The Hussein Gaffes

May 21st, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.


Barack Gaffes

The Obama machine.

By Michelle Malkin (NRO)

All it takes is one gaffe to taint a Republican for life. The political establishment never let Dan Quayle live down his fateful misspelling of “potatoe.” The New York Times distorted and misreported the first President Bush’s questions about new scanner technology at a grocers’ convention to brand him permanently as out of touch.

But what about Barack Obama? The guy’s a perpetual gaffe machine. Let us count the ways, large and small, that his tongue has betrayed him throughout the campaign:

- Last May, he claimed that tornadoes in Kansas killed a whopping 10,000 people: “In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died — an entire town destroyed.” The actual death toll: 12.

- Earlier this month in Oregon, he redrew the map of the United States: “Over the last 15 months, we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in 57 states? I think one left to go.”

- Last week, in front of a roaring Sioux Falls, S.D., audience, Obama exulted: “Thank you, Sioux City. … I said it wrong. I’ve been in Iowa for too long. I’m sorry.”

- Explaining last week why he was trailing Hillary Clinton in Kentucky, Obama again botched basic geography: “Sen. Clinton, I think, is much better known, coming from a nearby state of Arkansas. So it’s not surprising that she would have an advantage in some of those states in the middle.” On what map is Arkansas closer to Kentucky than Illinois?

- Obama has as much trouble with numbers as he has with maps. Last March, on the anniversary of the Bloody Sunday march in Selma, Ala., he claimed his parents united as a direct result of the civil rights movement: “There was something stirring across the country because of what happened in Selma, Ala., because some folks are willing to march across a bridge. So they got together and Barack Obama Jr. was born.”

Obama was born in 1961. The Selma march took place in 1965. His spokesman, Bill Burton, later explained that Obama was “speaking metaphorically about the civil-rights movement as a whole.”

- Earlier this month in Cape Girardeau, Mo., Obama showed off his knowledge of the war in Afghanistan by homing in on a lack of translators: “We only have a certain number of them, and if they are all in Iraq, then it’s harder for us to use them in Afghanistan.” The real reason it’s “harder for us to use them” in Afghanistan: Iraqis speak Arabic or Kurdish. The Afghanis speak Pashto, Farsi, or other non-Arabic languages.

- Over the weekend in Oregon, Obama pleaded ignorance of the decades-old, multibillion-dollar massive Hanford nuclear-waste cleanup: “Here’s something that you will rarely hear from a politician, and that is that I’m not familiar with the Hanford, uuuuhh, site, so I don’t know exactly what’s going on there. (Applause.) Now, having said that, I promise you I’ll learn about it by the time I leave here on the ride back to the airport.”

I assume on that ride, a staffer reminded him that he’s voted on at least one defense-authorization bill that addressed the “costs, schedules, and technical issues” dealing with the nation’s most contaminated nuclear-waste site.

- Last March, the Chicago Tribune reported this little-noticed nugget about a fake autobiographical detail in Obama’s Dreams from My Father: “Then, there’s the copy of Life magazine that Obama presents as his racial awakening at age 9. In it, he wrote, was an article and two accompanying photographs of an African-American man physically and mentally scarred by his efforts to lighten his skin. In fact, the Life article and the photographs don’t exist, say the magazine’s own historians.”

- And in perhaps the most seriously troubling set of gaffes of them all, Obama told a Portland crowd over the weekend that Iran doesn’t “pose a serious threat to us” — cluelessly arguing that “tiny countries” with small defense budgets can’t do us harm — and then promptly flip-flopped the next day, claiming, “I’ve made it clear for years that the threat from Iran is grave.”

Barack Obama — promoted by the Left and the media as an all-knowing, articulate, transcendent Messiah — is a walking, talking gaffe machine. How many more passes does he get? How many more can we afford?

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7 Responses

  1. Andy Marshall


  2. RC

    This man is obviously out of touch on so many issues it’s hard to believe he’s actually running for POTUS. :roll:

    He could tell Americans tomorrow that having our fingernails extracted forcefully from our bodies is a sweet thing our enemies will love us dearly for, and the libtard msm and leftards everywhere will all hail it as genius and as hope cheering ad nauseum their false messiah.

  3. Goodbye Natalie

    This article strikes at the heart of the real problem with Obama.

    Forget the foibles, personal gaffes, ignorance of geography (blatantly ignorant), waffling about who are enemy is from one day to the next, or even that American hating bigot of a wife.

    The fact of the matter is Obama suffers from the same disease as Al Gore and John Kerry. He’s not out of touch. He’s simply stupid; an affirmative quota hire with a gift for cliche soundbites.

    I am now sure how Americans have been fooled into thinking an Ivy league education makes you brilliant. The Kennedy’s, Kerry and yes, even Bush proves that is B.S.

  4. Kurt(the infidel)

    “How many more passes does he get? How many more can we afford?”


    He’ll get as many free passes it takes to make him the next President damnit!

    I dont think he should get anymore free passes. just let this keep talking and show how ’slick’ he really is

  5. Pogue Mahogue

    The Messiah also claimed last week that “Osama bin Laden is still at large sending out videotapes with impunity.”. As I recall, we’ve haven’t seen a whole lot of fresh video of Osama since that little dust up at Tora Bora. As a matter of fact, the only “Osama” communications we have heard since then have been garbled audio tapes. Whether he’s running around anywhere ‘with impunity” or received a JDAM enema at Tora Bora remains open to conjecture as far as I’m concerned.

  6. SOC

    And this man wants to run our country . Clearly he is not ready. This guy is plain stupid…

  7. Brook

    Obama is, for sure, a total idiot and many people that he is associated with are ridiculous as well, but it’s not all democrats. His stupidity proves he’s more like a republican than a democrat. Bush is one of the stupidest people I have ever seen and Obama is a close second.

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