Photo Series Marine Narrowly Escapes Death In Afghanistan

May 21st, 2008 Posted By Lftbhndagn.


May 18: A U.S. Marine from the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit flinches in a firefight with the Taliban near Garmser in Helmand Province, Afghanistan. The Marine was uninjured in the exchange.

WOW, just fucking wow…..


Fox News

Dramatic photos show a Marine’s narrow escape from death Sunday while facing insurgent gunfire in Afghanistan.

The Marine, part of the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU), was exchanging gunfire with Taliban fighters near Garmser in Afghanistan’s Helmand Province when a Reuters photographer captured the soldier’s very close call.

A series of six photos show the Marine, wearing a T-shirt and fatigues but no combat helmet, ducking as insurgent gunfire tears through the top of a mud wall he’s using for cover. Remarkably, the Marine escaped the gunfight without injury.

“The insurgents are finding that every time they engage with the Marines, they lose,” Col. Peter Petronzio, commander of the 24th MEU, said in a statement issued May 10. “The Marines are gaining ground every day and securing more of the routes through the district. The support we have received from our allied partners has contributed to our many successes thus far.”

The Garmser district has been the center of a joint operation of U.S. and British troops designed to put pressure on Taliban insurgents, Agence France-Presse reports.

Troops have targeted this region on the Pakistan border that has served as a route for supplies and reinforcements for insurgents since April 28.

“Definitely they are putting resistance in the area because Garmser is very important for them,” Gen. Carlos Branco, a spokesman for NATO’s International Security Assistance Force, told the AFP.

“Garmser is a planning, staging and logistics hub. Once lost it will mean a severe defeat for them,” he told the agency. “That is why they are reinforcing with insurgents coming from other places, both north and south.”

Branco told the AFP that the insurgents had suffered “heavy” losses.

Click here to read the AFP’s story at

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33 Responses

  1. Q_Mech



    I do wonder if the Reuters photog bothered to check on the Marine afterwards or just started shouting “Allahu akbar!”.

  2. Rob

    Probably the later.

    Allahu Akbar. Another dead piggy. :lol: Who says Allahu is on their side. :wink:

  3. blastdad( typical white patriot)

    Hajis must have caught our guys in some down time, there’s another marine in the background who doesn’t have his gear on either. Damn glad everyone came through OK.

  4. TedB

    Why don’t they show the dead hadjis? Oh, that’s right, they’d have to show some bias, right?

  5. cplusmc

    woah woah woah. You commander dared to let a photographer come around without everyone in proper uniform? Where’s the blouse, flak jacket, helmet? My CO would have finished the hadji’s job for him if we were found like that. We once had to use the last of our drinking water with no eta on a resup to shave so we would look good for fucking Geraldo “I’m a piece of shit” Rivera.

  6. Faith of Judas

    the helmets aren’t rated to stop even AK rounds. they’re not as useful as people think.

  7. Steve in NC

    the al reuter photog may have had the shooting timed by his buddies so he could get some good pics.

  8. Dbo

    these marines (and the reporter) were probably at a forward operating base where they thought they were safe from enemy contact. complacency kills.

  9. 0311YutYut


  10. Phendlin (Death Rattlers)

    thank God that Marine survived! he lives to fight another day to help push back the piggies and bring freedom to godless land. God Bless them, keep them safe.

    P.S. God, help them to remember to throw on their gear. :wink:

  11. Dan O

    Headline should read, “Marine Cheats Death, Fails to Cheat Ass-Chewing by First Sergeant”. Because I guarantee he got one after the picture was published. Not to mention the talk his plt cmdr probably had with the Bn XO. Even if there were a legit reason for him being in a firefight with no PPE, shit will definitely flow downhill from that photo being published.

    And by the way, helmets do sometimes stop AK rounds. Situationally dependent on range and angle of impact. FYI.

  12. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    Baby, if you’re gonna “go commando” do it the right way …

    Let ‘the boys’ be free (looks like those skivvies might need changing after that anyway …) … But wear your helmet, for shit-sake! Your face is too damn pretty for target practice. :gun:

  13. Faith of Judas

    “And by the way, helmets do sometimes stop AK rounds. Situationally dependent on range and angle of impact. FYI.” And my forehead stopped shrapnel from dual 133s at less than 10 feet.

