Pelosi: “Bush’s Comments Are Beneath The Dignity Of His Office”

May 15th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


No, no, no, no, no, no…bitch.

What is beneath the dignity of any office is yours, when you fuck with funding for the troops, Madam Speaker…

Democratic House leaders are calling out President Bush for a speech in Israel in which he seemed to suggest that Sen. Barack Obama wants the United States to “negotiate with terrorists.”

In his speech, Bush said: “Some seem to believe we should negotiate with terrorists and radicals, as if some ingenious argument will persuade them they have been wrong all along.”

The White House insists that Bush was “referring to a wide range of people, not any single person.” But Obama’s campaign says it appeared to be a swipe at him, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday that Bush’s remarks were “beneath the dignity of the office of the president and unworthy of our representation” at the celebration of Israel’s 60th anniversary.

Referring to Sen. John McCain, Pelosi said: “I would hope that any serious person that aspires to lead the country, would disassociate themselves from those comments.”

As Pelosi was speaking, House Democratic Caucus Chairman Rahm Emanuel issued a statement in which he said: “The tradition has always been that when a U.S. president is overseas, partisan politics stops at the water’s edge. President Bush has now taken that principle and turned it on its head: for this White House, partisan politics now begins at the water’s edge, no matter the seriousness and gravity of the occasion. Does the president have no shame?”


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24 Responses

  1. Steve in NC

    fuck you pelosi, better hide your gravesite for I will piss on your grave before I leave this earth

  2. sully

    Looks like that one little rock hit a whole bunch a them dogs. :lol:
    YAP, YAP, YAP!!! :lol:

  3. Caligula

    id ask her WHY she thinks bush’s comments are not true, but asking a liberal to use facts is like asking a giraffe to use an opposable thumb

  4. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    That’s rich …

    The skanky prostitute calling the housewife a whore :gun:

  5. BradW (the Infidel)

    “As Pelosi was speaking, House Democratic Caucus Chairman Rahm Emanuel issued a statement in which he said: “The tradition has always been that when a U.S. president is overseas, partisan politics stops at the water’s edge”

    Is he friggin serious??? those traitors have been playing partisan politics all over the world, their members flying around, meeting with terroists and despots ever since Reagan was in office. They started the shit, but now they want to be the only ones practicing it. If Rahm really wanted to be taken seriously, he would have denounced Pelosi’s trip to Syria, Dhimmi carter meeting wtih Chavez, and all of the other pieces of shit the liberals have had elected to office that have done or are doing worse. :shock:

  6. Steve in NC

    :arrow: BradW (the Infidel)

    your fucking kidding, aren’t you?

  7. sully

    “The skanky prostitute calling the housewife a whore”

    :lol: :lol: :beer: :beer: :beer:

  8. Mark

    “I would hope that any serious person that aspires to lead the country, would disassociate themselves from those comments.”

    I hope anyone that aspires to do anything with their life disassociates themselves from the traitorous San Fran radical left midset sick fucks like you have, pelosi.

  9. momps


  10. Marc

    You know these clowns act all twisted about these comments when you know behind closed doors they curse up a storm and berate their staffs and interns on a regular basis, and then act shocked, shocked I tell you when someone mentions who completely incompetent, and pathetically weak their party’s candidate truly will be in a speech!

    “Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday that Bush’s remarks were “beneath the dignity of the office of the president and unworthy of our representation” at the celebration of Israel’s 60th anniversary.”

    Beneath the dignity of the office? Dignity is something the speaker had boxed up and put into storage when she took office. Shut up you appeasing wench!

  11. BlueOval8950

    Hey Pelosi how convienent it is that you forgot about your BS meeting with Assad in Syria. You have no room to talk.

  12. SCredneck


    In the days of the Roman Empire they would call her an enemy of the state…

    This from a woman who engaged in an act of treason by bringing up the Armanian Resolution during a time of war in an effort to disrupt supply lines to OUR TROOPS!

    I Hate this CUNT!!! :evil:

  13. Irish Gal

    Ughhhhhhh… :roll:

  14. Tom in CO

    Prove that appeasement works and you may have a point, Pugolsi. HOW WILL APPEASEMENT SOLVE RADICAL ISLAM!? Answer that NOW. FUCK YOU BITCH. :gun: :evil: :gun:

  15. Old Sailor

    When the light is turned on, the roaches scurry for cover…

  16. Mike Swann

    Pelosi and Carter should havwe been tried under the Logan act. That woudl have made it perfectly clear who convey foreign policy.

    Why wreck a good body by putting an ugly head it? Oh my; I guess you could say that about the whole democratic party and their presidental contenders.

  17. tedders

    Like she knows squat about dignity!

  18. Dan (The Infidel)

    What a useless old whore Peluski is. Unpark your broom and go fly back to your cave old woman. Like we forgot about your ass-kissing trip to Islamistan to suck Assad’s terrorist dick? F*ck you.

  19. Boo Boo

    OK, I went to the gym to work off my frustration and the setting on the machines were higher than I had ever done before, and I am STILL steamed. I accidently turned on CNN and saw Jeffrey Toobin and Jack Cafferty speaking of Pres. Bush (with whom I have my own disagreements) as though he were the lowest form of humanity in the world. I couldn’t believe the utter vicious disrespect. He is allowed to speak out against appeasement–if the appeasing traitors like Peloski and appeasing surrender monkeys like Obama and Emmanuel want to believe he is talking about them–oh well. Politics stop at the water’s edge? Is he kidding? Jimmy Idiot Carter is the keynote speaker at their demoidiot convention and he goes overseas constantly and berates and denigrates our President and our country. Oh, and would someone please tell me ONE positive accomplishment of Nancy Peloski in her entire pathetic career? One?

  20. Boo Boo

    Oh, and another thing: I wish I were 20 years younger so I COULD go VOLUNTEER to join the Army and go to Iraq and Afghanistan and try to take out some jihadis because I believe for an American, that is the highest calling you can have. All other lines of redress have proven futile. Those brave American soldiers are actually DOING SOMETHING about the PROBLEM in the most direct fashion. I envy them every day.

  21. Kentucky Jim

    I only hope this does not make Ms Obama ashamed of her country again.

  22. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    What Pelosi is most interested in is: the perverted Folsom St. parade. The parade that you can watch people of the same sex have their perverted sex in public for all to see. Pelosi condones this abhorrant behavior and promotes it. I bet she even takes her grandchildren to the parade so they can experience diversity and perversity. All the good S.F. values that she loves.
    Nancy Pelosi is a disgrace to the United States.

  23. Larry In NC

    I despise her.

    I’ve always despised her.

    Every time I see her plastic face, from a fucked up face-lift, on TV, I want to throw up all of the food I’ve eaten in the past week…and then she opens her mouth and all of the shit that is supposed to be passed out the back end starts spewing out her facial anus.

    She is truly a traitorous bitch who disgraces this country with her level of lunacy. Congratulations, San Francisco!!

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