Opinion Poll: Think Long And Hard…Who Should McCain Pick For VP?

May 21st, 2008 Posted By Bash.


I am being completely serious here. I honestly believe that the decision he makes as to who will be his Vice-Presidential running mate is going to determine whether or not he will win the White House.

Look folks, for those who haven’t got past the McCain isn’t the perfect candidate for Conservative Republicans, I have three words for you: Get past it.

Believe me, I was in the camp right next door to Ann Coulter a couple of months ago, although I wouldn’t go out and vote for Hillary, and wasn’t quite sure if deep in her heart she believed she would either, but…

I am one of those kinds of people that believes that the most important question at any given moment in a person’s life is “What do I/We do now?” Forget about the past, we cannot change it, we can only learn from our mistakes and from our successful strategies.

What now?

McCain is the nominee. Barring some strange Clintonian catastrophe that seems to befall those that reach the “Dangerous to us gaining and holding power” status with regard to the Clintons, then I would say its a safe bet Barack Hussein Obama is going to be the Democratic nominee.

That being said, they are holding their cards very close to the vest and so we will have to rely on Pro-action, rather than reaction when making the decision.

Who would be the one person, in your mind, that could energize the Conservative Republican base of the party, and also draw in the Independents/undecideds/and Democratic shell-shocked…you know, the ones who say “If Obama gets the nod, I’ll vote McCain,” and vice-versa. Granted most of that is just talk, but there could be an important percentage there.

Not to mention every working class Bible believeing gun owner in the country. Obama lost them.

So, I put it to you, Dollard Readers. You are intelligent, politically savvy, and no stranger to the cruelties and injustices of the world, and the threat of radical Jihadis….who can McCain pick that will give us the best shot at keeping the White House, and thusly, to a large extent, the Supreme Court appointments over the next term? While maintaining the offensive position in the Global War on Terror?

Oh, and while we’re at it, how about cabinet appointments. I personally think Sheriff Joe Arpaio would make a great Homeland Security Chief…you know positions like Attorney General, Secretary of Fill-in-the-Blank…

And why?

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74 Responses

  1. Mike from The Republic of Texas

    Mitt Romney!!!

  2. TennesseeJed

    Bobby Jindal..

  3. scnative

    You may disagree, but if the object is to win then Elizabeth Dole might do the trick if the Dem’s throw an Obama/Clinton ticket out there (unlikely as it may seem now) or Clinton somehow convinces enough super delegates to lean her way. Dole obviously would cover the women’s vote, but more importantly, bring the southern states in which is a must. Obviously she would also have the support and ear of her husband (Sen. Bob Dole) for advice. If Obama wins and chooses another man for a VP running mate, then another male who was a strong southern conservative would be needed by McCain. That being said, I don’t think Huckabee has a strong enough overall background to suit my taste.

  4. John Doe

    Well WTF has taken so long. Oh I know lets pick it so the media can sit and debate all this background bullshit for 3 months while the real issues don’t get noticed.This should have been done months ago we knew who the Republicans had in there months ago. This is all bullshit so the American people can here this mudslinging because neither one of the assholes have the answers to any of our problems. When I seen Bush’s old man and Ol Bill blue stains on the blue dress holding hands and singing Kumbiya after Katrina. I knew this country is well passed being fucked up politicaly we need a 3rd party bad.

  5. RC

    Ideally John Bolton, purely to see him stump Hussein Obama over and over on every foreign policy issue. Actually can just hear the umming and arrring from either Dem nominee in Bolton’s formidable presence. He’s obviously not a viable veep for McCain maybe as Sec. of Homeland Security or Secretary of State, Romney seems the logical choice as a running partner. Fred Thompson I can see as Attorney General or heading the department of justice. Petraeus would make a great Sec. of Defense but he’s doing too fine a job as Commanding General..

    I think Bash would make a great sec. of Homeland Security too. :beer:

  6. Kurt(the infidel)

    This question has stumped me because i dont remember ever having a political climate like there is right now. McCain is a war hero, on par with my foreign policy/national security views but thats pretty much it and the only reason im voting for him. so its pretty difficult to decide on a running mate.

