McClellan Flirting With Hussein

May 29th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Related Flashback: Scott McClellan on Richard Clarke’s book:

“Why all of a sudden, if he had all these grave concerns [Richard Clarke]
did he not raise these sooner? This is one and a half years after he left
the administration, and now all of a sudden he’s raising these grave
concerns that he claims he had. And I think you have to look at some of
the facts. One, he’s bringing this up in the heat of a presidential
campaign. He has written a book. He certainly wants to go out there and
promote that book. Certainly let’s look at the politics of it.”


Scott McClellan, making the media rounds to promote his book and push back against the ferocious counter-attack by Bush loyalists, declined to come out tonight for John McCain and said he liked what he had heard from Barack Obama.

“I haven’t made a decision,” McClellan told Katie Couric on CBS’s “Evening News,” when asked if he was backing the Arizona senator. McClellan paid homage to McCain, saying that the Republican nominee had “governed from the center, and that’s where I am.”

But without prompting, he said he was “intrigued by Sen. Obama’s message.”

“It’s a message that is very similar to the one that Gov. Bush ran on in 2000,” McClellan said.

He offered similar comments about Obama on ABC’s “World News Tonight.”

In his book, the former Bush spokesman describes his upbringing in a house where his mother was the moderate Democrat mayor of Austin (Carole Keeton Strayhorn later became a Republican before running as an independent for governor in 2006). McClellan recounts how, when he first came to work for Bush in 1999, he admired the governor’s willingness to work across party lines in the Texas capitol.

McClellan is the third high-profile member of Bush’s original Texas circle to express interest, if not support, for Obama. Matthew Dowd and Mark McKinnon, both top-level advisers in Bush’s 2000 and 2004 runs and former Democrats, have also praised the likely Democratic nominee.

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4 Responses

  1. Steve in NC

    I heard McClellan was surprised how salty Soros was :twisted:

    but he believed the money could help get the taste out of his mouth…

  2. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    Male version of bimbo. What-ever the heck that is. Manbo?

  3. PDizzle

    I watched this mildly retarded idiot get interviewed by Olberchoad and a few things came to mind:
    1. McClellan couldn’t even look at Olbermann in the eye. I’m not sure if thats how he always is, but he seemed very timid.
    2. Olbermann could have said “Did Bush and his corrupt administration stage the moon landing?” and McClellan would have agreed.
    3. It wasn’t so much an interview as Olbermann throwing out words and McClellan parroting them back.
    4. It’s a shame that the President hired and kept ass-wipes like this on his staff.

  4. Old Sailor

    “It’s a message that is very similar to the one that Gov. Bush ran on in 2000,” McClellan said.

    Say again? WHAT!??? Ok let’s get this straight: Osama is a conservative Republican? Hello? Earth to Scott! Osama is a hard-left Liberal and his message bears no resemblance whatsoever to Bush at any time!! Wow.

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