Sabotage At Pennsylvania Chinook Plant

May 15th, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.


Find the bastard(s) …

Charge the bastard(s) with treason …

Throw the book at them …

Defense Dept. Says Helicopters At Pa. Plant Were Vandalized

RIDLEY PARK, Pa. — Investigators have concluded that two military helicopters were vandalized on the production line at a Boeing factory near Philadelphia, the Defense Department said Thursday as it offered a reward in the case.

Federal officials were handing out fliers to workers at the Boeing Rotorcraft Systems plant in Ridley Township, in which they offered $5,000 for information leading to the identity of the person or persons who vandalized the H-47 Chinook helicopters.

“We have determined that this was a deliberate act and not an accident,” said Ken Maupin, resident agent in charge of the Philadelphia area office of the Defense Criminal Investigative Service, at a news conference outside the plant.

A production line at the plant has not been fully functional since Tuesday when two workers found what the company called irregularities in the transport helicopters. U.S. Rep. Joe Sestak has said he was told that wires that appeared to be broken or severed were found in one helicopter and that a suspicious washer was found in a second.

Maupin said 10 agents were investigating the case, but he would not comment on specifics of the investigation or what led to the determination it was vandalism.

“You have a large number of workers here at this point and one or more that was the problem,” Maupin said. “The majority of the people here are hardworking, loyal Americans, and many of them are veterans. They want to find (those responsible) as much as we do.”

U.S. Attorney Patrick Meehan said that he was comfortable with the conclusion the damage was done deliberately and that an assistant prosecutor had been assigned to the case.

“There are federal statutes that would implicate anybody who intentionally interfered with a mechanism like this that is being introduced into a theater of war,” Meehan said.

The Chinook is the Army’s workhorse aircraft and is used to transport troops and supplies. Boeing is currently producing new Chinooks for the Army, as well as updating older models.

Jack Satterfield, a company spokesman, said Boeing had no comment about the investigators’ determination and would not be releasing information about the nature of what was found.

“We’re leaving that to the investigative agencies,” Satterfield said.

John DeFrancisco, president of United Auto Workers 1069, said that workers take pride in making aircraft for the military and that he believes information would have surfaced about what happened without a reward having to be offered.

“We’re very, very concerned and we’re very, very upset,” DeFrancisco said. “We’re upset that, if this is deliberate, it affects all of us.”


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9 Responses

  1. ArleighB

    Any Muslims working at the plant…?

  2. Dan (The Infidel)

    Any Code Stinkers working at the plant? Sabatoge in time of war is a capital offense. I see this as attempted murder. Find the scum and hang them.

  3. Old Sailor

    :arrow: ArleighB
    Why, how dare you suggest than Muslims might be responsible! Don’t you know that President Bush says that Islam is a religion of peace? :roll:

  4. el Vaquero

    The majority of the people here are “hardworking” that must mean according to the Open Border Lobby that these are Immigrants doing the sabaotage for less than US workers would need.

  5. Rob

    Find these people and shoot them on site, don’t even bother with the trial :mad:

    I say polygraph the workers. If they have nothing to hide then they should welcome the idea of finding these people

  6. 83delta

    UAW 1069 should “take care” of the problem—-damn quick.

  7. Kurt(the infidel)

    I would get them for a few felonies. including treason, attempted murder, and vandalizing government property. which all carry heave penalties behind them.

    if someone wanted to sabotage a troop transport vehicle then its obvious they had one thing on their mind. killing troops and ultimately fucking up our war effort. so their is attempted murder and treason right there

  8. 007

    Firing Squad Stand At The Ready. (Aim,Fire) Thats all it takes!!!

  9. Gary

    Reality check; Hey, this is America man! Some of us are starting to sound like the militants we’re fighting. Don’t panic. Let the investigation and due process of law continue. This is one of our freedoms. Sometimes the legal system doesn’t work, but most of the time it does! Remember Sadam? Be patient and wait for the truth.

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