    I have floated names out there before but not sure. John Bolton would be a great VP. Duncan Hunter. Romney would equal a winning ticket.

    I dont know. he needs to pick someone ultra conservative. maybe someone we wouldnt even suspect.

    really hope that McCain finally listens to us on immigration or we’ll have to bombard him with emails and phone calls until he gets the point. wish he would talk more about this in the campaign.

  7. blastdad

    I’d like to see someone to the right of Rush Limbaugh, maybe Hugh Hewitt. Yea but that will never happen, McCain will never pick a good conservative. I would settle for Mitt Romney but We’ll probably get the Huckster

  8. serfer62

    If he picks Romney or Bolton I’ll vote for him. But not a chance. MacNasty is too stupid.

    Bobby won’t take it to LAs benefit.

  9. Mr. Standfast

    J C Watts. Watts is the most recent black Republican to serve in Congress.
    Watts was approached by several prominent Oklahoma Republicans and asked to run for a seat on the Oklahoma Corporation Commission. After defeating several other candidates in the state Republican primary, Watts won in November, 1990, and was the first African-American elected to statewide office in Oklahoma.

    Four years later, Watts was again approached by prominent Oklahoma Republican leaders and asked to consider running for an open seat for Congress (Oklahoma’s 4th Congressional district, being vacated by Congressman Dave McCurdy). Watts agreed and in November, 1994, was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. He was the first black member of Congress not to join the Congressional Black Caucus.[1]
    Watts captured national attention in 1996 with a speech before the Republican national convention, when he said, “You see character does count. For too long we have gotten by in a society that says the only thing right is to get by and the only thing wrong is to get caught. Character is doing what’s right when nobody is looking.”[2]

    Continuing to be a rising star for the national Republican Party, Watts was selected in 1997 to deliver the Republican response to President Bill Clinton’s State of the Union Address.[3] During the speech, Watts chastised some black Democrats and civil rights leaders as “race-hustling poverty pimps”, whose careers he said depend on keeping blacks dependent on the government.[4][1]

    Any man that can use the phrase race-hustling poverty pimps is a man I can admire. Of course most black democrats call him an uncle Tom. Imagine that…

  10. BoomBoom

    If a Obama/Clinton ticket, I’m guessing Joe Liberman as VP.

  11. BoomBoom

    If the Dems throw Obama/Clinton ticket, my guess is Joe Liberman as VP.

  12. Jeff

    Romney, Bolton, Fred. I’d be happy with any of those names. If he picks someone named ‘Juan’ I am immigrating to Zimbabwe.

  13. hegelbot

    you know i think if republicans can stomach it, a mccain leiberman ticket is a winner, it a political abomination but it would work, and i am not counting on the old man to kick the bucket or else i wouldn’t be voting for him anyway, were living i stupid times might as well be stupid like a fox.

  14. Speedy Ed

    It should be someone young-ish, to balance McCain’s age; someone from a swing state, a state which might not go for the Rs otherwise; and someone who has served as a governor, to balance McCain’s (and Obama’s) lack of executive experience. The only person I can think of who meets those criteria is Governor Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota. Governor Bobby Jindal is a popular pick, but he has only been a governor for a few months, and I think the Rs will win Louisiana anyway — give him a full term or two as Governor. Governor Linda Lingle of Hawaii would be an interesting choice; female, Jewish, an R who can win Hawaii.

    Mitt Romney for Secretary of the Treasury, if he’ll take it. He has one of the best business minds on the R side.

  15. al4usa

    Pawlenty from Minnesota

  16. Tom in CO

    Mitt Romney or Ted Nugent.

  17. Bill

    Ron Paul or Ann culter

  18. Judith, typical White Ohioan

    What about Michael Steele from Maryland. Almost beat the Dem last time out. He’s articulate, clean background, highly intelligent, and very conservative (which seems to matter to so many). He is also a courageous black man running as a Repub. He should have been chosen to lead the RNC, look at the mess we have with whosits.

  19. JustADude

    Jack Welsh of GE CEO fame for VP

    Jeb Bush for FEMA , knows disaster recovery like the back of his hand.

