Melanie Morgan Calls For MSNBC Boycott Over Olby’s Anti-Troop Bullcrap

May 20th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


We have been following this story the last day or two

Our friend Melanie Morgan of Move America Forward, you know Mel, she’s on point quite often on the war here at home, squaring off face to face with the likes of Code Pink and other seditious, treasonous pukes that undermine the best efforts of our Armed Forces to keep America safe and free…

Olbermann pissed off the wrong girl, let me tell you, here’s an excerpt of her article calling for people to rise up and let MSNBC know that enough is enough already with this sick bastard:

Olbermann doesn’t have one patriotic bone in his body. Keith Olbermann is a narcissist who will say anything, do anything to promote himself. Even if it means slandering the very men and women who give up their lives to protect his right to utter lies about them.

And he’s not particularly entertaining, which is among the worst insults I can hurl at a fellow broadcaster.

Please folks, DO NOT WATCH MSNBC. Do not encourage the Media Matters fueled hatred of America, our troops, our patriots.

E-mail or phone MSNBC and tell them that Keith Olbermann has crossed the line.


E-mail Mark Levin and Laura Ingraham with your messages of support. I know they don’t talk KO seriously, but he is seriously damaging the credibility of even the most left-leaning journalists. Okay, that might be redundant, but you catch the gist.

Click here to read the rest of Melanie’s article “Alert the Media! Boycott MSNBC!” at her website.

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19 Responses

  1. RC

    Levin going nuclear on Osama Bin Olbermann’s ass, again:

    :beer: :beer: :beer:

  2. RC

    Levin going nuclear on Osama Bin Olbermann’s ass, again:

    :beer: :beer: :beer:

    Bathtub boy’s day of reckoning is fast approaching :gun:

  3. Jeff


    I haven’t watched them in years. I don’t know what channel they’re on nor do I care to find out.

    “Microsoft invested $220 million for a 50% share of the cable network, while MSNBC and Microsoft would share the cost of a $200 million newsroom based in Redmond, Washington.”

    I quit buying Microsoft products years ago as well. Guilt by association. I still use XP but refuse to buy Vista, I’ll switch to Linux first.

  4. RC

    I think most of us here agree with you Jeff when you say MSNBC who?? As insignificant as his poor ratings are, the tide of repulsion towards this douche is well over due and deserved. Pukes like Olberass need a good shellacking when they are out of line. Hiding behind the first amendment to spew hatred day in day out is unacceptable, unless at some point he voluntarily commits himself to a mental ward in which case his seditious antics can be explained somewhat reasonably - otherwise he is what he is, a freakin ungrateful leftist twat who hates his country with a passion. No amount of libtard spin will ever excuse his wretched behavior..

    Agreed on the use of MS products too, there are alternatives out there that work just as good and better.

  5. luke37

    Olberman is a piece of whiny, unpatriotic osama shit and I will gladly shove a Marine Corp Flag up his big flabby post hysterectomy ass

  6. Dave

    I sad thing is, NBC has the cocksucker on Sunday Night Football. They need to boycott that, I did not watch last fall when the bastard was on.

  7. Dave

    PS. hit the advertizers, pull the same crap the left pulls.

  8. just posting

    I respect her and her group, But shes asking people to boycott msnbc? Since when do conservatives or military families watch msnbc.

  9. Charles

    I agree with everyone here. What’s to boycott? Nobody watches pmsnbc anyway…just a bunch of leftards barking at the moon.

  10. mshatto

    Dave - agree completely. MSLSD or MSPMS, take your pick, doesn’t have many more viewers than your local cable access channel. Boycott Sunday Night Football and let the traitors at GE know why you refuse to watch their piss poor football telecast.

  11. wildbill208

    Olbermans girlfriend say he’s hung like a stud field mouse,so what else is new?

  12. steve m

    :arrow: RC THANKS!

    listened to it. loved it. Levin drilled him 6 ways to Sunday. Can’t top it, I agree with everything he said. Hopefully the scumbag meets his demise at the hands of one of those “harmless” local jihadi nutballs. :gun: Keith olbermann - human excrement

  13. jasjfarrell

    You forget, the “MS” in MSNBC stands for Microsoft. Why not include them in the boycott?

    They have pretty much of a monopoly on the software market, but it’s still worth a shot. I’m sure the are some computer products you can purchase instead of Microsoft’s.

  14. Quincy

    Its interesting

    Olbermann is German and Marc Levin is Jewish

  15. 007

    I sent an email to G.E. and let them know i will not be buying any of there products, we should all do th same? Top Down

  16. Goodbye Natalie

    :arrow: RC,

    That was good! Levin is great! Keith Olbermann = Tokyo Rose in a business suit! GUFFAW!

    Gang, Olbermann is a POS and we all know it. He’s a metrosexual pussy who never made as an athlete, had sand kicked in his face as a pup, and now he is got a big chip on his shoulder because he couldn’t even cut it as a sportscaster on feckless ESPN.

    I don’t care if Thief Olbermann makes a billion a year, nothing changes he is a still a pussy and will always be a pussy. He’s the 97lbs weakling…with an audience of equally pussified Puff Ho and KKKos types in their mass circle jerk.

  17. Bob USMC

    luke37, nothing that hideous should ever happen to a USMC flag, may I suggest a CheCuba flag as more apropo, beret and all. :twisted: hehe.

  18. AmericanJarhead

    MS what?

  19. JayMS

    actually, I’m against a boycott of MSNBC. It just lends credibility to that assclown. MSNBC could replace Olberputz with just about anything, including a webcam showing paint drying or Bohemian Death Metal Polka hour and see a massive increase in ratings.

    I have noticed Olberputz has become more and more unhinged in his idiotic rants. He is just another liberal assclown who is pissed off, and DAMMIT his opinion matters - not!

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