May 7, 2008

May 7th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

8:15 A.M.

Sorry for the light posting, I’m wearing several hats and wrapping a bunch of things up.

Stay tuned…

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22 Responses

  1. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    Trying to cover your ass, Baby … Get `er done, Pat. :gun:

    Welcome to Coffee Talk …

    :arrow: 1) Who has the better TV commercials?

    AFLAC - Talking duck

    GEICO - Cavemen

    :arrow: 2) Does ANYONE really give a flying-frak that Barbra Wa-Wa had a 2 yr. creepy-assed-sex affair with a black U.S. Senator? (MY EYES! MY EYES!!! … The poor guy!)

    :arrow: 3) Should Hillary quit? :arrow: Why/Why-not?

    :arrow: 4) After last night’s split, is there more self-made mud coming Hussein’s way starting this week?

    :arrow: 5) Lilac bushes … Do they attract termites … and do their roots clog-up underground drain pipes and water pipes? (Sorry … debating for 20 yrs. with my husband about planting them, or NOT, in the yard …)

    :arrow: 6) Best day of the week (besides ANY day) to bomb Iran …

  2. Scotty

    Pat. You start off with an apology. Why? Your the last person who has to apoligize for “light” posting, and besides, thats why you have your team (bash, lft and drill) to keep us occupied on the site.

  3. Scotty

    Drill, You forgot the getco(sp?) that geico has lol.

    :arrow: 1) Havent seen the talking duck, so I cant make that call, sounds interesting lol.

    :arrow: 2) I dont give a rats ass what barbara does, or has done. Their are 6 billion people in the world, what makes her affair so important? Because she has a talk show? That just goes to show that those people on TV who make judgements and comment about everyone else and every situation is just as bad as the people they talk about.

    :arrow: 3) Hilary shouldnt quit. Why? Well im from Canada, so I cant vote, But if its not going to be a republican in the white house because people are brainwashed, I sure as hell hope that its not Obama. If its Obama, I may as well get a job as a contractor and start building mosques right now.

    :arrow: 4) Of course their is more mud, he can only pretend for so long that he is as good as he wants us to think.

    :arrow: 5) Termites? Dont have a clue, water drains, yes they can grow in, clog up etc, but just dont put them near drains. A rule of thumb to a normal tree is that the roots will grow 2x as long as the trees canopy, but i dontknow how the roots go on lilac bushes.

    :arrow: 6) Friday, so that im not at work and I can watch the piglets get vaporized.

  4. Molly

    :arrow: 1) neither.

    :arrow: 2)I find it interesting that it’s more of a scandal that the Senator was black than the fact that he was married and having this alleged affair with Barbara Wa Wa.

    :arrow: 3)Hillary should drop out because it’s going to be nearly impossible for her to get the Super Delegates to switch support this late in the game and Obama is going to beat her to the needed delegate count.

    :arrow: 4)Hard to say but yes, I think their could very well be more mud for Hussein this week.

    :arrow: 5) I don’t know that they attract termites, they do have really long roots though and are tough to dig up later.

    :arrow: 6)Monday

  5. Kurt(the infidel)

    :arrow: 1) definitely AFLAC

    :arrow: 2) i dont give a rats ass. period

    :arrow: 3) Hillary should not quit. this is priceless to watch and its making the Dems look very unappealing to voters. plus lots of dirt coming out about Obama

    :arrow: 5)Lilac bushes at my house and have been for almost 6 years. they could cause drain pipe problems im sure but that would just be bad luck, im sure its not very common and no termites at my house. just had the place inspected about a year ago.

    :arrow: 6) the best day to attack on Iran would be today which is wednesday. oh and the best time on said wednesday is around 1:20pm eastern time which happens to be right now

  6. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    :arrow: Driller, the insane thought of anybody doing Barbara Walters is freaking very, very scarey! I guess she had to let it be known to the world that some lost-person was doing her so that her liberated-liberal self would feel good and have self worth. She sucks.
    (A twisted way that liberals condone and validate their actions.)

  7. dad3-7

    remember a story a couple of yrs ago about a kid wearing his MARINE uniform under his high school graduation gown???