    Bolton Sec of State

    Rudy for DOJ

    Gates for DOD

    Wolfowitz for Treasury

    Gen Pace Veterans Dept

    Carly Fiorina to Education

    Michael J. Ward CEO of CSX to Transportation

    Elaine Chao keep on in Labor Dept

    Romney to Commerce Dept

    Patricia A. Woertz CEO of Archers Daniels Midland
    to Agriculture

    David L. Robertson of Georgia Pacific to Interior Dept

    Have others but that’s a start

  20. JustADude

    John Grossenbacher ViceAdm ret to Dept of Energy now at Idaho National Laboratory

  21. cathyann

    Alaska Governor Sarah Palin… though I doubt she’d want to leave Alaska for DC :(

  22. Eric

    :twisted: NOT RICE : she is the author of capitulation of Lebanon, Gaza and next, the west bank, the Golan and East Jerusalem to leave Isreal so small it will be un defensible. She is also against attacking Iran, just like she was against attacking Iraq: WRONG ON ALL COUNTS!

    The best choice would be someone with some economic sese as McCain has none. Just a few months ago he was asked an audience question on the mortgage mess and said he didnt know and passed the mike to Carly Fiorina (of HP mess up).
    He at least knows that he does not understand economics but lets hope picks wiser than Carly.

    Eliz. Dole might be good but might be too old. A female would suck the womens vote out of Obama, especially important if Clinton the VP or nominee, which I think COULD still happen…never underestimate the skulldrudgery of a Clinton.

  23. ECM

    I think Palin is pregnant, so you can probably take her off the list.

    I love the idea of Jindal, but we need someone to save the Rep party so he’ll have to stay in LA for a few more years then ride in on a white horse.

    Steele would have been great, but he lost his last race, so that pretty much takes him out.

    I’d be up for JC Watts, though.

  24. Frogg

    Mitt Romney, Bobby Jindal, Michael Steele would be my favorites.

  25. Dave M.

    General Petraeus?

  26. Old Sailor

    I think Mitt Romney would be ok for VP, but I don’t trust Huck the Yuckabee. He wants to be VP so bad you can see the brown all over his nose. I saw him on TV the other day being SO nice to McCain (arrgh!). It was disgusting.

    I do not understand why so many people think he is conservative, other than professing to be a Bible-believing Christian. I have no problem with that, but his policies are too much like McCain on immigration to suit me, to name just one point.

    JC Watts is a great idea, though. That would certainly throw the democrats for a loop! He would blow Barack Obama out of the water easy. Michael Steele too. Either one would be a good choice.

  27. Lee__

    Not Huckabee!

    Steele, Boulton, Romney….Yeah!

  28. Mr. Standfast

    Steele vs Watts… If Steele had won his last election I’d say absolutely. He lost and I hate to say it, but who wants a loser on the ticket? In contrast, Watts joined congress and was pledged to the contract with America. Two terms and out and he did exactly that. Integrity. What a contrast he would be to Barrack. Then let the Dems come out with their uncle Tom comments.

  29. Steve in NC

    At this point, if the hussein is getting the nomination, then take how about a McCain / Hillary ticket? I’ll take that over the hussein and it would be a winner.

    Why not? political parties are a stain on our democracy.

    Actually I think Romney is the best choice for his experience in business. But the pick will likely be used to pander to some group based on crotch or pigmentation.

    So who is the best hispanic candidate?

  30. Kermit

    JIndal is having some serious problems in LA right now with the ethics reform bill. There is a loophole that basically keeps it from being enforced which was inserted at the last minute. It is all over the local news in Baton Rouge & New Orleans. He is stonewalling talking about it.

    He needs to get through this first, or it will blow up and further hurt the GOP.

    Mitt would be a good choice.

  31. Quincy

    Boom Boom

    I totally agree. I have been saying since Feb that Joe Leiberman will be his pick

    Good call.

  32. Mike in VA

    McCain for president, Watts or Haley Barbour for VP and David Petraeus for KING.

