May 8, 2008

May 8th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Previous “Deep Thoughts”

8:49 A.M.

Hey everybody, got back in last night, back to the salt mines….

8:52 A.M.

Who wants to be Hillary Clinton today?

9:32 A.M.

From The Swamp:

Jon Stewart of the Daily Show claims not to be a journalist though many who watch him evidently perceive him as such.

So the Project for Excellence in Journalism decided to examine the Daily Show’s content and found, lo and behold, that the comedy show covers many of the same stories as traditional journalistic organizations.

Here’s what the researchers found:

9:39 A.M.

10:06 A.M.

Michelle’s Tales Of Woe:

“I took in the Michelle Obama Show this week in Charlotte, N.C….”

10:09 A.M.

“Keeping The Pressure On”

10:15 A.M.

“Her feeling is she’s made a commitment to let the people in the remaining states have their chance to express their voice,…

10:20 A.M.

“Wait a minute.

Jim Geraghty at National Review online appears to be about the only person to have caught the obvious: Barack Obama’s overwhelming support from African-Americans means that he performed miserably with the rest of the voters.

Did he ever:?

10:25 A.M.

10:38 A.M.

Coyotes Gone Wild

11:22 A.M.

In-Body Wi-Fi

11:59 A.M.

“The Condom Games”

12:09 P.M.

“Funny In The Pants”

1:39 P.M.

2:34 P.M.

3:12 P.M.

Video: “Hussein’s Army”

7:41 P.M.

Teens Use Corpse Head As Bong

Well, actually, this reminds of back in Prep School, Loyola College Prep Academy in L.A., we used to sneak across the street to a cemetary every once in a while to smoke a joint between classes. The ideal spot to be undected was behind the bushes next to the crematorium, and every once in a while it would fire up, and we’d sit there puffing away as human ashes gently rained down upon us.

8:04 P.M.

8:29 P.M.

A reader just sent me an email saying I had to put this on the site, so I did.

From “Gloria T.V.”

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23 Responses

  1. Lftbhndagn

    :arrow: 8:52 A.M.

    Who wants to be Hillary Clinton today?
    Not me


  2. John Cunningham

    Kind of a good day here in Philadelphia. Last night about 11.35pm they captured the third member of the muslim garbed bank robbers that murdered the policeman on Saturday. The police have a tradition here. After they arrest someone that murdered a policeman they hold him at the site of the arrest and wait until the handcuffs of the murdered policeman can be gotten to the scene so he goes to jail with those handcuffs on.

  3. sully

    1) Fuck the New York Times…..

    2) The candidate responsible for the “racial division” is no less than the Obamanation itself. I realized that when he used the term “typical white person”. His campaign has been about creating further racial divide while decrying it. He’s the “typical” politician. No longer any mystery to any thinking person. (Rare as they may be these days)

    3) Fuck Hillary as well. It’s her own fault that her own Socialist ‘leanings’ caused her to ignore a basic marketing tenet of exploiting a vulnerability that your opponent is ignoring, in this instance the caucuses. She left an opening as big as her mouth.
    I’d bet ALOT that, were those caucuses to be held again now that America has begun to understand the Obamanation, all those ‘typical white persons’ would have kicked Obamas jive ass to the curb months ago.

  4. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    :arrow: John Cunningham

    Bless the Philly PD! :beer: :gun:

  5. Phendlin (Death Rattlers)

    they should bring the slain policeman’s baton also and beat the mother-f*cker to within an inch of his life. he tripped…

  6. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    :arrow: 10:25 A.M.

    Jimmy Carter … Carrying on the third world corrupt election traditions in our own country … in within his own fucking party … What a fucking shit-head prick.

    He has become completely irrelevant to anything in this world … He has managed to cancel out his do-gooder work points with Habitat for Humanity …

    BTW … Brian … Xerox room in 15 minutes, hun … :wink:

  7. Molly

    :arrow: 10:38am

    Didn’t they also have a cougar sighting in Chino Hills about 2 weeks ago?

    I’ve heard of Coyotes going after people’s dogs, but never small children.

  8. Kurt(the infidel)

    Pat, Bash, Drill, LBA..anyone

    they are showing streaming video you can watch 24 hours a day of the code pink bitches protesting the marine recruiting station in Berkeley. calling for witchcraft and everything else now. go check it out

  9. steve m

    Thanks Kurt

    took a look-see, nuttin’ going on right now. Probably out having their tofu and spring water…Witchcraft??!! - :lol: :lol: :lol: fucking morons!

  10. Kurt(the infidel)


    yeah they must be getting desperate and are willing to try anything. here is their official line here

    The women’s anti-war group has told ralliers to come equipped with spells and pointy hats Friday for “Witches, clowns and sirens day,” the last of the group’s weeklong homage to Mother’s Day.

    :mrgreen: bunch of crackheads!

  11. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    :arrow: Kurt(the infidel)

    You got .23 cent Papa Johns pizzas down your Ohio way?

    They have it in NE Ohio today

    [[[Lines formed by 9 a.m. for the deal, which aims to make amends for a handful of Papa John’s T-shirts bashing Cavs star LeBron James as a “Crybaby.” The eighty-six stores in Northeast Ohio, Columbus, Toledo and Youngstown were prepared to sell more than 900 pies each.]]]

  12. Kurt(the infidel)


    i heard about that but no not down here. my poppa johns is business as usual. maybe ill get lucky and they’ll make another t-shirt bashing one of the Reds players :mrgreen:

  13. Unbreakable

    :lol: Behind the scenes at a BHO political rally:

  14. larry

    :beer: :gun: :beer: :gun: :beer: :gun: :beer: :gun: :beer: :gun:

  15. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    :arrow: Molly, oh yes, it is actually a well known fact that they will go after kids. and yes, two weeks back.

  16. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    :arrow: larry

    Sorry, hun

    :gun: :beer: :gun: :gun: :beer: :gun: :beer: :beer: :beer: :gun:

  17. Lftbhndagn

    8:29 P.M.

    A reader just sent me an email saying I had to put this on the site, so I did.



    Psycho terror before the abortion clinic “Gynmed” awake employee of the Viennese of abortionist Christian Fiala defenseless, quiet Beter maltreat before abortion clinics with brutal psycho terror. A colleague Fialas performs a certificate rape at a praying woman. Another will grasp a Beter before running camera repeatedly directly into the shame area.

  18. Eddie in Cali

    8:29 Those guys protesting are better than me, I would have hurt those monkeys. :beer:

  19. TBinSTL (just typical)

    :arrow: Molly

    Chino huh? Will this interfere with the dockers harvest this year?

  20. John Cunningham

    Pat, I just put a comment under the firemen being let go because they didn’t speak Spainish. It didn’t go up.

  21. Pat Dollard

    :arrow: John

    It’s up. If a comment seems to disappear it’s just gone into the spaminator, and will be quickly retrieved by moderators.

  22. Lftbhndagn

    Did you all know that Conservatives Happier Than Liberals???

    Its a fact!

  23. Kurt(the infidel)

    forgive me if this was posted yesterday, i just remember reading that the AQ leader in Iraq was captured. well now the US military says he has not been captured. he is still out there somewhere.,2933,354672,00.html

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