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17 Responses

  1. johnF

    Thank you for this instructional video! Now I know what to do if I ever spill alcohol on my koran! I wouldn’t recommend using the papers for toilet paper though, you might get hemorroids! Everything the koran touches becomes inflamed, infected, and troublesome. You might be able to use the papers to roll a joint though! I think Mo might have been hallucinating when he came up with that nonsense.

  2. sully

    Oh dude… now you’ve done it.
    That U.N. egghead is gonna be all over you.

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    Love the Moosehead imagry. Right on. right on…

  4. Chris WI

    That is awesome! :smile: I love the shoe.

  5. Kurt(the infidel)

    yeah that was an awesome video :mrgreen:

    warms my heart to see people destroying that book of hatred and murder

  6. TO (twp)

    Possibly the best video of 2008!

  7. Rob

    Um. I don’t think any of us will ever have that problem. You’d have to have a Koran in order to spill a beer on it.

  8. Rob

    Koran+ :beer: = :idea:

  9. Tom in CO

    So THAT’s how you do it!

    Can I buy that sandal?

  10. Jarhead68

    ROFLmyf’ingAO. Now Patraeus will have to apologize again.

  11. mindy abraham

    This is so wrong, but :lol:

  12. steve m

    Damn shame, waste of a good brewski to make that one…as for the koran…….uh,……waste of a good beer… :beer:

  13. Sgtbill

    Note to self… drink the beer before you “spill it” on the koran. At least he finished drinking the rest of the beer.
    :lol: :beer:

  14. TJ (The Kafir)

    by the way have you gotten any fatwas issued against you for stuff like this? also, How should you clean the quran if you accidentally deficate on it? :?: an instructional video would be most helpful. :beer:

  15. Kevin M

    Another good method I have found is to use anything retreived from the laundry hamper after a good college football or hockey game.

    Step 1: Accidentally spill very cheap tequila onto the Muslim holy book of your choice.

    Step 2: Express heartfelt anguish at having possibly offended a billion subprimates worldwide.

    Step 3: Use a quarterback’s ass-sweat-stained undergarment to soak up excess cheap tequila.

    Step 4: Heave Muslim holy book of your choice into sanitary landfill so the rats have something to read.

    Step 5: Wring out ass-sweat-stained and cheap tequila soaked undergarment into an empty bottle iced tea and top off with iced tea.

    Step 6: Smuggle bottle into Dearborn, MI, grocery store and place in cooler.

    Step 7: Try not to crash your car driving home while you suffer from a serious case of the giggles.

    It’s a lot of work, but America was founded on the work ethic. So be a good American and enjoy the Memorial Day weekend. And thank you for your support. :mrgreen:

  16. Dave

    Drink beer first, accidently urinate on Koran, and appologize, by saying oops.

  17. Kentucky Jim

    not enough camel dung on the sandal

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