  33. Amy

    Definitely Huckabee.
    Huckabee is winning surveyusa polls, and most VP polls on the internet. He can help pull the Republican Party together. :!:

  34. Derek

    A McCain/Huckabee ticket is a winner, Huckabee is definitely the running mate Senator McCain needs. The American people want change, they want fresh people, and they want somebody that has a true connection to there circumstances. Governor Huckabee fits that billet because god knows he is an outsider and the GOP elite treated him as such, he has never been on the Washington political scene and he knows what it is like to work from paycheck to paycheck without health insurance. Senator McCain will probably never be able to compete with Obama in fundraising, but with Huckabee on the ticket the base will be excited to work there hearts out for a McCain/Huckabee ticket.

  35. Rensen

    Huckabee Would Help Mobilize Conservatives to the Republican Banner
    2008 Republican Primary exit polling data showed that a large portion of Huckabee’s support came from voters who identified themselves as “Very or Somewhat Conservative”.

    Huckabee would bring his scrappy grassroots network of supporters along with grassroots communities like HucksArmy.com to the fall fight to turn out the vote. Long after Huckabee dropped out of the race, he continued to garner support of around 10-12% in states like PA, NC, IN, and WV showing a very committed following that was willing to come out and vote even when the result of the vote what not in doubt. These committed people will be the same ones actively campaigning and getting their friends to vote for a McCain/Huckabee ticket.

    Polling data from SurveyUSA shows that McCain/Huckabee receives more support from conservatives than when McCain is paired with Romney, Pawlenty, or Lieberman.

    Huckabee Connects with Critical Blue-collar Swing Voters
    His up-from-the-bottom personal story (first member of his family ever to graduate high school, let alone college) and successful struggle against obesity helps destroy the idea of the GOP as a party of country club elites.

    Huckabee Communicates Well Through TV & Retail Politics
    We all know Mac needs a little help with delivery at the podium and on TV.

    Huckabee has the ability to connect with voters on a personal level and that support among voters showed up in the recent SurveyUSA polling of battleground states in which the strongest ticket consistently was McCain/Huckabee.

    And as a plus.. they like each other. :mrgreen:

  36. chrisw

    I think Huck would be the best selection for VP in the current political atmosphere. He is well vetted, is certainly qualified to be chief executive, and has a ready-made base of support. He carried most of the south and did well in the Mid-west. He brings youth to the ticket, though not as much as the less qualified Jindal. He has a superstar quality similar to Obama. He would whoop the Democrat VP candidate in a debate, and make them look like a fool. The Republican party is hated right now, on both ends of the political spectrum. A typical Republican would lose big in Nov. The country has lost faith in conservatism, because so -called ‘conservatives’ have not lived up to the ideals they espouse. Any candidate spouting the same old Republican b.s. is not going to win votes; at least not this year. Whatever disagreements you have w/ Huckabee, please try to remember that someone that agrees with you 80% of the time is not 20% your enemy to be slammed. Remember the 11th commandment, and do whats best for the team. And losing is never good for the team.

  37. Daniel Burbank

    I think Huckabee would be a golden choice for McCain. The SurveyUSA VP polls are proving that Huckabee actually does connect with blue collar voters, something none of the pundits seem to acknowledge. Obama/Edwards pretty much trashes everybody; otherwise, McCain/Huckabee is the best ticket on either side in those polls, especially in states like Ohio and Pennsylvania. If neither Edwards or Clinton is on the ticket, then Huckabee can connect with blue collar voters and give McCain a big win. Most of the leaders in both parties don’t like Huckabee and want to write him off as a regional candidate that could never win a general election, but if you check the exit polls from primaries, Huckabee actually did better than John McCain (and everyone else) among independents, supposedly McCain’s strength!

    This business about selecting a VP who will put only one state in play is nonsense, as evidenced by McCain/Pawlenty in Minnesota polling and McCain/Romney in Massachussets polling. The McCain/Pawlenty ticket in Minnesota barely beats the McCain/Huckabee ticket, and McCain/Romney in MA actually loses to McCain/Huckabee! Choosing someone to deliver just one state is not that important. Choosing someone who connects to a large portion of Americans is very important (and Huckabee actually connects to two, social conservatives and blue collar voters).

    For McCain, the only logical pick no matter what is Huckabee. Huckabee will run circles around whoever Obama picks in a VP debate, and Huckabee will bring plenty of grassroots support.

