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4 Responses

  1. Max

    God never said in the Bible to not take medicine for illnesses. Christians are to both trust in God and take the appropriate medicines, and see a doctor too, if necessary. This man’s faith is unbiblical, unfortunately for his poor daughter.

  2. Vehement

    “God helps those who help themselves.”
    That’s what I’ve always heard. I hope the convict these idiots.

  3. Vehement

    It makes me think of this story:

    It was flooding in California. As the flood waters were rising, a man was on the stoop of his house and another man in a row boat came by. The man in the row boat told the man on the stoop to get in and he’d save him. The man on the stoop said, no, he had faith in God and would wait for God to save him. The flood waters kept rising and the man had to go to the second floor of his house. A man in a motor boat came by and told the man in the house to get in because he had come to rescue him. The man in the house said no thank you. He had perfect faith in God and would wait for God to save him. The flood waters kept rising. Pretty soon they were up to the man’s roof and he got out on the roof. A helicopter then came by, lowered a rope and the pilot shouted down in the man in the house to climb up the rope because the helicopeter had come to rescue him. The man in the house wouldn’t get in. He told the pilot that he had faith in God and would wait for God to rescue him. The flood waters kept rising and the man in the house drowned. When he got to heaven, he asked God where he went wrong. He told God that he had perfect faith in God, but God had let him drown.
    “What more do you want from me?” asked God. “I sent you two boats and a helicopter.”

  4. Atilla Kahuna

    First, Luke (you all remember him - one of the apostles - “Matthew, Mark, Luke, John…”) was a physician.

    Second, I have a daughter with Diabetes. She’s 10, and has been diabetic for four years.

    What this little girl went through is worse than anything the radical lefties think is going on at Gitmo.

    For those who don’t know, here is what happens when a person is developign Type 1 Diabetes. Something in the body or the environment triggers an auto-immune response in the body that causes the immune system to attack the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. The process isn’t immediate, so the body is able to cope with the reduced insulin production for a while - something like a few weeks to a couple of months. The child may seem a bit lethargic, but not a ton.

    Eventually, however, a tipping point is reached. The body can no longer produce enough insulin to handle all of the sugar in the bloodstream, so it tries to deal with it in another way, by flushing the sugars out of the body through the kidneys. The person developing diabetes will have extraordinary thirst, and massively increased urine output.

    It still isn’t enough.

    Sugar is building up in the bloodstream, and there is not enough insulin in the body to get that sugar (think fuel) into the cells of the body. That is the function of insulin - to get the sugar through the cell walls to provide fuel for the cells.

    What, then, does the body use for fuel? Well, it then starts to metabolize fat and muscle tissue.

    Good solution, right?


    Metabolizing fat and muscle tissue for fuel has a by-product - ketones. If you’ve ever been on the Atkins diet, you will be familiar with ketones and ketosis. Under that diet plan, you want to put your body into ketosis to get rid of all the fat. You do this by not consuming any carbohydrates - sugars - at all, forcing your body to get rid of fat.

    Well, kids developing diabetes don’t have much fat, and soon run out. They begin to literally digest themselves.

    Ketones have another little trick up their sleeve. They change the pH of the blood, causing it to become more acidic. The condition is known as Diabetic Keto-Acidosis. It causes all of the health problems people associate with diabetes - nerve damage, eye problems, bruising, etc. The blood becomes so acidic that it damages tissues by its very presence.

    This poor little girl would have been nauseous, vomitting, had headaches, been wetting her bed on a nightly basis, thirsty all the time, and would have eventually lapsed into a coma.

    The coma would have been accompanied by seizures.

    She was in excruciating pain for the last several days to weeks of her life, and her parents knelt there and prayed.

    Don’t get me wrong. I’m a born-again, bible-believing, sold-out Christian. I firmly believe in the power of prayer, and have seen prayers answered in ways that cannot be explained in the natural world.

    But to sit there and do NOTHING other than pray while your child dies of something that GOD HIMSELF has given us the tools to treat and deal with is truly the definition of criminal.

    As was said, when these parents show up for their eternal judgement, I can just imagine God saying to them “I sent people to you, 50 years before your child needed them, to give you the tools to help her. Why did you ignore her pain?”

    Absolutely un-conscionable behavior.

    Am I mad?

    You bet. You should hear what my diabetic daughter has to say about it!

    Sorry for the length, but I had to get this off my chest. I live in Wisconsin, so the rest of the country is about a week behind those of us who have been hearing about these two for a while now.


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