McCain Becomes The Goracle

May 12th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Related Video: McCain’s New Global Warming Ad

Republican White House candidate John McCain Monday tacked sharply away from President George W. Bush on climate change, saying he will not “shirk” from the need for US global leadership.

The Arizona senator was due to propose a cap-and-trade system designed to cut greenhouse gas emissions, in remarks which will clearly separate him from the skepticism on global warming which has marked Bush’s presidency.

The initiative will also signal that McCain plans to challenge the Democrats for independent voters in the November presidential election, targetting especially the climate change stance of leading Democratic candidate Barack Obama.

“I will not shirk the mantle of leadership that the United States bears,” McCain was due to say in a speech in the western state of Oregon.

“I will not permit eight long years to pass without serious action on serious challenges,” he said, in a clear rebuke to the Bush administration.

McCain will also pledge to play a lead role in negotiations for an agreement to come into force after the Kyoto Protocol on emissions cuts, which the United States refused to ratify, expires in 2012.

“I will not accept the same dead-end of failed diplomacy that claimed Kyoto,” McCain was to say.

“The United States will lead and will lead with a different approach — an approach that speaks to the interests and obligations of every nation.”

McCain proposed a cap-and-trade system, which sets a limit of total greenhouse gas emissions but allows companies to sell unused greenhouse gas emission credits to other firms which have exceeded their quota.

His plan would seek to return emissions to 2005 levels by 2012, and a return to 1990 levels by 2020. It foresees a reduction of 60 percent below 1990 levels by 2050.

McCain’s stance on climate change sets him apart from a large chunk of his party’s conservative base, which remains skeptical about the science on climate change.

Bush last month laid out a blueprint to curtail US greenhouse gas emissions from 2025, but critics said it would do little to combat climate change.

The president did not detail any mandates to bring down industrial emissions, and warned Congress against passing new legislation that might “impose tremendous costs on our economy and American families.”

Bush also objects to Kyoto because it did not apply binding greenhouse gas targets on fast-growing China and India.


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24 Responses

  1. 0311inOHio (typical white person)

    :gun: :twisted: Simple fuck head..

  2. dad3-7

    plez don’t reverse global warming,,,, i am freezing… i had to scrape my windshield again this morning,,it was 31 degrees and my lilacs got frost bite…the fishing opener in upper minnesota was delayed because of to much ice… this has been one of the coldest yrs on record…some places had snow last nite…

  3. ticticboom(Will Kill For Oil)

    *smashing head against wall*

    Please, please, please, Maverick, don’t make me stay home on Election Day. I’m begging you, tears in my eyes, stop the Blue Falcon shit.

    And it is fucking cold for May. So was April, and March, and February, etc.

    I’m just glad I didn’t have to go through the Shining bit like some others commenter’s around here…

  4. sully

    “The initiative will also signal that McCain plans to challenge the Democrats for independent voters in the November presidential election…”

    Nuff said…

  5. Word-Drum

    Aspirin please.

    Big John, get with the program. There not calling it Global Warming anymore. It’s too fucking cold everywhere.

  6. Luke

    when we’ve had the coldest spring in 120 years, and now McCain finds himself looking like a politican. Maverick my @#$.. This man is a hack and he expects me to vote for him. At least Obama knows he is a radical leftist, McCain doesn’t even understand that he is making their point for them.. Idiot.. I was booted off RedState Blog because I said McCain would destroy the GOP and look at us now agreeing with the Dems.. “Fighting harder against global warming than the dnc” Wow that sounds like a healthy GOP with conservative principles :sad: He just purposed a economic comission to oversee the economy, what is this stalingrad or Washington DC!!?? McCain Presidency = :gun: GOP

  7. JJIrons

    There is no good candidate running for president this time around folks. McCain wins by default but his stance on global warming has to be fought tooth and nail. Global warming is a hoax and why McCain stands behind it is a mystery to me. We need to let him know what we think. If he enters into this arena it will cost everyone of us dearly with new taxes that will be nearly impossible to revoke once instituted. We better speak our mind to him about this so he hears it loud and clear.

  8. Zeke Eagle

    Damned old fool will kiss any libby’s ass to gain approval.
    What a fucked up “election”. The MSM gets a liberal, a socialist or a Marxist. We get an uncertain future frought with more bureaucratic interference and government control ending with blood on American streets.

  9. sully

    “McCain Presidency = :gun:GOP”

    wtf? The GOP stood around with its head up its ass while Gore got this bullshit past everybody and made his millions and won his prize; and now they wanna piss and moan about having to ‘compromise’ on it so they don’t lose an election which EVERYONE had said they would lose?
    Obama is unequivocally the worst thing that can happen to this country during this war. Him LOSING is a fucking American imperative as far as I’m concerned. Fuck GOP and Democrat. Even 4 years of Obama is a disaster.
    Now let’s get with the program and go in for the big win.

  10. hoplitesamurai(Rabid Patriot, Radical Atheist)

    Well I had reluctantly decided to vote for McCain after his announcement regarding his views on judicial nominations.

    Following this recent pronouncement there is no way I can vote for this guy. Between McCain and Gingrich the Republican Party is selling out to the Eco-commies.

    After reading this I am even more likely to sit out from this election. Please don’t bother to use the lesser of two evils argument; picking a lesser evil is still choosing evil. Voting for evil, even a lesser one; still gives it your moral sanction, and I will never give any kind of evil my personal OK.