  38. voter

    Mike Huckabee — for so many reasons I will forget to enumerate all of them. Clearly he brings enthusiasm, passion, organization, grassroots and the charisma of Obama. Absolutely no other Republican candidate can match that. He appeals, however, not only to social conservatives, but appeals to the middle class working people with whom Obama is experiencing mistrust. Governor Huckabee and Senator McCain clearly enjoy a sincere relationship. Governor Huckabee exhibited true fiscal ability earning the most votes with the fewest amount of dollars — only one who has ended his campaign in the black. Perhaps his most important attribute for this election cycle (similarly with Senator McCain) — so many fiscal conservatives, Wall Street corporate figures hate him, a fact that many middle income working people would find attractive and appealing to them.

  39. Robert Nolin

    Huckabee is my choice because he conncts with the working Americans who were Hillary voters and are now up for grabs.

    I like Palin and Jindal although they don’t have the long experience that Huckabee has.

    Polls today showed that Romney does worst than Lieberman or Huckabee in Massachuetts where he is known best so I don’t see how he helps much.

  40. Sandy


  41. Rick Kravat

    Governor Huckabee is my pick for VP. This is a no brainer.
    Who connects with the American People?
    Who has the most executive experience?
    Who can bring in the social conservatives?
    Who connects with the poor and middle class?
    Who is an incredible debater?
    Who is pro-family, pro 2nd amendment, fair tax reformer?
    Who is an inspiration for young people everywhere?
    Who is pro-Israel?
    Who can win the most votes with the least money?
    Who is pro-family from conception to the grave?
    Who can sell the American the issues that are important?
    Who is not a Washington insider?
    and on and on……
    Huck is our man.

  42. David McCaw

    I believe that there is two options that McCain has right now that he has to consider for the VP slot.

    1. The south is in play no matter what people say right now. With BO winning the nomination there will be an increase number of minority votes in the south and with the number of social conservatives that are still angry with McCain for past comments to some of their leaders most of them could stay home. Someone like Huckabee can rally around the support for those states to help prevent a loss in some of those states. Look at what happened in 1960 when Nixon chose a Massachusetts Senator and most of the south went to JFK because he chose LBJ. Remember we want people that give the image of someone who you work with not someone who just laid you off (ie Romney).

    2. He selects a woman for VP like, Sarah Palin or Jodi Rell both are governors of their states that bring executive experience (not as much as Huckabee) but also the women vote that are upset with the Dem’s treatment of Hillary.

    Either way he goes, McCain needs to be sure that he keeps the south. All the Dem’s need is about three states (ie OH, VA, NC, MO, IA) to switch from 2004. This is possible because of the combination of increased minority votes and the frustration this country has with the Republican party .

  43. Dan Higgins

    Huckabee is the answer to most of the questions! I love a Mccain/Huckabee ticket and would actively campaign for that ticket.

  44. Granny T

    McCain/Huckabee is the best choice. McCain would get more votes per buck with Huck because of Huckabee’s huge grassroots support. Every Republican I TALK to and many of the Independents and moderate-conservative Democrats will vote for McCain IF Huckabee is his VP. McCain has foreign policy experience and legislative experience. Huckabee has 10 1/2 years chief executive experience working with a Democrat majority so strong his door was literally nailed shut when he was elected Lt. Gov. McCain and Huckabee respect and like each other. They are willing to reach across party lines for changes that can make America better. Huckabee can help McCain in the not so safe anymore south.

  45. Linda

    Senator McCain and Mike Huckabee are so perfect together that, in my opinion, the is NO OTHER choice. Because of the respectful, issue-focused race they ran we took politics for REPUBLICANS to a whole new level. This is just the way these men would unite our counry. Huckabee has more domestic/executive experience than ANY of the other picks. He has a PROVEN record in Arkansas of being able to work across party lines, much the same as Senator McCain. Huckabee has courted blue collar/middle class from day one, he “gets it” and they FEEL it. He also can bring home the evangelicals and social conservatives (a huge block in jeopardy as the latest rejection of the pastors further distanced them from the republican ticket). Huck received 48% of the black vote in Arkansas, almost unheard of for a republican!! Finally, he is the most shrewd retail campaigner I have ever seen. McCain needs his oratoral skills and organization to get out the vote.. McCain/Huckabee’08…..priceless!!!!!

