Obama Criticizes Clinton Over Her Words About Iran

May 4th, 2008 Posted By Lftbhndagn.


What a dumb ass this guy is. So I guess Obama thinks we should embrace Iran and their obtaining nukes to blow Israel and western nations off the map. Chamberlain Obama can pound sand.

INDIANAPOLIS - Barack Obama scolded Democratic rival Hillary Rodham Clinton on Sunday for saying that the United States would “totally obliterate” Iran if it attacks Israel, and likened her to President Bush. Clinton stood by her comment.

The foreign policy dustup came as the two candidates appeared separately on dueling Sunday news shows—Obama on NBC’s “Meet the Press” and Clinton on ABC’s “This Week”—and as the drawn-out fight for the Democratic nomination grew ever more fierce ahead of the next pivotal pair of primaries, in Indiana and North Carolina on Tuesday.

Obama leads in the hunt for convention delegates but has hit a rough patch over the past month. That has Clinton sensing an opening after a strong win in Pennsylvania nearly two weeks ago. Still, the delegate math works in Obama’s favor, and it will be difficult for Clinton to overtake him.

Nevertheless, Clinton suggested anew she had no intention of dropping out, saying: “When the process finishes in early June, people can look at all the various factors and decide who would be the strongest candidate” to go up against John McCain in the fall.

Both candidates were focusing the bulk of their Sunday campaigning on Indiana, where polls show the race extremely close. They stayed overnight in Indianapolis hotels one block apart, and both were campaigning within miles of each other in Fort Wayne before returning to the capital city for the Indiana Democratic Party’s Jefferson Jackson Dinner.

But North Carolina was getting some last-minute attention, too. Both candidates shuffled their schedules to dart back to the state on Monday, reflecting the tightening contest there; polls show Clinton trimming Obama’s lead.

Seeking the advantage, Obama seized on Clinton’s recent answer when asked what she would do if she wins the White House and Iran attacked Israel with nuclear weapons.

“I want the Iranians to know that if I’m the president, we will attack Iran,” Clinton said April 22 in an interview with ABC. “In the next 10 years, during which they might foolishly consider launching an attack on Israel, we would be able to totally obliterate them.”

On Wednesday, Iran strongly condemned Clinton for her remarks. Iran’s deputy U.N. ambassador, Mehdi Danesh-Yazdi, called her comment “provocative, unwarranted and irresponsible” and “a flagrant violation” of the U.N. Charter.

On “Meet the Press,” Obama said: “It’s not the language we need right now, and I think it’s language reflective of George Bush. We have had a foreign policy of bluster and saber rattling and tough talk and in the meantime have made a series strategic decisions that have actually strengthened Iran.”


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14 Responses

  1. MarineSgt

    It’s good that Hussein has friends in low places and him and Iranian ambassadors are in agreement, because, as you know, Iran is a great ally.

    Oh wait… that’s Israel. Hmm…

  2. Dan (The Infidel)

    Obama Bin Lying (OBL)…the gift that keeps on giving. This elitist slob is getting more pathetic by the day. He’s the clone of Dhimi Koh-tair.

    Not sure if this POS suffers from foot-in-mouth disease, liar-itis or just plain old Cranial Rectal Failure.

    Whatever the cause, OBL is the best thing to happen to a Republican POTUS candidate since Mikey Du-cockeye.

  3. Old Sailor

    Save the election results until after the election. I know far too many people who don’t care that Obama is a far-lefty extremist. They only seem to care that he speaks well, looks sharp, and says what they want to hear, which is more and bigger government as fast as possible. I’m pulling for McCain, of course, but we are light-years from November.

  4. Q_Mech

    Oh, yeah. Openly hostile Iran is to be protected by Hussein, but he’ll invade the crap out of sorta-ally Pakistan!


  5. Rob

    You know. Even if Obama is president, he won’t be for long. Face it we have nothing to worry about if Obama is President, because I can guarantee that he’ll be assassinated as soon as he’s sworn in. It’s not just the KKK after him anymore. Now he has the whole country. What with Rev. Wrong’s remarks, and his remarks regarding the war on terrorism. He wasn’t to fight terrorism, but be friends with terrorists. Fucking liar.

  6. libhomo

    If you can’t refute what Obama actually is saying, you can always distort it. That’s always fun.

  7. Dan (The Infidel)


    Obama is easy to refute. We’ve done that ad nauseum here at Dollard Nation. A man is known by the company he keeps and those he attracts.

    I take it you’re a follower of his? You won’t find many here. You might want to go hang out with your buds at the Daily Kos.

    And I’m being polite. Some of my compadres here might not be so polite. Not a warning…just a promise.

  8. Word-Drum

    Old Sailor is a wise man. B.T. Barnum and whoever said never underestimate the stupidity of the American people, should be kept in mind.
    Slick Willie, unlike Nixon, could sell a used car to a blind person. The MSM have laid waste to even seemingly intelligent people. Osama Hussein sounds like an idiot to me, when he talks without a telepromter. It’s alot of “you know” and long pauses between words. Like all these Lawyer/Politicians, they don’t want to say anything that could get them in trouble. With us Right-Wingers, they can’t do that, but it’s a liberal world.

  9. Dan (The Infidel)

    @Old Sailor

    I know far too many Dhimis that won’t be voting for OBL or Hilda come November. I see a trend towards McCain that is growing larger by the day. Many Dhimis that I know have been put off by Hilda’s lies and OBL’s relationship and explinations of his relationships to Wright, to the Weather Underground and to the idea of talking to people who want to kill us no matter what we do.

    Not every Dhimi is a useful idiot. The LLMSM makes it appear so. But I’m not buying it.

    Instead, I’ll stick to my original prediction: McCain by 10 in November.

    And I’m no fan of McCain by any stretch.

  10. infidel

    :arrow: Dan, your comments kill me! :lol:

    You’re right, I know of liberals who will NOT vote for either democrat at this point, and the rest are fairly testy (that’s putting it nicely) that Obama hasn’t lived up to their *hope*(s). (the race card can’t even hold up to all the radical shit he’s connected to)

    I saw Obama on Meet the Depressed this am. “It’s not the language we need right now…” WTF?????? He still doesn’t have a clue what is going on.

  11. SOC

    More from the appeasement fraternity

  12. Dan (The Infidel)


    “Dan, your comments kill me!”

    You know how us infidels are. :mrgreen:

    “He still doesn’t have a clue what is going on.”

    Like minds dude…..Well said.

  13. danielle

    No wonder why Osama loves Obama.

  14. Dan (The Infidel)

    Next time Hilda and Osama talk “Change” just remember what they’re really saying. Change is their euphamism for the Saul Alinsky method of social change. Not familiar with Komrade Alinsky? Then read this:

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