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29 Responses

  1. steve m

    ..if you can’t think, reason, deduce, then there’s always the Democrat Party and liberalism

    I think this fool just lost some future revenue

  2. Jeff

    I never understood what people saw in that guy. I never liked his books, any of them. Now I know why…

  3. Rob

    And he’s getting APPLAUSE?! Fuck him. I’d have given him a piece of my mind if I was there, that dumb shit.

  4. Kevin M

    Hey, Stephen, the Pulitzer Committee is on the phone for you.


  5. franchie

    does he propose that to the “illegals” ?

  6. JayMS

    Hey Stevie Dipshit….

    When was the last time you wrote anything worth half a shit? 20 years ago? You are like all the other aging hippy asshats. You put out something worthwhile then sit with your thumb up your ass smoking dope and collecting royalties.

  7. Leatherneck

    Mediocre words from a mediocre writer.

  8. Old Chief

    What a shit stick. When I was still in, I saw more people reading in the military, than I did when I got out and went back to college. When you are out in the boondocks, or at sea, there is not too much to do other than read.

  9. Typical White Texas Mom

    The other night we rented “The Mist” . . . that movie was sooooo hateful towards the military and Christians. I was just amazed at how obvious he made his hate towards both. He didn’t even try to veil it.

    As always . . . my husband and daughter got so tired of me bitching and complaining about the storyline through out the movie - I am banned again from the movie room for another few months . . . but it was such a blatant example of liberal hate.

    His writing is not creative - it his just hateful.

  10. Kurt(the infidel)

    yeah go ahead and clap for this shit stain you bunch of fu*king ingrates!

  11. bt

    It just goes to show that drugs will kill brain cells,ever since he got sober he his mental function has dropped off.

    Maybe he’s having a hard time distinguishing between his novels, ie the current pieces of pooh, and reality.

  12. steve m

    hey, didn’t he get hit by a car a few years ago?……..lingering head wound no doubt..

  13. Scotty

    Thats why I read tom clancy over this pig fucker anyday. Thats also why I have Michael Yon’s Signed edition of his booked coming in the mail this week. None of this liberal bias, rich fuckers who think they know the real world, when they havent experienced what the real world is like at all.

  14. RM

    It is the soldier, not the writer that gives us freedom of expression.

  15. chris

    he’s my neighbor, and with all the signs i always see on his front lawn these comments dont surprise me one bit…hes a typical liberal, although one of the nicest and most generous man i’ve ever met!!!

  16. BlueOval8950

    Why is it that the surrender monkeys always seem to think that lack of intelligence leads to military service. Some of the smartest individuals I know are in the military and some of the stupidest are liberal college students.

    Guess it just goes to show how liberals really feel about our troops.

  17. Robbie

    it is too bad he wasn’t killed by the hit and run driver!

  18. Gregory Donald Hiel

    I always have preferred Dean Koontz

  19. Kevin M

    Not to compare Stephen King with Alistair MacLean, but let’s recall history just a little.

    There was a day (and I was alive back then, being dragged to school on a log skid pulled by my pet triceratops) that Alistair MacLean was the BIGGEST SELLING NOVELIST in the English language. Worldwide.

    HMS Ulysses
    The Guns of Navarone
    Ice Station Zebra
    Where Eagles Dare

    et cetera…

    He had a page in the Guinness book. “Every 14 seconds, somebody buys an Alistair MacLean novel.”

    Today, almost none of his books are in print. You have to go to eBay to find one.

    Hey, Stephen! Guess what your legacy will be?!

    Drunk on his sense of self-importance and reeling with his $40M/year income, Stephen King decides to “go political” and bash our troops (sorry, Bash).

    To everything, there is a season. And your season, Mr. King, is nigh.

    I so hate to employ cliches, as I am a student of Mr. P.G. Wodehouse, but in any case…


  20. Bryan J

    I’ve got news for Mr King if you can’t read you will never be a soldier. Maybe a gang banger, criminal or sadly a hard working under paid laborer.

  21. rightangle

    I never knew Janet Reno used a man’s name for her novels. Makes sense now how B J Clinton would grant her creative license to fuck up the country.

  22. Sully0811

    I used to like his Gunslinger novels and now I think I see how they fell apart at the end. Funny thing is I met more people eligible for MENSA in the Corps than anywhere else.

  23. John

    That MF’ER… No class, no balls no nothing. He looks like he had a face lift or something too, a real man.

    Just say for second you were a major lib and believed in all the lib causes. I would like to think a rich, privileged person, can make a point (importance of reading) without calling soldiers stupid ass fuck-ups.

    I hope talk-radio and a few shows throw this guy under a bus and force his weasel ass to do some fake apologies. He needs to squirm a bit for that comment.

  24. franchie

    “Funny thing is I met more people eligible for MENSA in the Corps than anywhere else.”

    “IQ of 132 lines arbitrary the border that gives access to Mensa” (from a mensan)

    I doesn’t meen that that also makes you a smart ass or an “intelligent” person

    just that is a proof at a given moment of your life you were/are able to resolve logical items

  25. Mr. Standfast

    The black student in the center of the video gave the best response to King’s words. He yawned. :mrgreen:

  26. Ty

    I too got into trouble watching The Mist. What a biased, piece of crap that was.

    As to King… fuck him.

  27. proudsoldiersMom

    Thanks to everyone about the reviews on “the Mist” I was looking forward to watching it but I’ll burn it instead! I think Stephen King needs to meet with some soldiers before he makes that idiotic comment. My son, who’s only 24, delayed getting his degree to serve this country & allow A__holes like King to spew garbage like that! You owe all of those brave soldiers an apology & a debt of gratitude!! SHAME ON YOU!!! Hey Stephen, can you read “DIXIE CHICKS”???? EVERYONE, HIT HIM WHERE IT HURTS…HIS WALLET…BOYCOTT ALL HIS WORK…FROM BOOKS TO MOVIES!!!

  28. Carolyn

    He couldn’t handle even 3 minutes of real combat before he ran crying to one of those, illiterate soldiers to protect his sorry ass. What a waste of good air you are Stephen King.

  29. mindy abraham

    Dammit I used to like him-not I will never like him again :mad:

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