Real or Fake? I Can’t Decide…

May 7th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

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19 Responses

  1. steve m

    Holy crap! that’s funny…….must have 100’s of “takes”…

  2. TBinSTL (just typical)

    CGI has gotten to the masses, nothing is sure anymore…

  3. Scotty

    I think its fake. I see some frames when frozen where the ball leaving his hand changes course slighty. At full speed you cant see the change but slowed down i can. Not 100% sure but prob is.

  4. Jeff

    I’d have to say fake. Took me 20 years on a golf course to record one hole-in-one. And that was a pure luck shot. My dad played for over 40 years and never got one.

    These guys are hitting shots that would take 17 lifetimes to make, or they are the luckiest dudes on the planet.

  5. Professor Bill

    Definitely fake, but still very cool none the less. Hours of upon hours of boredom in the dorm lead to very creative thinking. It’s the same method that was used in the Jordan commercials from a few years ago.

  6. Kentucky Jim

    There is no movement of the cups at all. You cant spit in thoe lightweight plastic cups without knocking them over.

  7. Mark Tanberg

    Lots of “takes”. There are a bunch of those with golfers as well. Some are easily faked though.

  8. Firebad

    If that is real……….. Someone’s parents need to get a refund for there college checks.

  9. Kevin M

    I’d be inclined to say fake, but knowing how our youth today spends its time…

  10. Egfrow

    There are quite few reasons to lean toward fake. 1. video is way to fucking grainy to see any detail at all. 2. The balls are already in the cups before the attempt to throw them. 3. Motion tracking is well established in many software packages now. 4. I’ve done similar stuff also. It’s not that hard albeit a little bit time consuming. It’s good practice to do more complex stuff so, it’s not a waste of time if they are seeking careers in CG.

  11. Luke

    The cup has a magnate in it and the ball has one also easy as that. :cool:

  12. RJ

    Real, just lots of takes.

  13. Ivan the Kafir

    Somebody’s got WAY too much time on their hands.

  14. Matt H.

    I’d hate to play beer pong against those guys :shock:

  15. Dan (The Infidel)

    Clever kids. Nice job. I’m voting fake…

  16. Steve in NC

    It’s real, the cups all have water in them to stabilize them and keep the ball from bouncing back out. some splashes are seen also.
    Bet them boys tear up the carnival ball toss games

  17. RVN68MIKE

    Damn, I am so proud to be an American! :beer:

  18. Phendlin (Death Rattlers)

    hey, if it’s real, need to get these guys in some boots, imagine what they could do with hand grenades! :beer:

  19. ken holton

    :arrow: Ivan

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