R. Lee Ermey: Full Metal Jacket

May 13th, 2008 Posted By Lftbhndagn.

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8 Responses

  1. littlefox

    Is it really like that? WHY?

  2. Phendlin (Death Rattlers)

    littlefox, you really dont know? i went to boot camp in ‘84, it was pretty much like that. this clip captures the spirit of it at least.

  3. CJBama

    I love that movie. Maybe I should run home and watch it. :beer: :grin:

  4. Kevin M

    :arrow: littlefox

    I’ve never been in the military, so I’ll ask for a little leeway from the vets here.

    The reason boot camp is like this in the Marines is because Marines are most likely destined to go to places and engage in environments that are absolutely barren of mercy, tolerance, negotiation, forgiveness or even reason. The drill instructors must DISembody these qualities in order for the recruits to learn how to function in their absence.

    Whereas education is the aquisition of knowledge, “training” is the molding of a person into a form more suitable to a career or situation. People are trained in the martial arts, not educated. In addition to mere knowledge, skills, attitudes, philosophies and entire value systems must be addressed. You can’t be taught how to throw a punch in order to survive a street fight; you have to be repeatedly drilled in order to stand up for yourself and not tolerate victimization.

    When a great chef fails to train his students, they cook lousy food; when a Marine Corps drill instructor fails in his task, his students all die and this country has to learn another language. That’s why military training is routinely the most effective and top-notch.

    When Stanley Kubrick made Full Metal Jacket, Lee Ermy was hired as a technical consultant. Ermy watched the actor hired to play the drill instructor address the recruits and then said, “Let me show you how it’s done.” Then he went up and down the rows of actors, scaring the living shit out of them. Kubrick fired the drill instructor actor and put Ermy in the role. You can’t “act” like a Marine drill instructor; either you are one or you’re not.

    Notice how Ermy NEVER ONCE hesitates for a microsecond when responding to something a recruit says. Not once. It’s like he has something to say to and for everything. This is a man that is not to be trifled with. Marines must be trained to be able to keep their shit together under stress that would reduce most heavyweight boxing champions to crying sissies. Ermy was a DI for 18 years. This is not acting.

  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    It used to be like that even in the Army. This is the way that you change a bunch of civilians into warriors. You break them down, and then build them back up again. In the process you weed out the weak, cast them off, and turn the rest into warriors. The entire process is necessary in order to purge the bad civilian habits out of an individual and get them to start thinking, walking and talking like warriors instead of some momma’s boy from Kansas.

    Mom and Pop think they have made men out their sons. Not quite. What mom and pop did right or wrong, the Marines or the Army polish up.

    The process may seem painful to someone on the outside looking in, but to those of us who have passed through that crucible, it is a right of passage to being fighting men.

    I love that clip. R.Lee Ermey’s the bomb.

  6. John H

    Truthfully i don’t think it’s been quite like it was in this movie in ANY branch since the 1960’s….DI’s are much much more limited as to what they can do and even say….it’s no picnic, but it’s no full metal jacket anymore either. That’s unfortunate.

  7. littlefox

    Thanks for the good explanation. I guess I knew it has to be that way.

    When you have breast-fed baby boys who are turning into wanna-be warriors…it is hard to watch.

  8. reaganmarine84

    :arrow: Phendlin same here MCRD San Diego. then Pendleton.
    1/1. My drill instructors were very much the same in 84′ Sometimes their choice of words were so funny it was hard not to laugh at the poor bastard they were ’schooling’.

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