The Art Of Surrender - Barack Hussein Obama

May 10th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

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21 Responses

  1. Gregory Donald Hiel

    I have never heard anything scarier in my entire life than this mans defense agenda.

  2. Jeff

    Whatever he is drinking, I’ll take two! :beer: :beer:

    All that time at Harvard and he’s still incredibly ignorant. Don’t they read books at Harvard?

    The military invests in untested systems all the time. They get proven the first time they blow shit up. Those interceptors work, most of the time. If we scrapped every piece of military hardware that ever had a failure, we’d still be throwing rocks and chucking spears. He wants to take our ICBM’s off of alert? What’s the point of having them then? Not much deterrent when they all get smoked by a surprise attack.

    He really should be running for President of some country named Utopia where it never rains and flowers are always in bloom because in the U.S., we occasionally have to fight off thugs and aggressors…using real weapons. :gun:

  3. sully

    This bitches husband Michelle has more balls than he does.

  4. Rob

    Jeff. I think he is running for the President of “Utopia” problem is he’s gotten that country mixed up with America. I knew there was a reason that he wouldn’t wear the flag pin.

  5. franchie

    it’s a huge path between what a candidate says in his campaign and what he realises when he finally seats in the office ;

    not all negative though (at least for us), removing this bloody shit in eastern Europe… and remove Nato, please, that will hurt a few EU collegues, BUT, they’ll have to think for themselves as far as their defense is concerned, GOOD !

  6. ssgduke54

    :mad: History has a habit of repeating itself time after time when so called good people think negotiations works! Prime Minister Chamberlain of England thought so by negotiated a so called Peace Treaty by selling out Czechoslovakia to Hitler. When Hitler wanted Czechoslovakia he threaten war over it but PM Chamberlain vow to never go to War so he sold out the Czechs for Peace in our time crap! How many countries will Obama sell out for a false Peace? For when he does that then in a short time we will be truly in a REAL WORLD WAR!!!

  7. sully

    “…. that will hurt a few EU collegues, BUT, they’ll have to think for themselves as far as their defense is concerned, GOOD !”

    Yeah, that sounds, er, French. Sucking off the teat of the rest of the west for 100 years.

    Really franchie…. fuck off. We’re hearing enough of the French style surrender rhetoric from the Dhimmicrats right now. Like I said…. hustle on back to your masters…..

  8. franchie

    he Sully get your fuckin nerves on youranus, in the milkyway

  9. sully

    Yeah that Socialist lifestyle in France is pretty expensive. Can’t be paying for too many tanks and shit to be defending yourself for once.
    Now run along back over to Kos where they appreciate your expansive knowledge of the benefits of Socialism.

  10. franchie

    woah, socialism, whathat ?

    Can’t be paying for too many tanks and shit to be defending yourself for once. (eh we didn’t wait for Nato to defend ourselves, coco)

    didn’t ya know we even sold ‘em to your army, the light ones ;

    though I reassure you they never serve, quite new !

  11. sully

    “…though I reassure you they never serve…”


  12. franchie

    ya see I gave you a shamalow

    though the same exemplaries did serve in the desert storm that’s where your guys saw them ; they were quicker and could pass on any relief without problems

  13. sully

    yet never fired a shot :roll:

    Give us a fuckin’ break and get lost

  14. franchie

    that’s what your sayin Dr Maboul

  15. sully

    not just me
    Saddam knew Baghdad was safe when he saw that the French were on the FAR left of the line….

  16. franchie

    turlututu ! cheating again

    ya know that the frenchs were under american commandement, wasn’t it that fellow, ya know half black, uh gimmi one of your emphetamine and I show you his name

    he, don’t forget to learn how to stay quiet, it’ll break my heart knowing your in great danger

  17. franchie

    turlututu, cheating again

    the operation Daguet was under american supervision, therefore if the war was stopped, it doesn’t fall on the french fault

    he, are under emphetamine cause I see you a bit stressed

    don’t forget to learn how to stay quiet, it’ll break my heart knowing your in great danger

  18. sully

    “…if the war was stopped, it doesn’t fall on the french fault…”

    Duh again.
    All you Kos_sacks_a_shit really are pretty fuckin stupid.

  19. franchie

    obsédé, t’es même plus marrant

    might be your just an inflated balloon

    tell me when your spirit is back

  20. sully

    stupid as you ever were.

  21. franchie

    c’est ça, vas voir maman

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