So Ya Say Ya Wanna “Recreate 68″?? … Bring It

May 12th, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.



To the “Left” … Defeat is ALWAYS a f*cking victory for them when they lose.

Which explains why our defeat in Iraq would be a victory for them.

It’s the same with Limbaugh’s “Operation Chaos” … The dems and the MSM are refusing to recognize it … They keep insisting republicans are supporting democrats in this election because they are switching parties to vote democrat in the state primaries …

You just gotta laugh like hell at these people trying to make lemonade out of jackass shit.

Leftists Debate Impact of 1968

By Kevin McCandless

London - As European leftists mark the 40th anniversary of the May 1968 riots in Paris, the impact of that notable year continues to generate fierce debate.

While newspapers in France relate accounts of when student protestors fought police in the streets of the Latin Quarter, Britain this month also is holding a series of conferences and other events looking back four decades.

Popular historians have begun to argue that the true beneficiaries of 1968 were conservative politicians like Richard Nixon, who rode a backlash against anti-war protestors to electoral success. Many on the left, on the other hand, say that although mistakes were made, the world was left better off as a result of the year of generational ferment.

David Green, director of Civitas, a London think tank, said those years had been a disaster for traditional progressives, who had been pushed aside by a newer breed of self-promoting activists.

Green, a member and later a politician in the left-leaning Labor Party, said concerns about improving society had become overshadowed by a temporary spasm of trying to overthrow it.

“It became kind of the fashion to be against everything,” he said. “It did quite a bit of harm and it took about a decade to get over it.”

On Saturday, socialists and academics met in central London at a conference entitled “May 68 and All That,” and discussed what aspects of that year should be cherished and what could be discarded.

Jean-Pierre Duteuil, a French student leader in 1968, said the events had largely been reduced to simple television images of protesting students and barricades on the Left Bank of Paris.

Speaking through a translator, he said most accounts of the time ignored the general strike by three million French workers that had taken place during the riots, as well as a broader struggle by socialists to restructure society.

“It’s been come to be seen as a student [prank], like invading the girl’s dormitory,” he said.

For Lindsey German, a coordinator for the Stop the War Coalition in Britain, an important outcome of 1968 and the years following had been America’s withdrawal from Vietnam.

The defeat of what she called “American imperialism” had been an inspiration for people around the world and one which that remained with those today who campaign for the U.S. to leave Iraq, German said.

“In a way, it was a great victory for our movement and the left in general,” she said.

Other speakers on Saturday lamented a time of lost opportunity, saying the potential for a better world had seemed to be within reach.

For academic Peter Gowan, the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia and the ouster of a reformist government had crushed the last chance for reform and renewal in the Eastern bloc.

For American writer Mike Marqusee, a teenager in 1968, those years were partly wasted as the left became fragmented, with unaccountable leaders and with no coherent program for change.

“We longed for an outlaw community without defining what we were rebelling against or what we were rebelling for,” he said.

Despite the setbacks, other speakers said that the protests in 1968 were simply part of the larger struggle against capitalism.

Chris Harman, a former editor of the U.K. publication, the Socialist Worker, said it was inevitable that Britain would someday experience its own May 1968.

“I’m convinced that the workers will fight, just as the sun will come up tomorrow, but the question is when they will fight,” he said.


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8 Responses

  1. Rob

    I say let the Libs destroy themselves. History has proven time and again that liberalism is self destructive.

  2. robbie

    As I posted an in earlier blog the lefties back then and those of today are just a bunch of commies. they are anti-capitalist, anti-American. back then the SU funded them. now it is. A-holes like soros
    funding them.

  3. Sully0811

    So they want to recreate 68 and get another Nixon in the whitehouse? Did they all fail high school history?

  4. Zeke Eagle


    SHIT! CHOICE? Lock and load!

    Recreators should know anything can happen to anyone during a riot. :wink:

  5. Kim

    :arrow: “We longed for an outlaw community without defining what we were rebelling against or what we were rebelling for,” he said.

    And this is why commie types can always find “useful idiots” to do their bidding.

  6. franchie

    “It’s been come to be seen as a student [prank], like invading the girl’s dormitory,”

    kinda, sun bathings were also the exercice styles in province from may

    “those years were partly wasted as the left became fragmented, with unaccountable leaders and with no coherent program for change.”

    right : marxists, trotkists, maoists, che guevarists… anarchists

    I experimented the pre-1968 and the after 1968 times in high school

    Before 1968, the teachers were not allowed to “make” political preaches, they could be fired or removed to a “desertic” place

    the school year of 1969 encountered though a much severe disciplin in our high school, but it was a kind of swan song, the “lefty” spirit already blew in universities, as well as Ravi Shankar’s musics and the Beetles’”yellow submarine”…James Brown, Otis Reading too

    the main problem in our western societies, is that this generation entered into the state infrastructures for about 40 years (a labour time duration) and took the decisions that lead to the “internationalism” ; socialist states such as Swede were the model, thatalso ment for these young graduates a nice burocrat job where they couldn’t be contested or fired

  7. JCD

    “For American writer Mike Marqusee, a teenager in 1968, those years were partly wasted as the left became fragmented, with unaccountable leaders and with no coherent program for change.

    “We longed for an outlaw community without defining what we were rebelling against or what we were rebelling for,” he said.”

    Such is the nature of the left - essentially they are fighting for nothing but lawlessness and no responsibility when you get right down to it.

  8. steve m

    recreate ‘68?…careful what you wish for…A bunch of lefty’s fondly looking back 40 years to when they thought they mattered…40 years hence they don’t and they can’t get over it…spending their lives looking to the past they never saw the future coming…the great “social upheavals” , the massive transfer of wealth, etc…and what have we got, what’s been “solved”?…an entire generation of people dependent on gov’t, the destruction of the black family, crime, drug’s, sky high illegitamacy…ah, the legacy of those 60’s lives on.

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