Olbershit4brains Admits He’s Incompetent

May 19th, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.

No “take-backs”, Keithie … you snake-shit eating slug.

You said what you meant …and you meant what you said. No ‘editing’ blah-blah, or ‘right-wing knee-jerk interpretation’ about it.

And FYI, Blackwater is manned by FORMER AMERICAN TROOPS who continue to serve this country and our allies and our/their interests honorably and bravely.

You serve no one but yourself, you pompous prick …

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22 Responses

  1. mike3481


    NO DO OVERS. :mrgreen:

  2. martymar

    Nice clarification asshole, I’d rather be called a cold blooded killer than a “victim”. This asshole is so out of touch.

  3. TBinSTL (just typical)

    I’ve got some bars of soap and some socks, who wants to pay him a visit? :twisted: :twisted: :gun:

    ….. :gun: :beer: ahhhhhh!

  4. topgun

    Does my watching all 4 minutes and 1 second constitute a ratings spike for PMSNBC?
    Excuse me while I go puke.
    :gun: :gun: :gun:

  5. Tom in CO

    LOLbermann needs to forget how to breathe. He’s already forgotten how to think, so he’s 99% there!

  6. Greg M

    What a low life piece of shit. Calling us of all people, the ones that don’t respect our troops. What a low life honestly, I wouldn’t loss a wink of sleep knowing a scum bag like him is off the streets forever. I would almost go as far as calling him as bad as the terrorists (if not worse) though I’m sure most of you already think that.

  7. sully

    Just can’t bring myself to watch the vid.
    Don’t give a rat’s ass about anything the puke has to say.
    Can’t stand the sight or sound of the bathtub boy.
    It’s completely worthless.

  8. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    :arrow: sully

    It’s okay … I got through half of it and then stopped it …

    But had to inch my way through the rest (second half) whcih was pretty much the brain-washing part.

    ‘The right-wing’ is the bad guys … the left-wing loves the troops … really.

    Someone said this a week or so ago on the site, and it fits here:

    “I think my brain just threw-up inside my skull …”


  9. Pete

    Hey Kieth,
    How are these guys heroes, if they are victims , pawns and dupes of the president and the pentagon who might have done bad things (like killing terrorist)while serving the country? You sir are are full of shit and you look like a disney automatron . Whats up with that hair and makeup?

  10. TJ (The Kafir)

    make no mistake, this man is our enemy as much as al qaida or any other muslim fanatic. Olberman, I hope we dont one day cross paths. :gun: :eek:

  11. Kurt(the infidel)

    I made it to the point where he started talking about war crimes for the President. I think if they ever try that war crime shit against Bush we all need to head down to Crawford and defend him like they did the Alamo. I would

    And to think this guy couldnt even make it as a sportscaster so they bring him in and even let him opine and make statements that actually hold weight to some people. Personally i think it would be better for people to get their news from John Stewart or Colbert than this guy and i dont like them either

  12. jerb

    hahahahaha. He’s got a pretty good backstroke, but it doesn’t erase what you said. Pathetic. Keep on trying to dig your way out of the hole. So sad.

  13. JayMS

    What an irritating, self-righteous asshole. I love how this asshole claims to support and speak for the troops. What a lame attempt, even by his already low standards, to try and talk his way out of this.

    But the part that really pisses me off is that GE and NBC basically subsidize this asshole. Didn’t GE actually sell off their appliance division so they could pump more money into subsidizing this shitbag?

  14. Birdddog

    :gun: :gun: :gun: Keep killing them :gun: :gun: :gun:

  15. Goodbye Natalie

    Excuse me Mr. Keith ESPN reject Olbermann, but the military men and women of the U.S. don’t sign up to simply go through boot camp and officer’s school, serve at the bases, and head for college to enter into Wall Street. Anyone of sane mind knows that the military’s premise is to defend the Constitution, that is the very citizens that make up our country. And that responsibility most times include going into harm’s way - domestic and foreign.

    In essence Olbermann, what you are really attempting, whether you are smart enough to recognize it or not, is pussify our military. They are not the Peace Corp or on some Mormon mission trip. Do you think the only protection the military provides is to hand out water to hurricane victims, or fight fires, or protect the border, or rebuild sanitation?

    Do you not realize Keith that the main objective of war is to depose of a sworn enemy of the United States like Al-Qaeda? Who is supposed to carry that out Keith? ESPN? MSNBC?

    If I’m wrong Keith buddy, can you please tell me as indicated by the opinion of this board, many who have served, why our military men and women overwhelmingly think pretentious dolt and self-righteous fool?

    “Freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction.” ~ Ronald Reagan

  16. Mark

    Keith went to an elite prep school in Tarrytown NY called Hackley. He received a first class education yet his view of the world is as dogmatic and intransigent as any Mullah or fundamentalist. He will one day run into the wrong person and have his ability to speak greatly impaired. Look forward to it.

  17. BoomBoom

    I’ll betcha that at his home, Olbermann walks around sporting his “Code Pink” uniform.

  18. 007

    I put this Scum in the same Ranking as Osama Bin Laden!! Anti American Lib Fuck!! I didnot think I could Hate (HATE) someone as much as I do about Him. He Literally makes the hair stand up on my neck when I hear him Puke Words!!!!!!!!!!! I hope one day to run into him so I can tell him that!! :gun: :evil:

  19. Baley

    With a hole in the back.

  20. Rob

    Will he just die already? :???:

  21. Bob USMC

    If at all possible, he’d be one of the first asshole lefty America-hater I’d cap when the shooting par of this civil war starts. :evil: :gun: :gun: :gun:

  22. Bob USMC

    Olberdork’s fucking INSANE for sure!! How the hell does he in his sick mind twist things like the way he did.


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