  46. Will Pruett

    McCain/Huckabee 2008. Mike Huckabee will bring excitment back to the GOP. Mike represents the real hope of most Americans, not just the liberal elite. Huckabee brings hope and excitement to the ticket.

  47. JDM6800

    Huckabee will be the best bet for the VP. He gives the best chance against Obama and the democrats.He has very strong values and sticks with them, Huckabee would work well with McCain.

    I dont believe Romney is a good choice, mainly because of his disrepect toward his fellow republicans during the republican primary.I still dont know where he stands on his values. He will be hard to work with.

    I hope McCain picks the right person because its going to be a hard race against the democrats.

  48. TVV

    Mike Huckabee all the way. The reasons:

    1) He has the most experience of any candidate of either party in actually running a government. Throughout history, those who have had Veeps who had been Chief Executives have rated better than those who didn’t.

    2) He has a solid group of supporters, already organized and ready to go to support him.

    3) Totally solid social conservative

    4) Fiscal conservative who has run a fiscally conservative campaign (no debt, in the black, lowest cost per vote and cost per delegate). Wants to actually change the tax code - the ultimate tax cut - to a 0% income tax rate in favor of a consumption tax.

    5) Will appeal to new groups of conservatives who have resisted the GOP (African Americans, disenchanted working class Democrats).

    6) Will essentially guarantee that “values voters” come out in force to support McCain over Obama, ala 2004, despite the various trials that the GOP has endured. Many other VP candidates would certainly not have this impact.

  49. Debra

    Mike Huckabee is the best VP Choice.
    Mike and McCain trust and respect each other, and they genuinely LIKE each other. They are a team that the country can feel will always tell them the truth because they are men that stick true to their integrity and character. They are a team that will keep this country secure at all costs. They would keep our freedoms secure from government intervention into our lives, like Obama would. A sure win in November is McCain/Huckabee! McCain would energize his campaign with the huge grassroots Army that Huckabee still has behind him, bringing the evangelical base with him all the way for McCain!

  50. AD

    MIKE HUCKABEE would be the best VP. He inspires people to get involved in politics and doing something positive for this country instead of just complaining about what is wrong PLUS he already has the experience. He also has tremendous support from the black community. He has a tremendous grassroots support READY to work very hard to get McCain/Huckabee elected if he is selected as VP.

    I am not an Evangelical. My belief in Mike Huckabee has nothing to do with religion. He is a strong leader who really cares about people and in addition to that he actually has fresh ideas that make a lot of sense.

  51. TVV

    I really, really like J.C. Watts. He is a good man, a good conservative, and somebody whom I deeply respect. But I don’t think that he would do as much for the GOP in terms of influencing black voters as it might seem. But he actually had quite a few nice things to say about Mike Huckabee (http://www.pahrumpvalleytimes.com/2008/Mar-07-Fri-2008/opinion/20175464.html), who would probably do more to neutralize the Obama appeal, based on his performance in Arkansas (where he earned nearly half of the black vote).

    I’ve also heard Mike Steele’s name floated. I love the guy. He’s one of my favorite people in politics and I totally respect him. But he hasn’t run a government yet - served one term as Lt. Gov of Maryland. Bright guy, excellent and engaging communicator and I fought for him in 2006. Hopefully one day he’ll have a high position in elected politics again - he deserves it. But it would be very hard to make a case for a person never having been a Governor, a Senator or a Congressman being one heartbeat from the Presidency.

  52. Mrs. P

    Survey USA has recently held a series of polls to determine who the strongest VP candidates are. On the republican side, they compared Huckabee, Lieberman, Pawlenty, and Romney. On the democratic side, they compared Edwards, Sebelius, Rendell, and Hagel.

    In almost every state polled so far, Governor Mike Huckabee has been the strongest candidate. He even won in Massachusetts, where Romney was once Governor.

