Update:New Bin Laden Puke - “Arab Leaders Are Crusader Agents And Wolves”

May 18th, 2008 Posted By Lftbhndagn.


Like I said - Same shit different day…

CAIRO, Egypt (AP) - Osama bin Laden released a new message on Sunday accusing Arab leaders of sacrificing the Palestinians and calling on Muslim militants in Egypt to help break the blockade of Gaza.

Bin Laden called Arab leaders “agents of the crusaders” and “wolves” in the audio message posted on an Islamic militant Web site where al-Qaida leaders have issued past statements. He portrayed the citizens of Arab nations as herds of sheep who have been handed over to the wolves to look after them.

“Every day, the herd wishes the wolves would stop preying on it,” he said.

“Those (Arab) kings and leaders sacrificed Palestine and Al-Aqsa to keep their crowns. … But we will not be relieved of this responsibility,” bin Laden said.

Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem’s Old City is one of the holiest sites for Muslims.

Al-Qaida leaders are increasingly using the Israeli-Arab conflict in their media campaign to rally supporters. Israel has warned of growing al-Qaida activity in Palestinian territories, although the terror network is not believed to have taken a strong role there so far.

The new audiotape comes just two days after bin Laden’s last audio message was released, marking the 60th anniversary of Israel’s foundation. He vowed to continue what he called his struggle against the Jewish state.

Israel and Egypt have closed their borders with Gaza since the Islamic militant group Hamas violently seized control of the Palestinian territory in June of last year.

The closure has deepened economic hardship in the impoverished strip where 1.4 million Palestinians live.

“Each one of us is responsible for the death of our vulnerable people in Gaza where scores have died because of the blockade,” bin Laden said.

He urged Muslim militants in Egypt to try to end the closure.

“They are the only ones close to its borders and they must work on breaking this blockade,” he said.


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29 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    Maybe it will be Bin laden calling on his fighters to attack Iran and Hezbollah. There has been talk about that lately

  2. Dan (The Infidel)

    The caveman of Waziristan whinnies like a donkey. looks like a goat, probably smells like sheep dip.

    I’ll be glad when his flea-bitten ass is scattered in little pieces around his crushed home in Waziristan.

    My dog has more redeeming qualities than this gnome.

    I piss on your vid OBL.

  3. Kurt(the infidel)

    Dan (The Infidel)

    Could you imagine how proud the Marine, Soldier or Airmen will be that finally gets this bastard? that person or even whole task force will get the MOH and Legend status immediately

  4. Steve in NC

    I wonder who wrote his comments this time, reid, pelosi or obama?


    That goat in the pic, do you think it’s thinking: “is it in demon boy?, is that it?”

  5. Marc

    Can’t wait to hear what the Oracle of the Goat rapists has to say next!

  6. Dan (The Infidel)

    @Kurt my brother

    It will be like the dude that shotdown Yamamoto in WWII.

    Can’t wait for that celebration.

  7. Goodbye Natalie

    I may be the last one believing this, but I still say Osamie is pushing up poppies. The man’s ego much too large to simply lay low.

  8. monkeysdad (Sur Tejas Gringo)

    Considering his ginormas ego why is it that we havn’t seen a video of him speaking. All we get is audio tape I agree with Goodbye Natalie… :gun: :gun: :gun:

  9. 0311inOHio(typical white person)

    :arrow: Goodbye Natalie

    I may be the last one believing this, but I still say Osamie is pushing up poppies. The man’s ego much too large to simply lay low.

    Exactly.. I think that goat fucker is long gone. If not, why not some video of this shit eater?

  10. Phendlin (Death Rattlers)

    more of the same…dirka dirka dirka, death to america, dirka dirka dirka….

    it will be nice when what’s left of his face is shown on primetime though…. :gun:

    and :beer: :beer: :beer: to the good guys who get him!

  11. Q_Mech

    I was going to say that I think he’s dead, but GN beat me to it. I suspect his remains amount to a fine red mist scattered deep in a sealed-off cave in Tora Bora.

  12. 83delta

    Hope the kill, if alive, is up close and personal, as to be able to slab his ass like Saddam,s rotten boys, with photos around the world.

  13. larry

    why is this dirtbag alive? :beer: :gun: :beer: :gun: :beer: :beer: :gun: :beer:

  14. larry

    why is this dirtbag still alive? :beer: :gun: :beer: :gun: :beer: :gun: :beer: :gun:

  15. Kevin M

    :arrow: Goodbye Natalie

    You’re not the only one. I’ve been convinced for years that the bastard is dead.