  11. Greg M

    Can we not find one good presidential candidate?

  12. fan

    I said here before that things will be far worse if McCain doesn’t win. I was given hope when I read his position on judges, But everyday since, he does something that makes me not even want to vote in the Presidential election. I’ll still go try to vote out the dems in every other vote from dog catcher to Senator. We in NC may have a chance to get a Republican as Governor, finally clean up the corruption. So at the very least don’t stay home, vote out the dems on every other level.

  13. sully

    “I was given hope when I read his position on judges…”

    But his position on defending Americans isn’t enough for you to vote for him?

  14. bill-tb

    More taxes so government can pretend to control the climate.

    Sory Juan, but it’s adios for me. I will not compromise my principles for a hoax.

  15. Lone Wolf

    :arrow: hoplitesamurai

    You are right “picking a lesser evil is still choosing evil”, but allowing a disaster to occur through inaction is an evil as well. Sometimes there are no good solutions to a problem.

  16. sully

    McCain is the only candidate supporting our troops and their mission.

    ‘… we should fear not just evil but more the indifference of good men’

  17. Typical White Texas Mom

    The open border is part of the war on terror.

  18. Mark Tanberg

    I hope this is just a plan to get dems to vote for him and if he gets in will then abandon. He’s gambling that repubs will have to vote for him.

  19. Old Sailor

    :arrow: hoplitesamurai (whatever that means)

    Well now, Mr. Sanctimonious, go ahead and sit out the election if you want to; but just remember this: allowing the Democrats to capture both the White House and a larger majority in Congress because of folks like you who just had to have a perfect candidate before voting will make you at least partially responsible for all of the stupid policies that they will gleefully enact: policies that presumably you disagree with.

    But of course, you and other people who throw away their votes on a useless 3rd-party candidate like Bob Barr will feel very righteous and holier-than-thou because you didn’t vote for the lesser of two evils.

    And, of course, those 3rd-Party LOSERS don’t have a snowballs’ chance in Blazes of ever becoming President, but thanks to the likes of you, they will have made their “statement”, and the Commie-Democrats will laugh all the way to the Inauguration and appoint a new generation of Hard Lefties to the Supreme Court and abandon Iraq to Al-Queda, and so on. Good thinking, man! :roll:

  20. KBoomr113

    I’m with you sully…..even spending time thinking about global warming is silly, but its not the issue here. The issue is doing what is necessary to achieve victory in Iraq and Afghanistan at all costs….and sending as many true believer muslims to see allah as possible. McCain will let us accomplish our mission and Obama is one with the enemy. Enough said for me.

    Global warming is a boondoggle and a waste of time. Carbon dioxide isn’t any more of a pollutant that oxygen is. But if you don’t want to go down this path, I suggest you give money or volunteer for your district Republican House of Representative member and urge them to combat this nonsense. Winning back the house is the only way to fight the ‘conservative values’ fight. McCain can be useful on the GWOT though.

  21. ticticboom(Will Kill For Oil)

    The Dems want to end the war against jihad. The quickest way to end a war is to lose it. And that’s exactly what they want to do.

    Most of the complaints about McCain have to do with domestic issues. Congress has far more clout there than in foreign policy and defense, which is where McCain is strongest (at least against any Democrat).

    You don’t want to vote for him, fine. Leave that line blank or throw away your vote on a protest candidate. But drag your sorry asses to the polls and vote for the most conservative candidates you can find for every other office, especially the House and Senate.

    Otherwise, we are well and truly fucked, with no lube in sight. Look at the damage a liberal Supreme Court can do. If a few years from now, Obama’s appointees decide that any speech critical of Islam, man-made global warming, or his Marxist policies is a crime, and that the Second Amendment only applies to the military, sit on your porch, wait for them to come to take you away to a ’sensitivity training camp’ in Alaska, and know that all this is because your deluded sense of self-righteousness trumps your common sense.


  22. 83delta

    Pandering SOB–
    know now what got him thru the “infamous 5 yrs”.

  23. sully

    :arrow: KBoomr113

    “Global warming is a boondoggle and a waste of time. Carbon dioxide isn’t any more of a pollutant that oxygen is….”

    Roger that KBoomr113. And the rest of your post.
    Even if there were no Republican candidate (as some suggest), McCain is the only one looking out for the guys and gals looking out for my kids and their babies. It ain’t about GOP or Dem. It’s about this country and the finest hope it has for a future. The men and women fighting for it.

    “…know now what got him thru the “infamous 5 yrs”.”

    In the worst way…. that’s just wrong man.

  24. JJIrons

    Yes, McCain is the only choice, for sure, but dang it! Curious George and Hillbilly are not even a possibility in my mind. But why does McCain have to open us up on this global warming garbage?!? Beyond the new environmental taxes, and they will be very intrusive, are the freedoms of ours that will continue being chipped away at. At some point we need to let McCain know loud and clear that we will not let this junk science cost us. Why dump billions of dollars of new tax money into a make believe problem? I can’t afford to do that, can you?

    One thing we can do is make certain that we stay aware and vote in the conservatives on every other level of government possible. Stop McCain’s one world mentality with the congress and senate not voting his trash into law. That means we need to rid ourselves of his ilk that already sit in these positions. Your votes matter!

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