    Admittedly, the results have usually been close, all the other candidates have scored within about 3-5% of the winner, but in the upcoming election, Senator McCain will need every vote he can get.

    McCain/Huckabee 2008!

  53. Stephanie

    Take a look at the youtube video McCain Huckabee campaign bus and you will see two men who are very comfortable with each other, actually like and respect each other and have a tremendous amount of chemistry! As a matter of fact body language experts said McCain got a 97.7 approval rating with Huckabee that was almost perfect and 34 pts. higher than with ANY other veep he has been with. McCain should pick someone who is vetted to take over if necessary (Huckabee had the same OTJ training Bill Clinton had only Huckabee had 10 1/2 yrs. vs Clinton’s 4. No one could ever say he is not vetted) and someone who he can feel comfortable with and trust. After all, it IS McCain’s choice and I will support him and vote for him no matter who he picks. I honestly believe Huckabee is his best shot for a win. After all, isn’t that what we all want????

  54. nrobyar

    There is no one who can excite the base of our party and get folks to the polls like Mike Huckabee. He is possibly the best retail politician we have seen in 30 years, using wit and charisma to get free advertising and he made the late night talk show circuit popular with the rest. Everyone likes him on their shows because he has insightful, fair comments with a fresh take! He has been winning on the ticket with McCain in election poll samples in states like CA,NM,PA,OH,WI, even Romney’s home state of Mass! Huckabee is the best communicator I have ever heard and he can go up against Obama any day because the McCain/Huckabee team has SUBSTANCE to their rhetoric.

  55. Nicole

    McCain/Huckabee is the most perfect choice!!!

  56. Tico Ray

    What? No Ron Paul? Ok. How about Steele? It will probably be Huckabee,but please, NOT Romney.

  57. Donna

    My dad is one of those union type “I was born a Democrat; I will die a Democrat.” He doesn’t like Obama and will vote for McCain IF Huckabee is on the ticket. Michigan is full of UAW workers. Huckabee has a history of supporting fair pay for good work. If he can persuade McCain to support the Fair Tax; even the hardest ficon might accept the ticket.

  58. Lisa Novak

    Huckabee is my choice. I like the guy personally and he speaks in an authentic and inspiring way. After McCain’s speech the other night which was not so hot, McCain needs a guy who can get the base going and compete with Obama for solid TV sound clips.

  59. Mrs. P

    Survey USA has recently held a series of polls to determine who the strongest VP candidates are. On the republican side, they compared Huckabee, Lieberman, Pawlenty, and Romney. On the democratic side, they compared Edwards, Sebelius, Rendell, and Hagel.

    In almost every state polled so far, Governor Mike Huckabee has been the strongest candidate. He even won in Massachusetts, where Romney was once Governor.

    McCain has my vote in November, but if he gives Huckabee the nod, I’ll do more than just vote for him, I’ll campaign, send e-mails, do sign-waves, pass out political flyers, even donate money to his campaign.

    And I’m not the only one either.

    McCain/Huckabee 2008!

  60. Heath

    Huckabee, absolutely.

    Effective administrative experience in a state historically hostile to Republicans, blue collar background, connects with people, great speaker, inspirational like Reagan.

    Practical economic ideas. Bold ideas, like the Fair Tax and infrastructure repair. (I’m a small business owner, civil engineer. I know how many people that would put to work.)

    Common sense health care ideas, born from personal experience. How novel to encourage and focus on prevention of disease in the first place before it becomes a health crisis.

    A volunteer, grass roots army supporting Huckabee has increased in size since McCain garnered enough delegates to win nomination; they are standing at the ready to work for a McCain/Huckabee ticket.

    Many, many people in this country believe Huckabee was mischaracterized by Republican/religious leadership and want to see him prove them wrong.

    It might be fun to listen to Rush Limbaugh (whom I admire and respect, BTW) blow a gasket over a McCain/Huckabee ticket.

  61. Chris

    Mike Huckabee for me!

