Michelle Hussein: “I Want To Rip His (Bill Clinton) Eyes Out”

May 6th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


This lady reveals more and more of her psychosis daily.

Michelle Obama, wife of presidential candidate Barack Obama, known for saying what’s on her mind – candidly, spontaneously and frequently – has exposed this trait yet again in a profile in the London Guardian.

Asked how she feels about Bill Clinton’s use of the phrase “fairytale” to describe her husband’s characterization of his position on the Iraq war, she first responded: “No.”

But, after a few seconds of contemplation, and gesturing with her fingernails, she told the reporter: “I want to rip his eyes out!”

Noticing an aide giving her a nervous look, she added: “Kidding! See, this is what gets me into trouble.”

It was the latest of a series of gaffes by the potential first lady – the first of which set off a chain of events that led to her husband’s fall from grace as the clear front-runner in the Democratic presidential primary campaign.

In February, Obama set off a national firestorm with comments she made at a Milwaukee rally: “What we have learned over the past year is that hope is making a comeback. And let me tell you something – for the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country. And not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people are hungry for change. And I have been desperate to see our country moving in that direction and just not feeling so alone in my frustration and disappointment.”

Many commentators were offended by the idea that a successful woman of privilege would say she had never been proud of her country until her husband’s presidential campaign.

That remark was followed up with reports of a stump speech she delivered throughout South Carolina in which she characterized America as “just downright mean.”

She said the country is divided, life is not good, the people are “guided by fear” and cynicism.

“We have become a nation of struggling folks who are barely making it every day,” she told churchgoers in that primary state. “Folks are just jammed up, and it’s gotten worse over my lifetime.”

It may have been Michelle Obama’s off-the-cuff and seemingly unpatriotic remarks that led to further examination of the sermons of the couple’s pastor of 20 years, Jeremiah Wright. Reports on Wright’s explosively controversial views prompted a public break between the candidate and his spiritual mentor and new questions about the viability of Obama as a presidential candidate and potential leader of the country.

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19 Responses

  1. sam

    compared to laura bush, can you imagine what kind of first lady this would be?

    how can these candidates get so far, the liberals have really lost touch with reality.. but for them reality doesn’t seem to matter anymore

  2. Jeff

    She wasn’t kidding. The chip on that woman’s shoulder could sink the Titanic.

  3. sully

    Every time this thing opens its mouth I just get bitterer and bitterer.
    Is there something around that I can cling to???
    :gun: :gun: Ahhhh…. that’s bitter… er, better…

  4. Kurt(the infidel)


    :beer: :beer:
    love the word play at the end too


    but yeah seriously this woman as first lady. wow! I think she would be a serious pain in our collective asses. not to mention B-HO would be President. The duo that would ruin America

  5. deathstar

    You owe me you bitter crackers, and if I dont get what you owe me Im going to rip your eyes out. GOD DAMN AMERICA, GOD DAMN YOU IGNORANT WHITIES.

  6. tedders

    Right now Hillary Clinton holds the position of the first lady with the least class. Michelle Obama as a first lady with even less class will trump Hillary Clinton’s record. Come to think of it, If Hillary wins the election Bill will trump Hillary’s record too!!

  7. deathstar

    Hope everyone here is sending money to McCain.

  8. 83delta

    300 mil Americans and this is it.

    Disgusting bitch, but an absolute poster child for democrats.

  9. sully

    :beer: :beer:

    Wellll, she does have valid reasoning behind her own bitterness…..

    You go into the hallowed halls of Princeton and all your tenured lib 60’s professors encourage indignation about how deprived you are to be attending their esteemed academy and that you’re right about whitey and ready to moveon and spread their Marxist gospel, so they graduate you with honors despite a completely incoherent and unreadable thesis.
    Yet you see that the pro-proletariat message has not yet entered the pea brains of average cracke… er, Americans; that it fell through completely after the Clinton administration… that somehow these cracke… er, typical white people would see your light and repent and join ‘the movement’ and they have not.
    And it’s not surprising then that an Obama gets bitter, and she clings to leftist moral relativism and moral equivalence and a lifelong antipathy to white people who are less equal to her intellectually and financially, and pro-immigrant sentiment to broaden the Dhimmi political base and anti-trade sentiment for the sake of political expediency as a way to explain her frustrations.

    Now please do not call me ‘elitist’…..

  10. Zeke Eagle

    “What we have learned over the past year is that hope is making a comeback.” And so are SDS and the Weathermen but Obamba is goin’ into the dustbin of history. Flimflam ma’am!

  11. Gary in Midwest

    Psycho! Obamamma shows great taste in his friends, his mentors & and spouse.

  12. Kurt(the infidel)

    Man i love this site! and the people on it. always making such damn good points. this one hit me when i read it.


    300 mil Americans and this is it.

    Disgusting bitch, but an absolute poster child for democrats.


    thats what we should all sit around and think about for a while, seriously there are 300 million people in this country and this is what we end up with. like some bad karma has come back around on us or something. i could flip a coin and come up with a better candidate than these 2. Hillary or Obama. its a shame we have to come up with things like Operation Chaos, where we actually devise a plan that will help with 2 things.

    1) will choose the supposed weaker candidate for McCain to take on in the general.

    2) give us the lesser of 2 evils in case McCain loses.

    is this really what we have come to? Im about to start drinking MORE

  13. franchie


    look at what we escaped : Segolene, she was the winner in the polls till the elections, I suppose that the people will have the right reaction for yours too

  14. Ivan the Kafir

    LMAO…oh Lord…this campaign keeps getting better. Obama is really running the wheels off this thing. With each passing day, McCain’s “unpresidential” teeth become ever less significant. I’ll take McCain’s teeth over Obama’s claws any day.

  15. Dave

    Whats this country come too? A bitch that’s cat fighting with Bubba? I have to hold my nose to vote for Mc Cain and I will, but the Sob better not move left and picks a conservative VP and is only in for one term.

  16. Dave

    I sent this to Pat a couple of days ago, a student won for best definition for Political Correctness at Texas A&M,Political Corectness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional,illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous main stream media, which holds forth the propossition that it is entirely possible to pick aturd by the the clean end.

  17. Dave

    I sent this to Pat a couple of days ago, a student won for best definition for Political Correctness at Texas A&M,Political Corectness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional,illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous main stream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick a turd by the the clean end.

  18. tedders

    Michelle Obama, the gift that just keeps on giving!!

  19. ECM

    Maybe that guy that tried to bait McCain with the ‘c’ word might want to direct that question at Obama…just sayin’…

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