Palestinian Detainee Claims Israel Tortured Him With Belly Dancers - With Video

May 18th, 2008 Posted By Bash.



Twenty-one-year-old Ramallah resident Sultan Abdullah Sulieman was recently released from the Ofer Prison, officially known as Incarceration Facility 386. In interviews with lawyers from the Palestinian Prisoners Society, he said that he spent forty days in solitary confinement in the facility.

Sulieman said that during one interrogation session, Israeli soldiers brought an “Iraqi girl” called “Nora” into the room. “Nora” danced “seductively” in front of Suleiman, moving close to him before moving away, he said.

Sultan Sulaiman Abdullah from Ramallah that the Ofer prison warders in the new style used in the investigation, where the girl who came and entered the prisoner during interrogation, sitting semi-naked in front of the captive and begin issuing the voices and gestures for tempting him and was approaching the degree of contact with her body and then his body.

Here’s what Louie and I think…


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17 Responses

  1. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    I figure … :beer: :beer: … Sultan Abdullah Sulieman … :beer: … is gay … or a goat-fucker :beer: :beer:

  2. mike3481

    Bash…the video, YEAH, no kidding.

    In the late 70’s I was at two parties where Belly Dancers performed…

    They could try to torture me to death ANYTIME! :shock: :shock:

    YEEEEHAAAW :mrgreen: :gun: :beer:

  3. mike3481

    Oh, come on…

    It’s been 30 minutes…you mean no one else here, has seen a live Belly Dancing performance?

    MAN-UP :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun:

  4. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    :arrow: mike3481

    Oh, come on…

    It’s been 30 minutes…you mean no one else here, has seen a live Belly Dancing performance?


    MUST I wake my husband? :oops:

  5. mike3481

    :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: :beer: :beer: :beer:

  6. Kurt(the infidel)

    Belly dancers? Oh no! the agony!

    This poor muslim goat humper.

    Apparently the only women they like are the ones who walk on all fours, are covered in fur and say BAAAAAAA!

    Give it to me Sultaaaaaaaan! :mrgreen:

  7. mike3481

    Kurt(the infidel) :lol: :lol: :gun: :beer:

  8. rightangle

    :arrow: Mike3481- Live belly dancing.

    I have seen it televised and in person. I remembered a performance that might help this detainee confront his anxiety. I was able to find this vid and think it is appropriate for when he is allowed his one phone call, as this lady has the change he is looking for. Try and top this Obama.

  9. mike3481

    :arrow: rightangle

    Between uttering, “Oh…My…Gawd and being slack-jawed, I was thinking that this may be the most impressive display of muscle control I’ve ever seen….Seriously.

    Drillanwr, Bash, Pat, Lftbhndagn think about this Video for the main page and Deep Thoughts tomorrow A.M. .

    Yeah, I may be nuts, but this was eye popping.

    rightangle :gun: :beer: :wink:

  10. rightangle

    Mike3481. Thats the trick I had seen some of those dancers doing.
    The video is a little long and though I had heard the name of the accompanying musician, upon further investigation of youtubes related videos/John Prine, you’ll find he does a very unpatriotic song-”Flag Decal”. I even noticed a video with Obamas face and a lapel pin to go with that song. Makes the Obama connection more apparent, what with the real change(our tax dollars?) heading south on that talented womans stomach.

  11. mindy abraham

    You know how many REAL men would love to be tortured like that?

  12. franchie

    yeah, when you get your penis well hooked, someone is also going to patch electricity on it, too bad !

  13. Dan (The Infidel)

    Wow. He got a free lap dance in prison. Poor schmuck. Israel needs to go back to their old methods. Belly dancers are too good for a goat-herding devil worshipper. He needs gnashing of teeth and wailing. Gotta prepare him for the next life. May as well get started in this one. :mrgreen:

    Finish him off with some lead poisoning. If you know what I mean. :gun: :gun: :gun:

  14. Dan (The Infidel)

    Forgot to add, this is all a part of the victimization game that all hajis play. You’d think that haj studied at the feet of Jeremiah Wright or Che or Calypso Louie, instead of the tagiyya master himself, the prophet Muhammed (burning sulphur be upon him).

  15. 0311inOHio(typical white person)

    mindy abraham

    You know how many REAL men would love to be tortured like that?

    Amen, torture me like that all day long. It would get this old farts heart rate up a notch or two. Might even make my :gun: go off. :lol: :lol: :beer: :beer: :beer:

  16. Kevin M

    I was on vacation in the United Arab Emirates in 1997 and took one of those “wadi bashing” tours where a caravan of SUVs loaded with tourists goes off tearing around the desert. We had a terrific dinner and for dessert, a professional belly dancer entertained us.

    If this is torture, please send my ass to Gitmo!

  17. Krum aka shot face

    okay, you guys are laughing but for all that is decent in the world, think of the blue balls, if that isn’t a form of torture women have been using to control us for millenium i don’t know what is

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