President Bush Compares Iraq, Afghan Wars To World War II

May 28th, 2008 Posted By Lftbhndagn.


I have to agree….

Were in a fight for our freedom…

Same fight, different enemy….

All I have to ask is….

When can we drop 2 nukes on Tehran to end it for the win?

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colorado (CNN) — President Bush told the 2008 graduating class at the U.S. Air Force Academy on Wednesday that the “only way America could lose the war on terror is if we defeat ourselves.”

Speaking on a cloudy day at Falcon Stadium, the president compared the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to America’s earlier conflicts, particularly World War II.

“Our nation is once again contending with an ideology that seeks to sow anger, hatred and despair: the ideology of Islamic extremism,” he said.

“In today’s struggle, we are once again facing evil men who despise freedom and despise America and aim to subject millions to their violent rule.

“We assumed this obligation before,” he said, referring to the rebuilding of Germany and Japan after World War II, a conflict that saw the loss of more than 400,000 American lives. Watch more of Bush’s speech »

“Germany and Japan, once mortal enemies, are now allies of the United States. And people across the world have reaped the benefits from that alliance,” he said. “Today, we must do the same in Afghanistan and Iraq. … We’ll lay the foundation of peace for generations to come.”

But today’s wars differ from those of the past, Bush acknowledged, and not only because of modern technology that allows “greater precision” in warfare.

One challenge is that in the past, in Germany and Japan, the work of rebuilding took place in relative quiet,” he said.

“Today, we’re helping emerging democracies rebuild under fire from terrorist networks and state sponsors of terror. This is a difficult and unprecedented task — and we’re learning as we go.”

The measure of success in war has changed, he said.

“In the past … there were public surrenders, a signing ceremony on the deck of a battleship, victory parades in American cities. Today, when the war continues after the regime has fallen, the definition of success is more complicated.”

Nonetheless, he said, in Iraq and Afghanistan, there is a clear definition of success: when those countries are rid of al Qaeda, when they are economically viable, when they are democracies that can govern effectively and when they are strong allies on the war on terror.

“These successes will come,” he told the class. “And when they do, our nation will have achieved victory, and the American people will be more secure.

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6 Responses

  1. Bill

    I dont think its quite the same but still very important

  2. sully

    I think Islamofascism is worse.

  3. Atom&Yves

    When can we drop 2 nukes on Tehran (and the Ayrabs) to end it for the win?

  4. Rob

    :arrow: Atom&Yves
    How’s tomorrow sound. I’m sure Bush would have no problem. But then again, why waste all that precious oil. Slime them instead. :twisted:

  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    GW is correct in one respect…this “Third Great Jihad” being waged against us is just like WWII. Only it is 1938, not 1941. And GW still hasn’t correctly ID’d our enemy which is ISLAM.

    If you want to end the war quick drop three nukes: One on Tehran, one on Waziristan and one on Saudi Arabia.

    Otherwise you’re looking at a 20-years war, no matter who wins in November.

    GW, much like the rest of the west needs to get inside the heads of the jihadis. They will not stop unless we defeat them or they defeat us. Submit, convert or die….or fight.

    Not unlike the Empire of the Rising Sun or Nazi Germany in WWII. They wanted to conquer the world too. What stopped them is what the west needs to do to stop the Islamic Crusade against the West.

    Destroy enough of them and maybe we’ll get somewhere…and also ship the camel-humpers back to their own 7th century jihadi utopias in Jihadistan…unless the west wants to also fight in our own streets amd back alleys to take our freedoms back from the Sharia-infected scabs of Islamo-facism?

  6. OldflyerBob

    I distinctly heard GWB identify radical Islam as our enemy.

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