Proud Racist Bitch

May 15th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

“The first time in my adult life” Means “The first time in my adult life.” Question is, why for the first time? Because she’s a racist who believes whites are morally inferior people to blacks who won’t give other races a fair shake and chance to be President. Malcolm X started this, with his open declararions that whites were born morally inferior because they were the only racist race. She apparently read it, and believes it.

And because she’s a socialist who feels, quite apparently, that America is a nation of primarily evil activities that she’s never before had a reason to be proud of it.

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13 Responses

  1. sully

    “…she’s a racist who believes whites are morally inferior people to blacks…”

    Yep. Her Princeton thesis was completely incoherent.
    Except for that.
    Graduated with honors and on to Harvard Law.

  2. TO (twp)

    I am super proud of my country every July 4th. I can remember the thrill ever since I was 5 or 6 years old.

  3. Poe

    I’d hit it.

  4. mike3481

    :arrow: Poe

    Tommorow night (Friday), go to any White trash, Asian trash, Latino trash, Native American trash, Black trash, Eskimo trash or Euro trash Bar

    …get completely hammered

    …and with max “beer-googles” on, go home with the “best” looking Gal there…

    …the next A.M., she’ll make the “Woman you’d hit” look like a a horrible mistake you avoided. :mrgreen:

  5. Mike F

    Racist, Socialist, Bitch…to say the least!

  6. Quincy

    This piece of excrement is nothing but a bump of coke and an ass fuck for a white man.

  7. Judith, typical White Ohioan

    Wow, and ugly too. :evil:

  8. Dan (The Infidel)

    Well bitch, if you didn’t spend so much time in a Marxist-lenninist-Che world like exists in the thing you call a church, maybe you wouldn’t be the dumb f*ck nappy-headed ho that you are.

    BTW, how do you explain the million dollars you and your hubby made last year? Or the education you and he got? You think you could do better in Cuba? Or anywhere in the third world?

    You ungrateful, arrogant bee-yatch.

  9. Jarhead68

    I see some of us have stooped to the level of the Obamas and Reverand White…er…Wright. It’s disheartening. :shock:

  10. JEM

    Wow… Too cool…

    Makes me proud to be a Tennessean… :razz:

  11. JJIrons

    Mrs. Hussein looked in pain to even say the words. It sounded like she was about to forget her script. What a hag.

    Personally I have NEVER experienced a time when I wasn’t proud of my country other than a few times when the likes of Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton were president. They made it a bit tougher at times but truthfully, I was still proud of my country but embarrassed of them. This swine in the White House just doesn’t mix. She’d be cleaning her toenails in the Oval Office just to show everyone what a bad-ass she is. Nope. Can’t happen. No DemonCraps allowed.

  12. brovato

    well that says it all about the husseins :evil: :twisted: know how to vote now! :beer:

  13. brovato

    well that says it all about the husseins :evil: :twisted: know how to vote now! :beer: as if there was any doubt!

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