Senator Hussein: Talk to Commanders or Meet with Dictators?

May 24th, 2008 Posted By Lftbhndagn.


New Vets For Freedom Commercial:

Of course you know the Hussein camp and all the Democraps will take this as a “Swift Boating” tactic rather then a chance to answer questions these veterans have…

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14 Responses

  1. jarhead68

    Bang!!! Bullseye!!! This is swiftboating. Swiftboating - n. the act of telling the truth about a presidential candidate.

  2. infidel

    GOD BLESS Sgt Garrett Anderson, and the Vets For Freedom!!!

    Keep it up guys!

    What groups does Hussein make time to meet? Well, other than Bill Ayers types, CodePinkos/witches-for-harassing-the-troops, and Oh, I mean, oops.

  3. Kevin M

    I love that photo. Presidential candidate refuses to put hand over heart. Says it all.

  4. Dave

    Got his hands near and dear to him, the dick that is.

  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    Right on brother. Yeah and that photo tells me all I want to know about the formally Magic Negro.

  6. Mike W

    Found these cartoons at first one replace Bush name with Sgt. Anderson and you get the answer from the Obama camp. The second one is my favorite where Obama is hiding behind Michelles skirt. Says a lot about Obamas character.

  7. Boo Boo

    The ad was full of truth: who will he listen to? Our enemies, not our esteemed war vets who are constituents? Won’t even meet with them?

    Friday there was an article by Joe Biden in the WSJ that I couldn’t finish reading because it was so full of outright lies. Never once did he admit that this administration was engaged in talks with Iran, via the UN and European Community’s 5 plus years of on-going negotiations. They keep trying to cloud the issue: Obama said he’d meet face to face without preconditions, and implied this admin. (and all administrations) does no meeting, not even through intermediaries and lower level diplomats. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Obama used Nixon in China as an example and before Nixon went there, there were months/years of lower level meetings that set up the framework and Kissinger went there before Nixon, too. These dems are twisting the facts and they know the American people don’t pay enough attention.

  8. sully

    “These dems are twisting the facts and they know the American people don’t pay enough attention.”

    That’s why we’re referred to as *useful* idiots.

  9. Caligula


  10. Erik Marsh

    That’s only half the story though. While I was not personally there, I did get more info from other Illinois veterans just after their attempt to meet Mr. Obama while I was waiting to speak with Ron Paul.

    Apparently, while the Illinois chapter of Vets For Freedom was walking down the hall on their way to meet with Mr. Obama they saw him enter his office door just ahead of them. In fact, their proximity was so close that when they entered the office they were able to witness him walking around the corner behind the secretary’s desk then into his private office. Yet, when the Veterans from Illinois asked for a couple of minutes with Mr. Obama, his secretary said that he WAS NOT THERE!!! They explained to the young lady they had just seen him walk around the corner and into his office and she stated that they “must have been mistaken”. Sorry, but he is one Senator that you DO NOT mistake for another. The man is a coward, anti-military and anti-american. Personally, I can’t wait for McCain to pounce him (yes many will remember that I am a fervent anti-McCain person but he’s what we’ve got and at least he wants to defeat islamofascism).

    Oh and on the Ron Paul thing, I was initially slated to leave D.C. in time for me to make it back to Texas by about 9 pm CST. About a week before going to D.C. though, VFF was notified that Ron Paul would not be in ’till later in the day so everyone from his part of Texas was asked to postpone their flights to be able to meet with him when he arrived later. What happened? Of course he ‘ditched’ our meeting, left 8 Texas veterans (3 who lived in his district inc. me) to sit in his office to talk with his cheif of staff. And let me tell you, he’s the exact type of person you’d think would be working with Ron Paul (they really need to start doing drug testing on those people). And following a 30 min discussion, including a rather long lecture by myself (big surprise huh) what does Paul go off and do? He screams and cries to Patreus at the Iraq briefing about Iran!!! Man am I getting tired of Paul! Oh and not as if anyone cares but due to deaccomodating Mr. Paul my head ended up not hitting the pillow at home until 3:30 the next morning giving me a 22 1/2 hour day just so I could have Ron Paul tell me to kiss his ass and that he doesn’t care about not only his own constituents but whether or not they’re winning the war that so many of Texas’ sons and daughters have fought and died in.

    :gun: :gun: :gun: POLITICIANS

  11. Mike Mose

    Murtha would not come out either.

    The Democrat leadership will not face a man with a uniform on.

    All they can do is stick a knife in a back.

    I bet if you made a appointment with McCain he would be there.

  12. Kim

    No, the Dems won’t meet with the military. For all their huff and bluff and self-righteousness indignation over the war, they know they cannot look you in the eyes. They know they do not measure up as a man and do not want to be reminded of that should you meet them face to face. You gentlemen inspire me, truly!

  13. infidel

    :arrow: Mike, not only would Murtha not come out, he called the police to track down members of a different group who also went to his office to speak to him.

  14. Mike Swann

    Like a laser beam, great ad. I hope it gets lots of air time.

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