McCain Slams Hussein On “Inexperience” And “Judgement” - With Video

May 9th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Related: More Superdelegates For Hussein

The Swamp:

In his interview with Bill O’Reilly on FoxNews Channel last night, Sen. John McCain, right out the box, let loose the two charges he plans to hit Sen. Barack Obama hard with, ‘inexperience’ and ‘judgment.’

It really wasn’t anything different than what McCain, the all-but-official Republican presidential nominee, has said before about Obama.

It’s significance is mainly in the fact that there’s no message shift; it appears fixed. Polling has shown that Obama’s relative inexperience in national politics is what most troubles many voters, particularly independents.

“What’s his main weakness?” O’Reilly asked.

“Inexperience. I think inexperience and a lack of judgment and a record that shows that,” McCain said.

His evidence? Obama’s statement that he would sit down to talk with U.S. adversaries, including Mahmoud Ahmadenijad, Iran’s president, and Obama’s tax proposals, which, McCain charged, would raise taxes on 100 million Americans who pay capital-gains taxes.

A few minutes later, when he repeated what he thought Obama’s main weaknesses to be, McCain through in “and vision” almost as an afterthought. He didn’t have a chance to elaborate.

This last one may be the toughest for McCain to make stick. The “vision thing” is actually one of Obama’s greatest strengths. He envisions a nation where his leadership, coupled grassroots pressure, gets Washington beyond the partisan logjam in order to address the country’s numerous domestic and foreign problems. It may be idealistic. But it’s certainly is a vision.

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13 Responses

  1. pete

    Looks like he had a make over to look younger.

    A little nip and tuck?

  2. Rob

    no, just Botox. lol

    Hey you can’t say that McCain is lacking in Federal experience. Hell Obama hasn’t even been in Congress for 200 days, I think that it’s actually still under 150. Now compare that to McCain’s decades. lol I wonder who knows more about how the government works.

  3. Mr. Standfast

    I’d like them both to take a U.S. Constitution test and then have the scores made public. :mrgreen: Any bets on the outcome?

  4. Irish Gal

    Wow, he does look younger. Could be TV makeup too though. I don’t care how old he is, it’s what’s inside that counts. He comes with many issues I’m not happy with, but he is by far the best man for the job right now.

  5. Steve in NC

    McCain better get some surrogates to get nasty on the hussein.

    Obama has some real bags of shit doing dirty work for him around the campaign, do not forget the cunt question to McCain and also the question to Bill Clinton last night goading him on about the Hillary health care. These plants smell of his wife’s attitude. Full of ignorance and hate. Sounds like they have spent 20 years listening to the Reverend Wright.

  6. IP727(varón blanco típico)


  7. sal

    did anybody catch the rest of the interview when he said that he wil NOT drill for oil anywhere. great!!! i love paying 3.70 for a gallon and being dependent on foreign oil.

  8. sully

    “Polling has shown that Obama’s relative inexperience in national politics is what most troubles many voters, particularly independents.”

    I’m pretty sure that The Obamanation hisself said something along those lines back when he was running for the Senate. He assured Illinois that he wouldn’t run for POTUS in ‘08 because he wouldn’t have enough experience to be President.
    Make a good ad if it’s on tape…..

  9. sully

    “…did anybody catch the rest of the interview when he said that he wil NOT drill for oil anywhere…..”

    He said he wouldn’t drill ANWR but would support drilling off Cali and Florida.

  10. Zeke Eagle

    “It may be idealistic. But it’s certainly is a vision.”

    Hahahahahaha….. what Hussein “invisions” is Bari the 1st Dictator of the Socialist Republic of America.

    Journalists are whores to the lowest common denominator.

  11. sal

    i have to respectfully disagree, i believe nahh let me watch the interview again. i’ll get back to you

  12. sal

    ok your right :beer:

  13. sully

    :beer: :beer: :beer:

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