    A few months after 9/11, I was shooting pool with some military guys, none of whom were still active duty. Two Marines, one army guy and a guy with the navy. They all insisted that if we were to capture or kill OBL, the world would never know about it. For all we know, Bush has this roach in a private cell 600 feet beneath the white house. There’s nothing to be gained by making his death or capture public, and lots to be gained by keeping it secret, they all said. Seriously, look how many assholes would want him to have a “fair trial.” Every lib in the land would want him handed over to the friggin UN.

    I say he’s dead. All the transmissions out of his batcave have been sketchy at best, and some of them laughably doctored out of previous tapes.

  16. Leatherneck

    :arrow: Kevin M & Goodbye Natalie

    Yeagh. I believe Osama is dead too.

    The enemy is keeping his image alive to taunt us. It’s all about psychological warfare. The Democrats are keeping his image alive because it’s about power. The media is keeping him alive because…it sounds *juicy*.

    Anyways, whenever a tape is released or broadcasted, it leaves footprints one way or another. This will open doors for us to catch more bad guys.

    Like Natalie said, these fools can’t help it. They just love to tape themselves & revel in their own swill.

  17. franchie

    I bet he is dead too, wasn’t he supposed to have deficient kidneys ? he had to dialyse them, dunno how many times a week, even though he must have finished with a dialyse a few times a day, then too tired —> death ; we didn’t hear he had a transplant.

    Also in november 2006, a switzer paper said that french forces might have had the possibility to kill Ben Laden in 2003 and 2004 in Afghanistan and were not allowed to by the american commandement.

    Anyway the new was never confirmed neither covered by french papers nor not a single word by our army : secret

  18. franchie


    I bet he is dead too, wasn’t he supposed to have deficient kidneys ? he had to dialyse them, dunno how many times a week, even though he must have finished with a dialyse a few times a day, then too tired —> death ; we didn’t hear he had a transplant.

    Also in november 2006, a switzer paper said that french forces might have had the possibility to kill Ben Laden in 2003 and 2004 in Afghanistan and were not allowed to by the american commandement.

    Anyway the news was never confirmed, neither covered by french papers, nor not a single word by our army : secret

  19. franchie

    woa, Benazir Butto affirms in a video that OBL has been murdered


  20. Kevin M

    :arrow: franchie

    Not to take undue exception with your English, but you can’t “murder” a varmint. It’s like saying you are murdering bacteria.

  21. franchie

    Kevin that’s Benazir’s words

    Ok, if I say eliminated ?

  22. Kevin M

    :arrow: franchie

    Eliminated is good. Exterminated is better.

    One way to tell if bin Laden is dead is to check and see if any of the 6-month old goats in the area still have their virginity.

  23. franchie

    I bet with his diabete and kidneys problems, he was totally “impuissant”

  24. Kevin M

    :arrow: franchie

    I love it when you talk dirty!

  25. Steve in NC

    My son told me of a story during some house clearing in the ’stan that they broke through a false wall in a house and found dialysis equipment. Fairly fresh stuff too. Think that is all I am allowed to know, anyway this was during his 2004 to 2005 tour.

  26. franchie

    Kevin, it’s my 2nd nature,

    so,Steve, might-be they took a drag-queen for acting OBL

  27. mike3481

    Until there’s fresh,Digital quality video of OBL he’s dead.

  28. Dan (The Infidel)

    OBL ain’t dead. Every time we’ve killed or captured one of the big jihadi criminals, there has been corresponding traffic about it on jihadi web sites confirming the kill or capture.

    Show me confirmation and I’ll believe OBL is dead. Until then, he’s alive.

  29. Goodbye Natalie


    I didn’t say Osamie died in a battle at Tora Bora - I’m reasonably sure he escaped there. His last known real video, he looked like he had aged 10 years in two months (remember the dangling left arm and very gray beard?) was just days after Tora Bora.

    I think the sorry bastard was in poor health, probably was wounded, and the chase caught up to him. And the reason you haven’t heard noise across the channels is because the little man wanting to be hero died some ignominious death - probably of sepsis and the buried him in some unmarked grave. No martyrdom for Osamie.

    I think this is the Mohammedan movie version of “Weekend at Bernie’s.” I could be wrong but if Osamie wasn’t at death’s door, I believe the rabid Muslim type would be dragging him out like they do Al-Zawahiri. If not, this is very unusual for the braggarts because their mouth is about all they got left and if anything, the bravado is always predictable.

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