Posted At Hussein HQ: “Whatever Michelle Says Is The Message”

May 22nd, 2008 Posted By Bash.


You know what? I do NOT like this woman. It ain’t the color of her skin. It ain’t her gender. It’s her fukn atitude. Sorry. Just don’t like her. First Lady? How about First Bitch? Look at her! Ain’t gonna happen.

Found this over at Newsbusters:

In all the fuss over Barack Obama going on ABC and telling his opponents to “lay off my wife,” some might have assumed that Obama was implying that Michelle Obama wasn’t a major player in the Obama campaign. Read the transcript again, and you’ll notice he never says that. (Michelle, however, felt compelled in that interview to deny Robert Novak’s buzz that she axed Hillary from the ticket.)


All this reminded me of an April 24 CBS Evening News story where Katie Couric spent some gummy-grinned giggle time inside the Obama campaign HQ. As she surveyed the press shop, a camera found this sheet of paper with a Barack declaration of policy: “Whatever Michelle Says Is The Message.”

Here’s what Couric was saying as the shot hit the screen:

Then there’s the press operation, answering questions from reporters, trying to tamp down any controversy, in constant contact with the road while trying to make sure the message of the day survives.

So when Barack says “lay off my wife,” is he following the wife’s message orders?

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8 Responses

  1. Cridhe Saorsa

    Stone cold bitch.

  2. sully

    Oh my…. if it be true this is DEFINITELY not going to help her kids.

    “lay off my wife”? Tuff talk from Snobama who got his street creds in Hawaii, Cambridge and then hidin’ behind the man-dresses of his pastor and spiritual guides Wright and Farrakhan. What a fucking joke.

  3. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    And yunz thought the Clintons were made of Teflon? …

    These two have up a ‘force-field’ powered by the MSM that you ain’t even allowed to try to penetrate …

  4. Arthuraria

    She is militant BPP to the core. If they win the White House she’ll probably have that racist, ak-47 necklace wearing, BPP follower alicia keys play at the victory party. I can’t stand people like her with chips so big on their shoulders they can’t look beyond their own experiences. There is going to be a huge race backlash in this country if she gets into the White House, because she embodies the belief that white people should feel guilty about the sins of their ancestors.

  5. sully

    “…. she embodies the belief that white people should feel guilty about the sins of their ancestors.”

    As I try to feel the appropriate amount of guilt both for being born a typical white person and for her not being proud of her country till this year, I just can’t get my head around them BLT types like her and her wife Bambi wanting to ‘kill my white mans God’.

  6. Mike F

    A severely upitty Bitch!

  7. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    It use to be that we had to watch out for white-liberals who bear guilt.
    How ’bout now,
    Watch out for black-liberals who bear guilt.

  8. GW

    I like her and this is why: She will continue to help sink Hussein’s campaign. The more people hear her bitter speeches, immediately followed by Hussein’s whining of “distractions”.

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