Michelle Obama Vetoes Hillary As V.P.

May 10th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


No matter what anybody says, I’m telling you, it’s a chick thing…

From Robert Novak’s Column Today:

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Close-in supporters of Sen. Barack Obama’s presidential campaign are convinced he never will offer the vice presidential nomination to Sen. Hillary Clinton for one overriding reason: Michelle Obama.

The Democratic front-runner’s wife did not comment on other rival candidates for the party’s nomination, but she has been sniping at Clinton since last summer. According to Obama sources, those public utterances do not reveal the extent of her hostility.

A footnote: Support is growing in Democratic ranks for Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland as vice president. He would bring to the ticket maturity (66 years old), experience (six terms in Congress) and moderation (rated “A” by the National Rifle Association). He is very popular in Ohio, a state Republicans must carry to elect a president.

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20 Responses

  1. Birdddog

    Cuba Gooden Jr with a wig… :lol: :lol: :lol:

  2. Birdddog

    Fuck Strickland! He is a CAIR appeasing fuck stick.

  3. Kurt(the infidel)

    Yeah seriously fuck Strickland. That would be a nightmare scenario. but at least it would get his ass out of Ohio but still far from being worth it

  4. Dan (The Infidel)

    I’d rather hear reruns of Hilda than listen to this sorry bitch rant.

  5. Bob USMC

    She’s an ass. If I was making over $300,000 a year I’d be damn proud of my country.


  6. sully

    This bitch gets elected along with her cajone’-less wife and we all be in for a serious fuckin. And not in a good way.
    That includes any of you libtard lurkers. You be white, they don’t like you. Kapische??

  7. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    :arrow: Birdddog
    :arrow: Kurt

    DITTO the Ted Strickland thoughts …

    The man needs to get the hell out of Ohio, but NOT anywhere near the White House.

    I tend to think Hussein will offer NM Gov. Bill Richardson the Veep spot.

    Would round out his “Yeah, it’s an ethnic ticket … but don’t you dare bring that up … and if you say anything against us in the campaign we’ll scream bloody rasict!” ticket.

  8. rightangle

    Either one of these candidates is capable of splitting the ticket, which the DNC doesn’t want to have happen. BO, if he becomes the front runner, will be pressured to put Hillary on the ticket. If that happens, and God forbid, the dems win the Whitehouse, that would leave- for all intents, the first black U.S. president between the Clintons and the Oval Office.

  9. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    I told you O’Bambam, I don’t want to sse that white woman any where near my house. Or you get none.

  10. SOC

    Another move by closet muslim hussein for muslims. How did we get down here….

  11. franchie

    a bet, same time next year, I’ll say on this place to your next president Obama, “fuck ya Bama…” you all will jump on my back, finding many qualities to this black and white housed fuckin bastard

    your opinion would have also reverse as it did for the many candidates I have seen on board

    not a long time ago Hilary was the evilest supid cunt bitch of your mirror ; before McCain was designated for the office race, he was also the dirtiest face of the republican planet…

  12. sully

    …you can report back to your superiors at Dailykos that no one took you up on the bet that Nobama will ever be Prez or, in fact, that anyone here gives a fuck what you think or say. Run along now. Here’s your trail Gretel… http://www.dailykos.com/

  13. franchie

    ahah, the great Sully is back on stage, naaah, Dailykos is your breakfast untertainment

    see you duke of the kos

  14. sully

    yes the kos is my entertainment. they just won’t let me post anymore.
    i see you kissin ass over there all the time.

  15. franchie

    yes the kos is my entertainment. they just won’t let me post anymore.

    might be that you didn’t put your withey gloves on

    i see you kissin ass over there all the time.

    nah difficulty is my motto, the more the asses are perched, the more satifastion I get to kick in ‘em :cool:

  16. sully

    yeah, pretty obvious that ‘difficulty is your motto’….
    i just think it’s time that you and the 4 or 5 other kos_sacks_a_shit that pretend to be a ‘difficult’ french chick carry your act somewhere else is all. hurry along now.

  17. Goodbye Natalie


    Wasn’t it your type just telling me effective last year, Bill Clinton was the greatest Ex-Pres and our first black CiC and Hillary Rotten the world’s smartest woman?

    If you want to talk about fickle folks, nothing more fickle than a good lib.

  18. franchie

    Sully where were you, I missed your expeditive litterature :cry:

    though I am curious how you’ll pass the way you ‘ll be in for a serious fuckin. And not in a good way.

    so long

  19. franchie

    dunno Good bye Nat, might be I was telling how they used to be seen over EU, though, personally I don’t care who ‘ll get elected, that will not change much our livings

  20. sully

    buh bye

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