Senators: Domestic Drilling OK … Just ‘Not in My State’

May 23rd, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.


Right now in my town the price of a gallon of regular gas is $3.99 … Hell, by now, or tonight or tomorrow morning, it’s probably pretty-much a given that it will reach above the $4 mark …

After all, it is a holiday weekend.

I KNOW what pisses me off most about all of this is, not just our own Congress’s responsibility in this mess … but their continued deflecting and hallow finger-pointing at the oil companies for the current and growing situation in oil/gas price increases.

However, I have a little gem I want you to read after the article that shows just how asinine the Elected Class has become … by choice.

Obviously, many of you are waaaay smarter than me on such things but … can we ‘impeach’ Congress over this?

By Josiah Ryan - CNSNews

The United States should increase its domestic oil supply by opening up more drilling sites, several members of the Senate told Cybercast News Service Thursday, when surveyed on the issue at the U.S. Capitol. But some senators also said they are wary of allowing increased drilling in many locations - especially in their own states.

“There may be places that make sense, I am not saying, ‘Let’s not drill anywhere,’ ” Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-Calif.) said in response to the question. “But do I want to drill off the California coast? No. Do I want to drill in the Arctic in endangered areas? No.”

Sen. Mel Martinez (R-Fla.), strongly endorsed drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) — but not in his home state of Florida.

“I just don’t think we should do it in areas like the Florida Keys, which are environmentally very sensitive,” Martinez told Cybercast News Service.

“But I am very supportive of what we did a couple of years ago which opened eight million acres in the Gulf of Mexico for exploration,” he added, referring to the Domenici-Landrieu Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act.

The bill, which was signed into law by President Bush on Dec. 20, 2006, opened up a part of the Gulf of Mexico to oil-drilling leases.

Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.), who joined Feinstein in limited support, echoed her exact words, saying, “We can’t drill our way out of this crisis.”

“I can’t say categorically we shouldn’t open any drilling,” Levin said. “I mean, I oppose drilling obviously in the Great Lakes if that’s what you’re referring to. I would not endanger any fresh water and surely not the Great Lakes. In terms of drilling in the ocean it depends on where and how much protection there is of the shoreline.”

Several other senators, however, offered more general support for domestic drilling.

Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-N.D.) told Cybercast News Service that there are increased drilling operations in North Dakota and that he also has long been a proponent of allowing increased drilling in the Gulf.

“I believe the Gulf of Mexico has an even greater potential and we should open an even greater portion of it,” he said.

Two other senators, Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) and John Cornyn (R-Texas), said they favor across-the-board increased drilling.

Absolutely,” Sessions said. “I have voted for that consistently. We absolutely should drill in that small area in the vast ANWR in Alaska. That could reduce our imports by 10 percent. I also believe we need to open up more of the Gulf of Mexico which has very large reserves.”

“You know my answer to that,” Cornyn told “That’s why I voted for the Domenici Amendment that would increase American supply of our natural resources instead of relying on exclusively on imported oil.”



The following is just part of Sen. Chuck Schumer’s cross-examination in the McCarthy Inquisitions of the oil companies earlier this week. And this line of questions was not even relevant to the supposed ‘purpose’ of the hearing. But with the democrats in the Elected Class … that doesn’t matter. The oil companies, according to the Elected Class, are now not only responsible for the price of a barrel of crude and pumped-gas … but are NOW directly responsible for foreign policy, and pressuring communist/dictator governments.

It’s all about the ’show and blow’ … You will agree with me … “Fucking unbelievable!”
Glenn Beck’s retorts to Chuckie Clueless are priceless, and can be found in the transcript link.

SCHUMER: You — there are people who feel that you should leave Burma, there are people who feel you shouldn’t be dealing with such a harsh dictatorship. So my question is what is Chevron’s future plans in Burma, in the wake of the massive popular opposition to the military junta and its initial refusal to accept disaster aid? Have you weighed in with the Burmese government about accepting disaster aid? … There are people who feel you shouldn’t be dealing with such a harsh dictatorship. So my question is what is Chevron’s future plans in Burma in the wake of the massive popular opposition to the military junta. … And its initial refusal to accept disaster aid. Have you weighed in with the Burmese government about accepting the disaster aid and, more generally, does your presence in Burma not bolster the military junta? …

VOICE (unidentified oil exec.): Well, thank you. We just in the last two days have committed $2 million to the aid in Burma. The agencies that we’re working with, some of them have matched it. So it’s $3 million. I have some photographs in my file here of aid being delivered to people in Burma. So I know it’s happening, when we’re saying it. So we are activities of daily living aid. Even though a lot of others cannot, we are. So that’s an advantage, I think.

SCHUMER: Do you think they could use a lot more than $2 million?

VOICE (unidentified oil exec.): Of course they could … I’m saying what Chevron can do, we’re doing and we’re doing a significant amount, and that goes a long way in Burma. Our plan is to stay in Burma. I’ve been there and I’ve seen the people that live in the area where we operate along our pipeline system. I know for a fact that they are better off by us being there than by anybody else being there. So I know we’re doing the right thing in Burma. The Burmese government is benefitting from the fact that natural gas is being produced in Burma, but the fact is that if we were there or anybody else was there, that gas will still be being produced. It’s been developed and so the only thing we can do by leaving is enhancing the value to the Burmese government. They will get our — they would get our interest. If we sell our interest, we would pay a large capital gains tax to them. Any way of extracting us would be a benefit, a windfall benefit for the Burmese government. And I know the people there are better by us —

SCHUMER: Are you trying to pressure the military government to let in more aid right now in addition to the $2 million you are giving?

VOICE: I don’t think we could have much effect on that. I can tell you that I am working with the United Nations ambassador who’s Mr. Gabari (ph), ambassador Gabari (ph) who is working with the Burmese, we are working with the EU ambassador that’s working with the Burmese. So we are doing everything we can … But I can assure you I don’t think that us as a nonoperating partner in Operation Burma could have much personal effect on the Burmese government.

(Glenn Beck)

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4 Responses

  1. trustme1013

    Bring that shit to North Carolina. We could use the jobs. It’d get all the welfare barnacles off the nanny-ship.

  2. Arthuraria

    I support drilling EVERYWHERE we can find oil in our country, including using the oil shales that Shell Oil Company and the U.S. Government have been studying in a joint venture for the past few years. We need that oil to control our own destiny. There is one hitch though. Even if we are able to increase our own oil supply, who’s to say that OPEC won’t then reduce their own output to hold on to their own supply and maintain prices?

    Strictly speaking for automotive purposes, we need to get off of this Ethanol binge and get on the n-Butanol from diatoms bandwagon. It can completely replace gasoline in cars, and it would be much cheaper to ship than Ethanol because unlike Ethanol, it can be moved through the pipelines currently used for oil production. Best of all, it can be manufactured entirely in the good ol’ USA.

    I’m just glad that my embarrassment of a Senator Lindsey Graham finally did something right and voted in favor of offshore drilling.

  3. Old Sailor

    How courageous our great Senators and Congressmen are! Everywhere except where I might lose some votes. How typical.

  4. pete

    “we begin bombing OPEC in five minutes”

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