  62. Linda Rayborn

    I saw Mike Huckabee speak at the NC convention luncheon today and he was powerful,witty, humorous, and brought home real hard how important it will be for us to rally around Senator McCain for a win in November. He certainly did Senator McCain proud!!! The crowd was wild for him, gave him a standing ovation and didn’t want to stop clapping. It is clear that NC (and SC) LIKES MIKE!!!!! By the way, he also save the life of a fellow politician who was choking! Truly an amazing man!!! McCain/Huckabee’08…..priceless!!!!

  63. Debra

    A McCain/Huckabee 08 Ticket would be a huge win in November!
    REAL CHANGE REPUBLICANS with REAL ANSWERS in solving the Problems we face in this country!
    ➢ Proven, tested, unchanged stands/records on Tax Reform, Fiscal Responsibility, Social/Traditional Family Issues, National Security/Immigration (secure the Border first), and both have conservative Democrat and limited Government allies to reach across the aisle outside the GOP.

    ➢ Vetted, trusted, proven integrity and character, and would appoint conservative JUDGES who would not legislate from the bench, and undermine the people and the traditional values this country was founded upon. “I will never sacrifice principles for anybody’s politics.”—Gov. Huckabee No surprises or “skeletons” in these closets to bring the country and the office of the President of the United States disrespect.

    ➢ Respect/Like each other!
    McCain: “Governor Huckabee got millions of votes from people across this country when he ran for President. He reached out to people. I am very grateful to have him with me as a role model.” (Little Rock, AR, 4-25-08)
    Huckabee: “One of the reasons I am supporting McCain is I admire him for understanding how government works and not giving more power to the government, but to the people.”
    McCain: “We will be careful stewards of your tax money, as Gov. Huckabee was when he was Governor of Arkansas.” (Little Rock, AR, 4-25-08)
    Huckabee: “We ran the most civil campaigns in the entire Republican primary.”(Little Rock, AR, 4-25-08)

    Why Gov. Mike Huckabee for VP?

    • Strong, unwaivering record on social issues, fiscal responsibility, tax reform as Governor, huge evangelical, southern states support
    • Still has 65% approval rating in AK, and got millions of votes from supporters during presidential primaries, including 65% African-American vote
    • Since 1976, there have been five states who have voted for the General Election winner every time in all of the eight elections since then. The states are: Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, and Ohio. This year, in all of these states, Gov. Huckabee either won them or came in second to McCain.
    • Reaches across party lines with his likeability and character
    • Likability, personable, and earned the title, “The Great Communicator” says Ed Rollins, Campaign Mgr.

  64. Sandy

    Mike Huckabee!!!!!

  65. Giant Robot

    Look! Up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! No it’s HuckaMAN! :roll:

    Stop by the World Famous Huckapedia to learn more about this amazing individual Mike Huckabee.


  66. Amelia

    Huckabee is the man! His fans are still energized. We love Huckabee. He is a great speaker. He is honest and will make a great Vice President. A McCain/Huckabee ticket will make for an exciting race this fall, otherwise I think Obama will run away with it.

  67. Steadfast

    My dream team - McCain/Huckabee!

  68. hsmith

    Mike Huckabee is the best choice for VP! He can truly connect with the average American and has a history of creating common sense solutions in government.

  69. DavidE7

    Mike Huckabee has the values, the intelligence, the forward looking positions on energy, tax reform, immigration, defense, control of government spending, health, and education, and has 10 years of executive governing experience. He would make a perfect VP choice for John McCain.

  70. CocoMo

    Mike Huckabee would be my choice. I think he will energize the party and bring a ton of support into the McCain camp and also recruit many Hillary “disappointed” supporters who have said all along they like the guy. The more I hear this guy talk, the more convinced I am that the Republicans made a huge mistake in the primaries (or should I say the media forced a huge mistake). This is a way they can fix things a little. At least he will be there to confer with.

  71. Joseph

    Mike Huckabee is the only choice.

  72. lrobb

    Mike Huckabee-without him the Republicans lose their base of Southerners and the faithful. No Republican in the last 20 years has won without these groups.

  73. Tico Ray

    1. Huckabee 2. Steele 3. J. C. Watts

  74. Ann D.

    McCain/Huckabee would be the winning ticket for the general election. Huckabee is very authentic, likeable, honest and inspiring. He will electrify the Republicans and do we need that!!!

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