Melanie Morgan Confronts Anti-Troop Assholes At Every Turn

May 9th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Melanie Morgan of Move America Forward (among many other things) is a friend of ours and with the fund-raising dinner coming up this weekend, I was going to try and write something nice about Melanie.

Then I was alerted to the article in American Thinker and decided that Kyle-Anne Shiver wrote a fantastic piece about Melanie that was even more powerful of a write-up than I had envisioned myself.

I would just ;like to say “Good job, Mel. Keep it up!”

Below is an excerpt from that article:

Most military folks I know, even the Navy Seals and the Marines, admit that no war can be won without a lot of behind-the-scenes home-front help. Of course, there’s home-front help, and then there’s home-front battle.

A lot of us are cut out for the former, and do our share of helping in myriad ways. Our troop-support efforts are as varied and ingenious as is the spirit of the American people.

But only a few of us seem to be cut out for the home-front battles, those necessary confrontations with the anti-military leftists, the Cindy Sheehans and Medea Benjamins and the summer-soldier malcontents.

We ought to just call it like it is. A home-front warrior is a different breed than the home-front helpers.

They are the few, the proud, and the ferocious.

Melanie Morgan receives my own medal for our most ferocious home-front warrior.

The Female John Wayne

Morgan is no wimp, no wall-flower, no Daisy Mae.

She is the equivalent of a female John Wayne. With enormous appeal to the opposite gender, she mixes ferocity, tenacity and meets the foxhole test with feline ease. More like Annie Oakley, with a dose of Lois Lane.

As one of the co-founders of Move America Forward, Melanie has managed to juggle her duties as a daily-talk radio star with regular rumbles with the loony leftists of the anti-military crowd, from Berkeley, CA to Crawford, TX to Washington, D.C. Melanie has gone to the war zone twice, once on a speaking tour directly with our soldiers on the ground in Iraq, and again with in-transit soldiers in Kuwait.

But while most of the rest of us were still snugly sleeping, prior to 9/11, Melanie took her first trip to the Middle East, to Beirut, Lebanon in 1983. And at the tender age of 24, she learned the difference between reporting on war from afar and seeing it up close.

Of that first close encounter with war, Middle-East style, she writes:

Writing and reporting about historic events in your own lifetime (from afar) is a cheap experience. Anybody can watch TV, read a newspaper, peruse a blog and pound out something on a keyboard. But being near and hearing from actual victims of atrocities and how they were committed, and re-living evil, as it reaches into the lives of people and alter humanity forever, has had a profound effect on me.

I was a 24-year old reporter for ABC Radio, with little comprehension of Middle Eastern politics, and the hatred nursed for centuries by a tribal culture that is mysterious and alien to me. Cramming on the World Airlines flight to Lebanon could not prepare me for the sight of 8-year old boys feeding ammunition belts to terrorist Hamas fighters ringing the Beirut airport as our plane circled in for a landing under fire.

(No, that is not a Hillary ‘mis-remembered’ moment.)

When Hillary was 24, she was ensconced safely at Yale Law, planning a political future and studying defensive ploys to aid the Black Panthers.

Maybe Melanie Morgan should be running for President now, and Hillary Clinton should be in boot camp.


Read the rest of the article here.

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6 Responses

  1. TBinSTL (just typical)

    I’d vote for her but then again, I was a Thompson guy so maybe my endorsement is not something she would want. Why do all of our leaders have to crawl through the mud hole of politics so long that they lose sight of what they were there for in the first place? Ok got of topic for a sec there.
    Melanie is a real “Homefront Hero” and should be treated as such.

  2. cclezel

    I had the distinct honor of meeting Melanie at a Gathering of the Eagles event earlier this year. Truly an inspirational woman who has taken this cause to heart. I thanked her for what she is doing and told her that so many military men and women including myself (retired Navy) were so appreciative of all she is doing. It is great to have this woman on our side. Her tenacity is inspiring and any time there is an event in DC and she can attend she is there. Someone should do a biography on this woman.

  3. 31Mike

    Melanie is an inspiration to us all.

    Her devotion and love for the troops is second to no one.

    Thank you Melanie for fighting the good fight, day in and day out. You are one outstanding lady.


    Melenie Morgan in back ground

  5. dad3-7

    hey devil dog mortorman…. nice youtube.. thanx…

  6. Dan (The Infidel)

    Guess those “spells” aren’t working. Gaia’s not listening…or is perhaps stuck on the toilet with her mentor Allah the other Baal.

    Rock on Melanie.

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