Rove’s Latest Electoral Maps: Clinton Stronger Than Hussein Against McCain

May 19th, 2008 Posted By Lftbhndagn.


ABC News Political Punch

Electoral maps put together by the consulting firm helmed by Karl Rove, and obtained by ABC News, show Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-NY, to be a stronger general election candidate in a hypothetical general election match-up against Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., than Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois.

Click HERE to see the maps and charts from Karl Rove & Co., obtained by ABC News.

States are allocated in Rove’s exercise based on an average of public polls, which many pollsters would tell you is a rather unscientific way to look at the data.

Still, for political junkies the information is interesting.

In the first map from Karl Rove & Co., McCain leads Obama in a hypothetical match-up, winning states totaling 238 electoral votes to Obama’s 221 electoral votes.

There are 538 total electoral votes. At least 270 are needed to win the presidency.

The trend is positive for Obama — he is up 14 electoral votes from May 11, and McCain is down 13 electoral votes.

The map shows McCain winning Florida, New Hampshire, West Virginia and Wisconsin. States with 79 electoral votes — Connecticut, Colorado, Iowa, Michigan, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Ohio, and Virginia — are toss-ups, within a margin of error of +/- 3 points.

In the hypothetical Clinton-McCain match-up, Clinton leads with 259 electoral votes to McCain’s 206 electoral votes.

States totaling 73 electoral votes — Connecticut, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, and New Mexico — too close to call.

Clinton, too, is trending upwards, with a gain of 11 electoral votes since May 11.

The big differences between Clinton and Obama, beyond the her larger number:

Clinton would make competitive some states that Obama would lose — such as Missouri and New Hampshire — and she would win others outright, such as Arkansas, Florida, Ohio and West Virginia.

On the other hand, McCain would handily win beat Clinton in some states that Obama made competitive, such as Colorado, North Dakota, and Virginia. Some states that Obama would win, such as Minnesota and Nebraska — Clinton would lose to McCain.

Occasionally this election cycle the electoral maps of Karl Rove & Co. have reared their heads. In March, McCain adviser Mark McKinnon was spotted holding some of these maps, as reported by Texas Monthly.

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6 Responses

  1. sully

    I personally don’t think there’s all that much of an ideological difference between the Clintonistas and The Obamanation. They’re all Alinsky acolytes.
    Obambi doesn’t ‘deserve’ the nomination but I hope she gets it. She’s a MUCH easier prick to beat.

  2. Ty

    I’m no Karl Rove but could someone please explain to me how Clinton would win Florida going away? I don’t see it.

  3. Kurt(the infidel)

    So Clinton would beat McCain but Obama couldnt?

    then i guess that means the democratic voters would rather feel ‘enlightened’ and lose?

    If i was them i would rather be realistic and win. but im happy about the results so far

  4. sully

    “….please explain to me how Clinton would win Florida going away? I don’t see it.”

    She gets the (usually liberal) ‘Jewish vote’ that Obambi doesn’t/didn’t… McCain gets it with Obambi as the Dhimmi nominee.

  5. serfer62

    I’m voting for the most Conservative…Sen Clinton.

  6. KBoomr113

    This is why i’m happy Operation Chaos went into effect. It has played a major role in keeping Clinton alive and hurting Obama big time…while at the same time Clinton has no chance to get the nomination. Hopefully it will ruin their party. Clinton is by far the stronger Dem because America is trying to reach for the middle after four years of bush expanding the deficit and the federal government. I still love the guy, but he didn’t do well in these cases.

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