  8. Molly

    Ex-Gitmo Detainee involved in homocide bombing :evil:,2933,354430,00.html

  9. Unbreakable

    Sports “heroes” are real tough guys between their giant salaries and all the ‘roids and drugs they do. And now this:

  10. POD1

    Worth watching:

  11. SCredneck

    :arrow: Aflac duck
    :arrow: Did Barbara WaWa take it up the ass?
    :arrow: The Hilda beast can’t quit! Are you Frakin kidding me?
    :arrow: Fuck Obama and his BITTER ASS WIFE!
    :arrow: Lilac Bushes, Don’t know
    :arrow: Any day is a good day to bomb Iran…

  12. SCredneck

    :arrow: Drill!
    I need ideas for Mothers Day… :idea: :idea: :idea:

  13. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    :arrow: SCredneck

    Girlfriend? Wife? Sister? Mother? Grandmother?

    What I want (but won’t even ask for because money’s tight right now …) a hand gun and classes.

    I’ll take the classes and probably use one of my Father’s guns …

    As to what other ladies want for Mum’s Day … cripes! NOTHING house work related.

    The big goodie gift for the gals these days are gift certificates to those trendy day spas.

  14. Evestay

    My local radio station had an interview with Sen. Harry Reid this morning and it was pretty entertaining hearing him scrimming over his own words in the past and the truth. If you want to listen, go to:
    Click on audio and then click the Sen Reid interview. It gets good at around the 2:00 minute mark.

  15. Evestay


  16. Lftbhndagn

    :arrow: drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    1) Who has the better TV commercials?

    AFLAC - Talking duck

    Hate the cavemen

    2) Does ANYONE really give a flying-frak that Barbra Wa-Wa had a 2 yr. creepy-assed-sex affair with a black U.S. Senator? (MY EYES! MY EYES!!! … The poor guy!)

    I could care less.

    3) Should Hillary quit? Why/Why-not?

    No - I love to see Democrats practice cannibalism.

    4) After last night’s split, is there more self-made mud coming Hussein’s way starting this week?

    Is the sky blue? :beer:

    5) Lilac bushes … Do they attract termites … and do their roots clog-up underground drain pipes and water pipes?

    Yes, they have troublesome roots - Termites? Not a clue

    6) Best day of the week (besides ANY day) to bomb Iran …

    FRYday :beer: :gun: :beer: :gun:

  17. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    :arrow: :arrow: Cocktail Hour in Dollard Nation

    Smoke `em if ya got `em … :gun:

    By all means, pour one for me. :beer:

    :arrow: 1) Best remake of a classic movie? (My pick: The Thing w/Kurt Russell)

    :arrow: 2) Should the London PD just decorate a cell for Amy Winehouse and have her move in? (and don’t say, “I don’t give a shit about the bitch!” … Remember, I have her at #1 on my 2008 Ghoul List … See below for definition of ‘Ghoul List’)

    :arrow: 3) Your Top 3 for “2008 Ghoul List”

    :!: :?: Ghoul List - Names of celebrity or public-eye people who you think will die within the year.


    :!: Fuck yeah it’s damn sick … HEH! :!: :!: :beer: :gun:

    :arrow: larry -

    :gun: :gun: :gun: :beer: :beer: :gun: :beer: :gun: :beer: :gun: :gun: :beer: :beer: :beer: DUDE :!:

  18. Lftbhndagn

    :arrow: drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    Cocktail Hour in Dollard Nation

    Smoke `em if ya got `em …

    By all means, pour one for me.


    Set um up Joe.

    Theres got to be a “Joe” in the place somewhere…..

  19. larry

    :beer: :gun: :beer: :gun: :beer: :gun: :beer: :gun: :beer: :gun: HEY DRILL

  20. SCredneck

    :arrow: Drill
    Amy Crackhouse
    O.K. I don’t mean to get too graphic, but she reminds of the type of chick you give the ole “PICKLE TICKLE” too, and spend the next week hoping nothing seeped through the latex :sad:

    Sooo, the Brits can KEEP HER!

  21. tanicacid

    This is off the beaten track but there might be some old timer jarheads interested in this link that has been passed around unit association links. Might check into the survey in case one was stationed there.;s%20Health%20Survey%20Progress%20Report.aspx

  22. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    :arrow: Good Morning, everybody …

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