Susan Sarandon: I’m Moving Away if McCain Wins

May 30th, 2008 Posted By Lftbhndagn.


Bitch, Ill help you pack and drop you off………

Just be sure to never come back and take your husband with you.

The Weekly Standard

Susan Sarandon is doing the rounds promoting her latest movie, Speed Racer. She found time to talk to the Telegraph about the movie, her career, and U.S. politics:

Her financial and vocal support for Barack Obama has not endeared her to some fellow Democrats.

“I’ve got a lot of flak from feminists who feel that I should be supporting Hillary Clinton, but I thought the whole point of feminism is that you’re not supposed to be defined by gender,” she says…

Always busy, Sarandon is about to start work on the romantic period drama The Colossus, but with the presidential election campaign being heatedly contested, she also has bigger things to consider.

“If McCain gets in, it’s going to be very, very dangerous,” she says.

“It’s a critical time, but I have faith in the American people. If they prove me wrong, I’ll be checking out a move to Italy. Maybe Canada, I don’t know. We’re at an abyss.”

It’s a valiant try by Ms. Sarandon, but the voters are unlikely to be fooled. We’ll never know how many cast votes for George Bush in 2004, anticipating that Alec Baldwin, Robert Redford, Janeane Garofalo, Michael Moore, and many others would pack up and move to Canada. Alas, they failed to hold up their end of the deal.

Tell me Ms. Sarandon: how do I know that if I vote for John McCain, you’ll keep your promise?

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22 Responses

  1. A. S. Wise- VA (George S. Patton Conservative)

    Promises, promises.

    Just another reason to vote for McCain.

  2. Charles

    The only “abyss” I can see is between her ears.

    Good-bye, good-riddance and ah, don’t let the door smack you in the ass on the way out…

  3. blastdad( typical white patriot)

    Yea rightr, how many time have we heard this same crap from the looney left!?

    EEhhh I’m leaving if bush wins!!!Eh I’m leaving if mccain wins!! So shut up and leave!!

  4. Kurt(the infidel)

    Wow that would be a double victory for us. McCain would win and we would get rid of another moonbat. hopefully the whole damn lot of them leaves

  5. tedders

    Take Tim with you! :)

  6. The Angry Redneck

    Well I’m not getting my hopes up! I mean let’s face it, if dumb was dirt, she’d cover at least an acre.

  7. Steve in NC

    Don’t be a tease, you and your lot of drug addled communists never left after Bush 43 won. McCain wins, then get the fuck out, go live with the sodomites.

  8. Kufir Ken

    They all said that shit about if GWB won and they are all still here…

    Can you say “desperate cry for attention after being proven wrong”?

  9. One Shot

    She was a grade B actress not worthy of biffing in the schtoinker.

  10. Professor Bill

    First Bash teases us with misleading link photos, you know the one of the hot chick and then all we got was the ugly fat russian woman, now Susan is teasing us with this. It’s almost more than I can take.

  11. Reign in Blood

    People like her and Alec Baldwin make these promises and then never follow through with them. Hope she is a woman of her word and follows through. One less nutter to worry about, in this, the country that I love.

    Let’s see a McCain victory and wish Susan (and hopefully her husband) god speed.

  12. rightangle

    ArrivederCHE, cagna.

  13. David Ross

    I’ve had my reservations about voting for McCain but this reason alone would justify my vote for such a moderate.
    THANKS SUSAN, you’ve found a way to rally us Conservatives for a greater cause!

  14. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    Canadians are calling Glenn Beck’s radio show and vowing to move out of Canada if this red-headed witch moves up there …

  15. Tom in CO


  16. AmericanJarhead

    Just another empty promise. Won’t somebody just give her a good #$%$@ and get this woman back on track?

  17. Atom&Yves

    Cut and run. Who’d expect anything different? You ain’t gone yet bitch?

  18. Goodbye Natalie

    Channeling Alec Baldwin…whose fat ass still resides on our great shore.

  19. Dan (The Infidel)

    Alec Baldwin said the same thing about GW…He was talking shit too. Go live in Cuba bitch. Take that punk ass husband/boyfriend/sleaze-bag with you.

  20. RVN68MIKE

    To Angry Redneck, I’ve never heard that one before but am laughing my ass off. Thanks for the friday morning pickup.

  21. 007

    Iran Is waiting with Open Arms! (BITCH)

  22. The Angry Redneck

    RVN68MIKE…Your welcome, I’m here all day! And remember…never kick a fresh shit on a hot day.

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