Saudis Seeking Ouster Of Syria’s Government - Assad

May 28th, 2008 Posted By Lftbhndagn.


Paranoia may destroy ya

Press TV

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has reportedly accused Saudi Arabia of conspiring against the country to overthrow its government.

The Syrian President says Saudi Arabian leaders are hatching plots to oust the country’s government, the daily al-Akhbar reported, citing senior diplomatic sources.

In a meeting with Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa in May Assad told Moussa that Saudi King Abdullah, the country’s Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal, the intelligence chief Prince Miqrin and the head of Saudi National Security Council Prince Bandar bin Sultan urged the West to launch a military attack on Syria to oust Assad’s government and occupy the country, the report added.

After the meeting the Arab League chief believed that the normalization of ties between Syria and Saudi Arabia would be difficult in short-term.

President al-Assad also stressed that he will do his utmost to prevent tension between Tehran and Riyadh from turning into an Arab-Iranian conflict. Besides, he called for a Lebanon-like deal to end infighting between Palestinian factions and preserve Palestinian nation’s interests.

According to the report, after the election of Michel Suleiman, Moussa travelled to Damascus to brief the Syrian President on the outcomes of the Doha talks and told Assad that the Arab League ministerial committee acknowledged the key role of Syria in reaching a compromise in Lebanon.

Assad has reportedly slammed Egypt for its efforts against Syria and said that Egyptian President Husni Mubarak spared no effort to boycott the Arab Summit in Damascus. He traveled to Bahrain in a bid to lure the Bahraini King into changing summit venue from Damascus to Sharm al-Sheikh. He subsequently sent a low level Egyptian delegation to Syria, the Syrian leader added.

The diplomatic source said Moussa asked Assad if Egypt intelligence chief Omar Suleiman would travel to Damascus. The Syrian President said he did not know anything about the visit. He said he had asked Mubarak whether he would visit Syria. Mubarak said he was looking for a proper time. Later it was known he cancelled his visit to please Saudi officials.

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4 Responses

  1. Kufir Ken

    :arrow: “urged the West to launch a military attack on Syria to oust Assad’s government and occupy the country”

    Of course they urged *us* to do it for them, the fuckers, then they can have another excuse to push their wahabi bullshit against the other muzzie sects an the rest of the brotherhood in that part of the sandbox can focus on the infidels being “occupiers” instead of the wahabs spreading their “gospel”… ARE WE THAT BLIND? Maybe they’ll even be nice enough to offer to lower the price of oil until we’re done doing their dirty work for them… until we’re done doing their dirty work for them…

    Fucking Saudis… lump them in with the rest of those shitbags over there.

  2. Dan (The Infidel)

    All the Saudis need to do is declare a fatwa on the Alawite sect in Syria. The Alawites are a branch of Shia Islam declared to be sufficiently Muslim by a Shia fatwa. That’s what gives them influence with the Hizzies. It is also the sect of Islam that most of Syria’s military officers belong to.

    Assad’s daddy waged a short and bloody campaign against this sect and killed 20,000 of them.

    If the Sunnis declare the Alawites to be kafir (they also worship Mary or more precisely Issis)…the Sunnis in Lebanon and the rest of the ME will rally against them and do a jihad to get rid of them.

    It would help to islolate the Hizzies from their rat lines through Syria and put Assad’s survival in serious jeapordy.

    This shit-ite ain’t rocket science.

  3. AmericanJarhead

    I never did like Prez Asswad.

  4. SOC

    The Saudis are not our friends. We need to start now, drill now, end dependency on foreign oil, especially from the Saudis. Stop letting foreign countrys buy into the US on anything, especially the Saudis and Chinese Send them packing….Lying rat bastards

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