Superdelegate With Documented History Of Lying About His Military Service Bashes War Hero

May 17th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Tom Harkin…this fukn puke has the balls to come out and say shit like this?

You know what? I think that a very large portion of the left in this country have truly been summed up in a take-off on the title of the furthest left leaner walking the halls of the Senate…

“The Audacity of Dopes”…over at McClatchy, check this out:

Harkin first boasted he was a Vietnam pilot vet, then said he actually flew over Cuba, then admitted that he had worked as a ferry pilot not a fighter pilot, then admitted he never actually saw combat, then claimed he only served for a year. The record shows he never served in Vietnam, and Harkin finally admitted he didn’t serve in Vietnam.


Now this loser surfaces in 2008 to bash a legitimate war hero.

The Democratic superdelegate slammed John McCain’s military career in an interview published Saturday, saying McCain’s military service hasn’t given him a balanced worldview. Harkins’ remarks were made during a conference call with reporters from the Des Moines Register:

Republican presidential candidate John McCain’s family background as the son and grandson of admirals has given him a worldview shaped by the military, “and he has a hard time thinking beyond that,” Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Ia., said Friday.

“I think he’s trapped in that,” Harkin said in a conference call with Iowa reporters. “Everything is looked at from his life experiences, from always having been in the military, and I think that can be pretty dangerous.”

Harkin said that “it’s one thing to have been drafted and served, but another thing when you come from generations of military people and that’s just how you’re steeped, how you’ve learned, how you’ve grown up.”

The Wall Street Journal did an article a few years ago that further delved nto all the lies this asshole spewed about his supposed military service, you can read that article here.

The Dems must be worried about McCain’s honorable service because they keep making clumsy attempts to attack it. Just last month, another Dem superdelegate, Jay Rockefeller, criticised McCain’s war record, saying McCain was a “hit and run aviator” who didn’t care about the lives of people he bombed. Rockefeller later apologized.


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15 Responses

  1. Kevin M

    Nice backdrop from Nosferatu!

  2. GregGS

    Grab him by the neck and wallop till you hear teeth on a terrazzo floor.

  3. Jeff

    Harkin is a shining example of how far the left will go to win. There is nothing sacred to these people. Lying comes as natural as breathing to them.

    “Just last month, another Dem superdelegate, Jay Rockefeller, criticised McCain’s war record, saying McCain was a “hit and run aviator” who didn’t care about the lives of people he bombed.”

    Isn’t this the same Rockefeller who said something to the effect that he couldn’t wait to see banking/personal/medical..etc information all linked to one central entity as it would then be easy to maintain a puppet-like control over the population? If any citizen got out of line, he could be ‘erased’ from society by the government.

    If that is Utopia, I’ll take my chances here.

  4. sully

    :arrow: POS Harkin on McCain….“Everything is looked at from his life experiences, from always having been in the military, and I think that can be pretty dangerous.”

    Peddling fear of the military? :roll:
    What happened to your master Obambi’s stance on fear-mongering you lying POS fuck?

  5. sully

    “… puppet-like control over the population”

    That’s the Dhimmi plan. That joyous day when it’s no longer about equal opportunity but about equal outcome in the interest of diversity, inclusiveness and political correctness monitored by the state…. well, by golly, the sky will be the collective limit!!
    Oh joy…. can I get an amen!!!

  6. MarineSgt

    “Republican presidential candidate John McCain’s family background as the son and grandson of admirals has given him a worldview shaped by the military, “and he has a hard time thinking beyond that,” Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Ia., said Friday.”

    What worldview? The worldview that I love America, my flag, am proud of my country? That I will sacrifice everything for my flag and fellow Americans? That I live by a code of ethics outlined by three sacred words: Honor, Courage, and Commitment.

    This is the military worldview, and in my opinion, it is a much better world view than the other 99% of americans.

  7. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    Axe-you-a-ly, yunz guys …

    What does it REALLY say about the democrats LACK of political ammo against McCain that THIS (and I wouldn’t touch that political IED with a 100′ pole … NOT a version of the supposed “Swiftboating” by ANY measure) and the shit about his age (yeah, the growing population of senior citizens in this country are of NO use to this country) is ALL they can come up with???