    Weird shit happens. The helmets are not at all intended to stop rifle rounds, and, more importantly, when the shit hits the fan, you return fire, before you worry about whether some pog first sergeant is going to chew you out for not putting your PPE because you were too busy slinging lead.

  14. Dan (The Infidel)

    Damn. Any day a Marine or soldier walks away from a firefight in one piece is a good day. Dude, put your shit on…

  15. Kevin M

    We gotta send this guy to a Code Pinko demonstration so we can see what happens when THEY don’t wear their friggin’ helmet. :beer:

  16. Jerry

    I myself would prefer some impact resistant goggle/safety glasses to save the eyes from the fragements. Then again shit probably happened so fast that it was not an option. How else woula AP photographers otherwise be anywhere near the action in most circumstances to get that type of photo series?

  17. Sandy

    Saw this when I was at work. Damn glad he is alright.

    I am sure his commander reamed him out for not wearing all his gear. I am sure all of his brothers, friends and loveds will be next in line to chew him out as well.

    I don’t know how true it is since I have never served but I heard that sometimes the gear interferes and that is why they sometimes do not wear the helmet?

    Anyone know if that is true?

  18. mindy abraham

    :shock: He should buy the lotto

  19. 0311inOHio (typical white person)

    :beer: :beer: :gun: :gun:

    Looks like something out of a fucking movie. Die Hard III
    Something to tell the grandkids about. :razz:

    Semper Fi.

  20. Hugh

    “What did you do in the war, Daddy?”

    “Well sweetie, go grab my photo album”

    Hope he lives to share these photos with his great-grandkids!

    Thanks Marine!

  21. Monkey3531

    can everyone stop with the “put your gear on” BS. seeing as how this devil dog has nothing on but trousers, boots and his skivie shirt, he was probably doing some PT, sleeping or in the shitter when the firefight started, grabbed a rifle and shared some lead love with the enemy. thankfully nothing happened to him, and thankfully he had the sense to fight imediately rather than find his gear while the enemy was shooting him

  22. Poexxx

    I wore a boonie in Somolia. :twisted:

    Helmets are good, BA is good… But when your number is up your number is up, all the gear in the world won’t change it.

  23. Faith of Judas

    exactly, monkey.

  24. Dan O

    Faith of Judas

    “when the shit hits the fan, you return fire, before you worry about whether some pog first sergeant is going to chew you out for not putting your PPE because you were too busy slinging lead.”


  25. Dan O

    I think it’s kind of funny that even though he’s not wearing any ppe, he still has his boots bloused. Hopefully he pointed that out to the first sergeant at some point during the ass chewing.

  26. 0311YutYut

    I don’t know how many times I got my ass chewed by my 1stSgt in Iraq for not having my throat protecter snapped. And for not having nametapes on my trousers. And for having a rip in my blouse. hahahahaha :mrgreen:

  27. Goodbye Natalie

    I don’t know much about fighting bad men as I’ve made abundantly clear in the past (complete civilian) but I do have to wonder, “if I were sitting in some ravine and it was about 207 degrees in that netherworld called Afghanistan, I’d have to think that all that gear gets so f*king hot, you feel like you’re dead if you don’t strip.”

    Probably explains why I am absolutely sure I’d have been fragged from some higher up for my smart mouth and it’s best for me to simply root for the good guys in my air-conditioned house.

  28. ssgduke54

    :gun: :shock: Rather you are for the War or not the first round that lands near you will throw all the politics out the window! :gun:

  29. Monkey3531

    :arrow: 0311YutYut
    don’t forget the lectures about having your sleeves rolled down properly before entering some chowhall

  30. Rock

    all i am going to say is that is fucking motivating.

  31. Faith of Judas

    my team got kicked out of the chowhall several times after patrols for being “too dirty”

  32. Bill

    It’s a shame our government doesn’t do for this Marine what they did for the Marines on Iwo who raised the flag for the famous photo0. I’m not going to compare this photographer to Joe Rosenthal because I don’t know the whole story. We won’t see these photo’s in any papers or on any stamps but we should. Remember war has winners and losers. Unfortunately, these days we have to search the blogs to find out who is who because the press will not publish it. Tell your friends,
    “The insurgents are finding that every time they engage with the Marines, they lose,”
    Personally, I’d like to read a lot more of that!

  33. radgy

    Dude told his wife,he was changing clothes when they came under attack,he didnt have time to go get his helmit,was to bussy shooting back.,2933,356924,00.html

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