Semi Disguised As Rocket Launcher? Or Something Else?

May 5th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

The explanation to the video is that insurgents used a semi truck as a mobile rocket launcher, got into position and then fired off the rockets. It appears that way, but what I can’t get my mind around is the fire engulfing the semi while rockets are going off.

That’s just not the way it’s supposed to go down. Of course we’re talking ingrate monkeys obsessed with dying, so what do I know. Could be that it was light material burning therefore not very hot and didn’t burn long enough to generate enough heat to really fuck the “mission” up, but I personally don’t have a lot of experience with this type of ordnance.

Any thoughts on this?

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11 Responses

  1. TedB

    I like the explosion noises they added…

  2. 83delta

    Coming to a city near you—-
    If we don’t close the borders.

  3. Jeff

    That is TOO funny. Do they have any idea where those rockets are headed after launch? I would piss myself if one came back down on top of the truck. :lol:

    Poor mans MLRS? All that fire can’t be a good thing.

  4. Erik Marsh

    Appears to be something rapped in brown paper (like from the grocery store) that was used to disguise it that catches on fire. While it doesn’t cause a blow-up, it does appear to make the rockets start cooking off as the fire rate gets exponentially faster as the flames engulf the vehicle. Solid rocket fuel burns off at low temps (see Estes model rockets) while the warheads are encased in steel and use a type of fuse that is dependent on the rocket fuel burning that require a higher temp.

    But of course, I’m just an old FISTER so I may be wrong.

  5. bill-tb

    Yeah, it’s real. The sound effects aren’t. But the most likely cases — is a nuke driven in a truck to attack a US city or a ship with a nuke welded in the bottom pulling into a US harbor. Both were gamed by the nuke labs and found the results were disastrous. The results were passed around on the net about a year ago.

    Missiles in semis are easy, but not that effective, as they say, not militarily significant. Easy terror weapon though.

    Close the borders …

  6. 83delta

    If it were not for the deadly serious times, it would have been a great Homer Simpson moment——–D’OH,—D’OH !!

  7. HardLuck

    They are taking a play from the IRA playbook. The IRA used something similar, but none I know of with as many and as large a rockets. And based on the size of them would bet they have “Made in Iran” on them somewhere. Yes, the truck is burning but it’s disposable, it gets parked, they set a timer and get the hell out of Doge.
    Notice that the rockets are all launched in the same direction and twords the end you can see the welded launch racks in the bed.

  8. avideditor

    we need to bomb Iran now so nukes don’t get into America in trucks like that.

  9. GBU43

    Bash, the first rocket fired blew out the bottom of the truck and probably punctured the gas/diesel tank..(Watch how the cab gets rocked). The second rocket fires and the high velocity of the exhaust blew fuel all over the place and set the whole thing a blaze.

    Each new rocket that fires just kicks out more burning diesel and chunks of truck.

  10. Reign in Blood

    One less truck for them to use for their cowardly attacks. Nice work jihadi. :roll:

  11. Giorgi

    in the first months of insurgency if yall remember, they had a donkey with a camuflaged cart that had a launching tubes for aerial unguided rockets, so they set a timer, stoped a donkey facing the green zone and took off, in the end the donkey was scared shitless, and remained standing where he was left, with a heart-attack … but this is stupid, they wasted a whole semi truck for a launch of what, 5-6 rockets,no wonder they are loosing

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