Poll: Which Of The Following Is The Biggest Threat To U.S. Stability?

May 11th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Found this poll quite thought provoking…

The biggest part of the question that had me thinking was the word “stability” rather than say… “Security” or “Safety”…

Click here to check out the poll and vote, then come back here and tell us who you picked and why…

Question: Which of the following is the biggest threat to U.S. stability?

Al Qaeda







European Union


Internal groups

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15 Responses

  1. Jeff

    :arrow: Internal groups

    We can handle everything on that list if we stand together. If certain groups (re: liberals) continue to bury their heads in the sand, and insist the rest of us do it as well, the threats on that list will walk all over us.

  2. TBinSTL (just typical)

    All the others, because of internal groups. But seriously, I’m probably most worried about Mexico in the short run. Instability there will cause endless problems here.

  3. Bob P

    Dittos Jeff

  4. Steve in NC

    Internal groups, that an easy answer.

    If we are willing to take our destiny in our own hands we can overcome any of these other threats.

    It is the socialists and stalinists that have found a home in the democrat party that are the greatest threat to the United States of America, along with the misinformed and coddled populace that is compliant as long as the supply bread and circuses are not interrupted.

    Their polices have weakened our economy by stopping the further development of our own fossil fuel natural resources and by stopping the development of alternatives such as nuclear.

    Their policies have weakened our defensive positions around the globe, IE letting the control of the Panama Canal slip away to the Chinese. http://www.globalsecurity.org/wmd/library/news/china/1999/e-11-18-99-5.htm

    Their policies of the great society have enslaved the black community to the bondage of federal government.

    Their policies have created a failing public school system.

    Their policies have encouraged an influx of lawless squatters foolishly referred to as immigrants.

    I could continue…. but you get the idea.

  5. ECM

    Internal groups, no question. As this nation increasingly fragments into warring special interest groups, we’ll gradually be weakened enough where any of the other options on the list will be able to take us down with little or no fight.

  6. Rob

    what’s going on in Mexico? Or is it the immigration problem? :???:

    I’d say inside groups. United we can face any threat. Divided a bunch of rag-head jihadis could easily destroy us. Which seems to be their method. You know, try to divide this country as much a they can before they launch a serious attack.

  7. Paula in KY

    I chose internal too, and Mexico was my second choice. Too much multiculti, PC bullshit. :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun:

    Agree with Bash with the choice of the word “stability”.

  8. Cridhe Saorsa

    The European Union.

    They refuse to pull their head out of the sand to the threat that risks all of western man’s stability. They are completely in the thrall of the lies of multiculturalism and refuse to see the red hand of islam in their own lands. They blame the very country that is protecting them by holding back the dark tide of the religion of death. When we pull out of Iraq, they will feel the long knives of the spawn of Saud and they will blame us for enraging the followers of the Dark Lord, Mohammad.

    Because the European Union denies the threat, those who worship multiculturalism in our country are strengthened and as a result we are weakened internally.

  9. Tom in CO

    Iran. Would have voted internal groups had I remembered that liberals are the cause of the other problems on that poll…

  10. Kurt(the infidel)

    definitely internal groups

    they are appeasing all the others on the list and without the liberals in this country we could easily handle any outside threat.

  11. Doug

    Hmm the UN is missing from the list… damn.

  12. EDinTampa

    I chose Mexico because people (criminals & enemy) & drugs are coming through without much resistance from the southern border. That has to STOP or destabilization is imminent.

  13. Jarhead68

    Internal Groups, hands down…this is my comment on that site:

    Liberals are the biggest threat because they refuse to see the other threats. Their lust for power is stronger than their love of country. Oh, who am I kidding? They hate their country.

    Civilization are not murdered but rather, they commit suicide. That’s what we are doing by allowing liberals to control education.

  14. Dan (The Infidel)

    I’ll give my answer using the symbolism of our enemies. There are two enemies the near enemy; i.e progressive libs and anarchists; and the far enemy: AQ, MMA, and the rest of the members of the Third Jihad.

    It is the left and the ignorant f*cks in government that are allowing the jihadis an entrance to our institutions and our government.

    I raise my middle finger in salute to both.

  15. just posting

    yes its internal groups, We will only parish if we are divided

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