Video: Many Blacks Believe Same Anti-White Theories As Hussein’s Reverend

May 2nd, 2008 Posted By Bash.

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9 Responses

  1. Vehement

    And they wonder why we haven’t come much further since slavery. With this shit, it’s a wonder we’ve made any progress.

  2. John Cunningham

    Sad and dangerous, but true.

  3. Mark Tanberg

    You can thank Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton for keeping black america poor and dependent on the Govt.

  4. el Vaquero

    Barack H(hotair) Obama better get some new talking points on his racial healing schtick…hope & change isnt’ quite going to cut it when you are trying to steal your way into the WH….NOBAMBA

  5. Goodbye Natalie

    Laura Ingraham is so good. She’s about 100 times smarter than O’Reilly on his best day. But I do have one complaint below.

    More and more of my buddies have come to this conclusion and it is about time. We are not excusing bad behavior for past grievances. The ‘attitude’ is only going to get worse until the appeasing crap stops and all people are treated equitably. And we can all begin by stopping the hyphenated American horsecrap - that includes you Laura, whom I love.

    I, for one, will continue to mock the use of “African-American”, “Mexican-American”, “Asian-American”, “Native-American” or another fill-in-the-blank descriptor to describe someone’s race. You are an American period. If you’re fixated on the color of your skin, pick from the box of crayons.

    If that makes me racist, an intolerant bigot, or a jingoist, so be it.

  6. serfer62


    Pick one.

  7. Indy

    He isn’t going to change sheit . He sat in that church for twenty years, he believes it.This idiot and his racist campaign have done nothing but divide this country even further.Now there are more black churches preaching this racist crap. Change my azz.

  8. Kevin M

    :arrow: Goodbye Natalie

    Teddy Roosevelt would have LOVED you! Great post!

  9. Dan (The Infidel)

    Racism lives, because of this crap. It should have died in the middle 60’s. So long as this POS and other snake oil salesmen/women like Wright, Sharpton et. al., continue to thrive…racism will never die.

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