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14 Responses

  1. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)


    Speaking as a woman …

    Can we PLEASE STOP putting more than two woman around a 3′ high table on tall stools to discuss things more important than lo-cal brownie recipes and eye brow plucking procedures???

    Especially these kind of women … :shock:

  2. tedders

    She also thinks that the concept of fire not melting steel makes sense!!

    (technically the correct terminology would be: fire or heat lowering lowering steels yield strength where Yield Strength is the point at which a steel becomes permanently deformed; the point at which the linear relationship of stress to strain changes on a Stress/Strain curve. The point at which steel bends and won’t return to the original shape. Heat considerably lowers the yield strength of steel. Sorry Rosie)

  3. Boo Boo

    OK, is it so surprising that a mental case would find that preacher with a couple of screws loose “made sense”?

  4. CBL

    Why am I not suprised :roll:

  5. Kermit

    OK then, if he makes sense to Rosie, then it is impossible for him to make sense to any sane normal person.

  6. Kevin M

    “Made sense” to you?

    Let me see if I have my facts straight. You believe the gov’t was responsible for 9/11. To date, no respected news journalist or investigative reporter has taken on the cause of the “9/11 was an inside job” crowd.

    None. Not a single one.

    Not Woodward and Bernstein, who burrowed a fucking TUNNEL through the Nixon presidency! Not Mike Wallace, who happily took on General Westmoreland. Not Seymour Hersch. Not Dan Rather. No one.

    The same people who apparently think it is their job to throw eggs at the President of the United States and who force-fed us OJ Simpson 24/7 for over a goddamned YEAR apparently don’t believe that a sitting president waging war on his own people and blowing up his own cities somehow isn’t a viable news story…but an ex-football player killing his ex-wife and a restaurant waiter is.

    BUT…three teenagers cutting-and-pasting their little film (Loose Change) from crap they Googled off the Internet have unraveled the entire scheme behind the most outrageous transgression of power in the history of the United States.

    I’m supposed to believe that three nitwits are more competent and informed than the thousands of Pulitzer-Prize-winning who have contacts in the White House, Pentagon, FBI, CIA and NSA?

    I’m supposed to believe that our entire press corps are a pack of unmitigated, worthless sacks of uninformed bullshit that they couldn’t detect the biggest story of all time?

    They must be so stupid they couldn’t find their way off a fucking boat if they were standing on a fucking PLANK! The press must be so utterly worthless that they should be sold as sharkbait at 12 cents a pound! They should be machine-gunned just to keep their DNA from polluting the rest of humanity.

    And YOU think Jeremiah Wright “makes sense?!”


  7. Kim

    “So you think we should hold them ALL accountable?”

    HELLO, LADIES (especially the one wearing the white tent courtesy of ‘Tents R Us’. We’re not holding accountable the Rev Wright, we’re holding accoutable the would-be Commander In Chief for sitting in his church for 20 years soaking up his hate, and blame America tirade.

    As for passion vs. rage: I’d say Kevin M displays a fine example of passion :beer: :beer:

  8. Kevin M

    :arrow: Kim

    Trust me, it’s pure rage.

    I could believe in bigfoot before a 9/11 conspiracy.

    Valerie Plame gets outed from the CIA and Langley, VA, has so many leaks that it should have sunk faster than the Titanic. 9/11 happens…and not one leak?

    Oh, yeah. Like this was a gov’t job.

    This cow is the alpha cretinoid du jour!

  9. Kim

    :arrow: Kevin M

    According to Webster, rage is an uncontrolled anger, a raving fury, insane.

    G_D_ America!” as expressed by Wright, is the raving of a madman. :gun: You on the other hand, are extremely articulate and control your argument very well. :beer:

    So while I see you as very angry (as am I) I would never put you in the same “raving fury” or “insane” category as Rev Wright. To me, you define one of the biggest contrasts between patriots and the liberal left!

  10. Kevin M

    :arrow: Kim :beer:

  11. Mohammed the Teddy-Bear

    “Kevin M
    May 5th, 2008 at 11:38 am”

    You, Sir, are my hero…. :beer: :beer:

    If only RO could read this. I’d love to see her head spin, spin, spin, then POP OFF and go flying away into Space.

  12. Kevin M

    :arrow: Mo the T-Bear

    Why do you think Ro only posts comments on her board after she has deleted the ones uncharitable to her point of view?

    I would dearly love to ask her why she rations her bile only for GWB, and yet has nothing to say to the thousands of credible journalists who, apparently, are complicit in their silence re 9/11.

    Forget the doctors who remove the wrong kidney. Who cares about the cops who beat up Rodney King? That we are to believe the press corps of this country is so inexcusably incompetent, corrupt, stupid and cowardly that they ignore the allegedly biggest story since the virgin birth only tells me that Ro and her ilk are more concerned with harassing a president with bigger things to do than to alienate a media that could easily render her one more star in the constellation of FORGOTTEN MEDIA WHORES.

    Thanks for the compliment. :beer:

  13. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    :arrow: Kevin M,
    sir, YOU ARE THE MAN tonight as far as I am concerned.
    Great points and funny ones too! :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

  14. Kevin M

    :arrow: Marc

    Cheers. :beer: :beer: :beer:

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