of living animals will be extinct.”

    1975: The Environmental Fund claims “The world as we know it will likely be ruined by 2000″

    Why would we think enviro alarmism is anymore correct now than then? They certainly don’t have a record to be proud of. But then again, maybe it’s not about the environment. Let me just ponder a guess,could it be about power and money? Oh yeah, since Gore’s involved, add “ego (I just wanna make my daddy proud)” to the list!

  6. Kevin M

    :arrow: Kim

    Absolutely! I vividly recall being in high school science class and listening to our (obviously left-wing alarmist) teacher tell us that (1) there will be NO petroleum in 20 years and that (2) acid rain will make EVERY lake and pond in North America Sterile by 2000.

    Always the “ticking clock.” I still respect science, but scientists seem like a pack of grant-hungry Chicken Littles. When will they learn?

  7. sully

    “… people die in Rangoon because of an SUV in Richmond, Va. …”

    Now why didn’t somebody just say it like that before now??
    Where do I sign up??

    Beware of fat fucks with personal carbon footprints the size of a third world country.
    (Disclaimer: I’m kicking his ass in the sale of carbon offsets. Get ‘em while they’re still green folks!! The line forms to the left please.)

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