Polls: Americans Don’t Believe Hussein On Wright - With Video

May 2nd, 2008 Posted By Bash.


People just aren’t buying in to the whole “He’s not the man I knew for twenty years” bullshit, or any of the other crap. In fact, most polled (56%) actually believe now, that it is very likely or somewhat likely that Hussein shares some of the controversial views about the United States that Jeremiah Wright does. Those are overall numbers…

When broken down into groups, 74% of Republicans, 48%of Democrats, and 49% of Independents think that it is somewhat or very likely that Hussein shares his Pastor’s anti-American views.

Interesting numbers, and insightful commentary on video here by Juan Williams:



More than a week after Barack Obama vowed to “close the deal” and wrap up the Democratic presidential nomination, he finds Hillary Clinton closing the gap and polls showing Americans still questioning his relationship with his controversial former pastor.

Clinton, still numerically outmatched when it comes to delegates won, is experiencing a surge in North Carolina and Indiana, which are holding primaries Tuesday and will set the trajectory for the campaign’s final weeks.

An average of polls on RealClearPolitics.com shows Obama with a 7-point lead in North Carolina; last month he was carrying the state in some surveys by more than 20 points. And Indiana, a state that was thought to be neck-and-neck, is trending toward Clinton. Averages show her up by 6 points in the state.


Clinton was endorsed Friday by The Indianapolis Star, which circulates in the state’s competitive capital suburbs. And a new Rasmussen Poll indicated that voters weren’t accepting Obama’s moves this week to denounce his former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, and shed the controversy surrounding him.

Fifty-eight percent of those polled said Obama denounced Wright out of political convenience, not outrage. The poll was conducted nationally Wednesday and Thursday night.

“This primary election on Tuesday is a game-changer. This is going to make a huge difference going forward,” Clinton said Friday in Kinston, N.C. “The entire country and probably the entire world is looking to see what North Carolina decides.”

North Carolina and Indiana offer 115 and 72 delegates, respectively, representing Obama’s last one-day chance to pull away in the delegate count and leave Clinton in the dust. The six contests that will remain after Tuesday each offer fewer than 60 delegates, and individually are unlikely to have a big impact on the dynamic of the race.


Asked about his apparent rut at a press conference in Indianapolis Friday, Obama tried to find the silver lining.

“We have had a rough couple of weeks; I won’t deny that,” he said. “And what’s remarkable is that, despite that, we are seeing terrific support all across Indiana and all across North Carolina. I have been incredibly encouraged over the last several days as we have campaigned. …

“This campaign has been tight throughout. But I am very confident that the American people are looking for the kind of truth-telling and serious policy-making that is going to have an impact on their lives. And as long as I am talking about the issues that matter to them, I think we have a terrific chance,” he said.

Obama’s nearly 10-point loss in Pennsylvania on April 22 made a set of victories Tuesday all the more important for him. He would like to shake Clinton and send a signal to uncommitted superdelegates that he’s the Democrat with the mandate from voters.

Clinton needs those superdelegates to overcome Obama’s total delegate lead, which as of Friday was 1,736 to 1,602.

In the past two months, Obama has whittled Clinton’s superdelegate lead by half. Clinton holds a 20-superdelegate lead, 268 to 248.

One notable superdelegate, former Democratic National Committee Chairman Joe Andrew, switched his support from Clinton to Obama on Thursday, despite having been named to the top party job by former President Bill Clinton.

“This has got to come to an end,” Andrew said from his hometown of Indianapolis. He said he planned to call all the other superdelegates he knows and encourage them to back Obama.

Obama also got the backing Friday of former DNC Chairman Paul Kirk Jr., who said in a statement: “Senator Obama is the one candidate who has and will continue to expand the electorate beyond the traditional Democratic party base and bring young and new and independent voters to the Democratic banner in November, an essential ingredient to a Democratic victory. …

“After the attention paid to the poisonous and polarizing diatribe of recent days, Senator Obama’s clear and compelling message, which appeals to our best instincts as Americans, is more important than ever.”

Clinton’s campaign brushed off Kirk’s endorsement as “old news.”


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7 Responses

  1. bill-tb

    How could he not have known who Wright was and what he preached. The moo has been knocked off the messiah.

  2. Kurt(the infidel)

    Yeah any attempt by Hussein to turn the page on this subject should be stopped. we cannot allow someone to become President of this country while holding such radical and completely insane views. I would call them delusional views, and very dangerous

  3. Charles

    Obama surprised by Wrights views?

    Are you kidding?

    33% Yes?? 15% not sure? What planet are they from?

    That mofo sat there for 20 fuck’n years(!!!) listening to Wright’s race baiting horseshit. Who’s kidding whom?

    What truly bothers me is that we’d let such an empty suit anywhere near Washington in the first place.

  4. GF

    A. If he didn’t know:
    Someone this blind should not be CIC.
    B. If he did know:
    Someone this blind should not be CIC.

  5. Old Sailor

    One can always hope that the Democrats will implode this November, but I have to say that there is a large segment of Americans who do not have the capacity to think clearly. They are itching to elect a Democrat this fall and kick out anything that reminds them of Bush and “his” war. Nobody wants to see McCain and the Republicans win this fall more than I do, but I am going to save my celebrations until after the votes are counted. This election is going to be crazy right up to the last minute.

  6. SOC

    Once again Fox news makes a slam dunk. Obama performs in the spirit of tin men and soap salesman. Look over there, don’t look over here. Tell them what they want to hear. Maybe he can get a job with Hugo Chavez or Imadickwad if the campaign doesn’t quite work out. Maybe Hamas needs a new front man.
    What a loser…….

  7. Phendlin (Death Rattlers)

    i believe B. Hussein O. does agree with JW on many of those points. The reason, he’s allowing his children to be educated in that church. what one of us would send our children to a church to learn a catechism of hate and lies? listen to B. Hussein O’s wife, Michelle, she really does believes in Rev. JW and his non-gospel message. So where does that leave him? His wife believes it, he allows his children to attend there and be taught that message. Knowing those things, B. Hussein O., undeserving of the Senate seat he holds. Much less any other public servant office he is intensely passionate towards. I’m glad he chose now to run, before he had time to become “more polished” and entrenched in the political arena. We now can see who he really is and what he really believes. he is an evil man and the truth is not in him. I can’t help but think of W.B. Yeats “The Second Coming”. and i’m troubled with the coming election cycle.

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