Prince Charles: Unless We Save The Rainforests In 18 Months There’ll Be A Series Of Natural Disasters

May 18th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


God, save the Queen!

No, no, wait…save the rainforests, yes thats it!

Methinks Chuck’s been hanging around Da Goracle too much.

The Prince of Wales has warned that the world faces a series of natural disasters within 18 months unless urgent action is taken to save the rainforests.

In one of his most out-spoken interventions in the climate change debate, he said a £15 billion (about $30 billion USD) annual programme was required to halt deforestation or the world would have to live with the dire consequences.

“We will end up seeing more drought and starvation on a grand scale. Weather patterns will become even more terrifying and there will be less and less rainfall,” he said.

“We are asking for something pretty dreadful unless we really understand the issues now and [the] urgency of them.” The Prince said the rainforests, which provide the “air conditioning system for the entire planet”, releasing water vapour and absorbing carbon, were being lost to poor farmers desperate to make a living.

He said that every year, 20 million hectares of forest – equivalent to the area of England, Wales and Scotland – were destroyed and called for a “gigantic partnership” of governments, businesses and consumers to slow it down.

“What we have got to do is try to ensure that these forests are more valuable alive than dead. At the moment, there is more value in them being dead,” he said.

He estimated that the cost would be about £15 billion a year but said that this should be viewed as an insurance policy for the whole world. “That is roughly just under one per cent of all the insurance premiums paid in the world in any one year. It is an insurance premium to ensure the world has some rainfall and reasonable weather patterns. It is a good deal.”

Last month, the Prince had a meeting at St James’s Palace with four state governors from Brazil to discuss the best way to allocate the money. One option would be for an organisation such as the World Bank to administer the fund. The Prince made clear yesterday that if nothing was done there was a “severe danger of losing a major part of the battle against climate change”.

In an interview on Radio 4’s Today programme, the Prince disclosed that he had raised his concerns with the White House, Vladimir Putin, the Russian prime minister, and President Sarkozy, of France. He said he had pressed Barclays, Shell, Goldman Sachs and McDonald’s to join his campaign.

But he also said consumers had to play their part by choosing products that were environmentally sustainable and called for improvements in labelling.

He denied, however, that he was interfering in the political process. “All I am ever trying to do is to provide an enabling facility,” he said.

He conceded that at times he had been forced to keep his counsel when he would have liked to have spoken out. “You learn as you go along. I am going to be 60 this year. I would be a blinding idiot if I had not learnt a bit by now.”


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9 Responses

  1. Kevin M

    Chuckie’s tired from his most recent bathroom swordfight with his Muzzie pals, so he’s jumped aboard the enviro-terror bandwagon.

    Dear Charles: Go piss up a rope.

  2. Steve in NC

    Listen you big eared freak, we have to cut down the rainforests so that we can grow crops for fuel! Don’t you stupid fucking global warming idiots get it? Fuck them forests, deforestation is good for the Earth, because we have to grow our fuel! Plus the added benefit is that only wealthy nations will be able to pay for the rising costs of food stocks, and then the impoverished peoples of the Earth will begin to suffer massive death tolls because they cannot afford food anymore. But you can, you inbred monarch dinosaur.
    Yea, fuck them little people, it is your nations colonial history anyway.

  3. Kurt(the infidel)

    I think ole’ Chuck has been stuck in a vacuum for so long with his own thoughts that he actually convinced himself that he is an expert on this subject.

    I guess thats what happens when everyone around you agrees with everything that comes out of your mouth.

  4. A. S. Wise- VA (Republican Space Ranger)

    This coming from a wanker who couldn’t stay with Dianna!

  5. Goodbye Natalie (Cracker Man)

    I often wonder if the old Queen lays awake in bed at night and wonders, “Where did I go wrong?” I’m now absolutely convinced that 500 years of inbreeding has finally doomed the monarchy…we’ve got the intellectual equivalent of Mohammedans running the show.

  6. franchie

    “Fuck them forests, deforestation is good for the Earth, because we have to grow our fuel! Plus the added benefit is that only wealthy nations will be able to pay for the rising costs of food stocks, and then the impoverished peoples of the Earth will begin to suffer massive death tolls because they cannot afford food anymore.”

    if you do that in a mercantile spirit, just for your holy oil, because you can’t walk anymore more than 50 meters, then your fuck-up either.

    When you make deforestation, you need also to assure a compensation,
    because soils are not prepared to produce your bloody oil shit ; soon with the rainings and violent dilluvions, the soil is going to vanish into the rivers that will also extend and invade more lands that are supposed to be good fo cultivation.

    The pre-colombian tribes in Amazonia, knew a technic with charcoal that fertilised soil for longer times : terra-preta without the Monsanto chemical lobby : the adventage was that they could use their aera indefinitely without extending more on the forest

    about the Brazilian forest :

    It’s about money and lazyness

  7. Steve in NC

    :arrow: franchie? you busting my balls?

  8. franchie

    hehe, don’t forget boots are only made for walking (uh, not kicking :lol: )

  9. Kevin M

    Pole-smoking child of privilege joins the Lear Jet Liberal crowd in his efforts to lecture the planet on a subject on which he knows nothing.

    The British royal family really are utterly useless.

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