    I ALREADY heard a dem-mouthpiece earlier today (Re: Teddy Kennedy’s age/health issue) making an equivalence to Mac’s age not being appropriate for POTUS and voters, after Teddy’s ‘brain attack’ today, WILL see that as McCain NOT being electable or fit to hold the office of POTUS because he’s TOO OLD …

    What the fuck does it say when the damn Republicans have MORE reasons NOT to vote for John McCain as POTUS than the damn dhimmicrats have???

    If the nose-out-of-joint conservative voters will just hold their noses and touch the screen, pop the chad, pull the lever, color-in the little oval for McCain in November he should have a cakewalk up the front steps of the White House. :gun: :gun:

  8. Jeff

    :arrow: drillanwr
    If the nose-out-of-joint conservative voters will just hold their noses and touch the screen, pop the chad, pull the lever, color-in the little oval for McCain in November…

    I probably will, although it’ll be like chewing on a piece of tin foil, doing it. The alternative is unthinkable.

  9. Boo Boo

    Harkin is trapped in the same liberal fog that Obama is. The audacity of him to suggest that having a “military mindset” is somehow a disadvantage. No, having a soft pile of mush between your ears like Harkin is much more preferable. What a joke.

  10. Sarah

    I know this is politics but really it’s kind of horrifying that a US Senator would say such a thing. Despicable really. Because it’s not just McCain that this is directed at. It’s making it sound like military families are weird and dangerous. It’s okay though if you didn’t have a choice, if you were drafted and forced to wear a uniform (which nobody has in 30 some years), then you’re cool and we forgive you. But volunteer? Like your Dad? Or your Mom? Crazy, man, craazzyyy.

    What’s a military mindset anyway?

  11. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    There’s one more facet to this lump of coal trying to be passed off as a political gem stone …

    McCain FULLY intends to continue in A-stan and Iraq for as long as it damn well takes to get the job done correctly …

    AND he is well aware of the possibility we may/will be heading into Iran by the time he takes office …

    McCain has a son who has/is served in this current military, and unless I am mistaken has served in one of the TOs …

    The democrats and liberal farts will be without their demand “Well, if he believes in war so much why doesn’t he send his son (See: Bush’s twin daughters) …”

    Gee fuckin’ wiz … A CiC who actually served in the military serving as president during a time of war …

    Yeah, THAT is a real bad idea …

    Cripes! These idiots got nuthin’ …

  12. sully

    “Cripes! These idiots got nuthin’ …”

    They got surrender and it has a following. Pull out and fuck the Vietnamese …er, Iraqis.
    Identical mindset to the Dhimmis of ‘68 - ‘75. Amerikkka is an imperialist power/capitalism is evil.
    The only thing that will satisfy them is our suicide.

  13. mindy abraham

    what an idiot :mad:

  14. ssgduke54

    :???: Isn’t amazingly that this corrupt soul Tom Harkin attacks the only candidate (McLain) that not only serve his country but was also a POW in North Vietnam! And not only that but he have two Sons serving in the military! Now does Obama or Hillary ever been in the military or have their Sons or Daughters in the military? Now who do you think I am going to believe or elect?

  15. Kyle Thomas

    “McCain was a fighter pilot, who dropped laser-guided missiles from 35,000 feet. He was long gone when they hit…”

    What an IDIOT! Right, asshole… McCain was dropping “laser-guided missiles” in the 1960’s! Haha! What a MORON. This guy has never served in the military, and I doubt he’s even read a BOOK on the Vietnam war. How in God’s name can anyone vote for such a fool and ignorant ass? Oh wait, I forgot how many people have already voted for Omama in the primaries. Apparently there are many people who are anxious to vote for an ignorant fool.

    Frankly, I love this shit, because it just pisses more and more people off. Clearly, very, very clearly it is McCain who has the credentials to be Commander-in-Chief and not Omama.

    You know, Kennedy made some foolish statements before entering office about “negotiating” that ended up opening the door for Kruschev to give putting missiles in Cuba a try, which is the closest this country has ever come to nuclear war. Now, we’ve got Omama spouting off his mouth about how he’s not going to use the military and whatnot. Doesn’t this idiot realize that he’s communicating to the world that it’s safe to be aggressive against the United States without fear of retaliation? Good god, if this guy ever gets in office we are in a WORLD of hurt! Thank god it’s going to be McCain in a landslide!

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