McCain’s New Global Warming Ad

May 12th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

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13 Responses

  1. TBinSTL (just typical)

    Awww fucknuggets!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

  2. NV Sailor

    oh Goddamnit :!:

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    Yeah John, natural climate fluctuations are real. Your manbearpigisms on the other hand, are just plain screwey.

  4. franchie

    wathever ways, you” all be in for a serious fuckin. And not in a good way.”

  5. bill-tb

    I voted for Jimmy Carter, I vowed to never vote for another dumb candidate as long as I vote … And this guy os really F’n dumb.

  6. el Vaquero

    Dumbazz ad, if he keeps diggin’ maybe he can find a constituency…naw.

  7. Jeff

    From MIT on Pluto

    “the average surface temperature of the nitrogen ice on Pluto has increased slightly less than 2 degrees Celsius over the past 14 years.” Since Pluto is moving further away from the Sun and continuing to warm despite that fact, it indicates that something doesn’t fit into “Solar Constant” dismissal theories.

    From MIT on Triton:

    “At least since 1989, Triton has been undergoing a period of global warming. Percentage-wise, it’s a very large increase,” said Elliot, professor of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences and director of the Wallace Astrophysical Observatory. The 5 percent increase on the absolute temperature scale from about minus-392 degrees Fahrenheit to about minus-389 degrees Fahrenheit would be like the Earth experiencing a jump of about 22 degrees Fahrenheit.” So there is Global Warming on at least 4 other bodies in our Solar System that co-insides with the recent warming on Earth. Doesn’t this point strongly towards the Sun or some other Cosmic force as the cause?

    Appears the Earth isn’t the only planet experiencing warming. Ah, but the pinheads will ignore that because it’s no fun blaming the sun for all that extra heat.

  8. sully

    You go John.
    Kneecap those Dhimmis on ALL their ‘pet’ issues.

  9. franchie

    “You go John.
    Kneecap those Dhimmis on ALL their ‘pet’ issues.”

    Hass MS&L

  10. Tom in Texas

    Yeah John, go for it. Next is your Universal Socialized Health Care Plan. Who’s running on a 3rd party?

  11. sully

    That’d be Bob Barr. Or if you get REALLY lucky Hillary Clinton.


    More dipshittery, although, I have noticed my balls sweating more profusely, and hanging lower than usual, surely, THIS is a measure of Global Warming.
    :arrow: Jeff
    Any news from MIT on the climatic flux on Uranus?

  13. serfer62

    How out of 3,000,000 did we ever get 3 Goofies like this? Man that’s 1 outta million.

    Christ, you’d have better odds playing the Lottery then getting thses people again…

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