The Jihadi’s Taste Of Their Death Rattle Comes When…

May 15th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


We lay waste to Iran and Syria.

Louie here, while Bash is away I shall…speak.

Oink, oink…Imagine Iran and Syria brought to their knees…

Think of the possibilities…

Just think about them.

Hezbollah would have…who? Lebanon? Not after recent events. The Baathists? Where would they go, Jordan? Jordan needs Viagra in a big way…they are impotent wooly goats. Good for milk to feed infants and invalids, that’s about it.

Saudis? Hmmm…something tells me that good old American ingenuity made sure that all of those wonderful doohickeys we overcharged them for to beef up their military would be of no consequence if used against us.

Think *OnStar Navigation system that not only tracks stolen vehicles, but can actually shut the motor down from thousands of miles away at the flick of a switch.

Live, via satellite.

People underestimate us.

This is good.

We make them stare down the barrel of the shotgun we have placed on their forehead. They are so busy shitting their pants because of the shotgun, that they don’t see the Apache that is about to remove the street upon which their Madrassa and their Mosque sits.

But they feel safe because we sold them a few .38 specials. With really old bullets from that shady dealer in Florida.

Afghanistan? Hath the world forgotten the term biological agent? How about the fleas of a thousand rats infected with…take your pick. And poppies are a CROP.

Pakistan? Jump, jump, jump, jump…that’s a nice bunker you’ve got there. Where’d you say that firing mechanism was made? Oh yeah…nevermind, you have India, amongst many others to worry about.

India swims in cobra venom, and cracks in the soles of their feet will always keep them distracted from the bigger picture…Rubber Souls…

Egypt & Turkey…we know something they do not.

The rest of North Africa, North Africa, wherefore art thou, Sam? Playing it again, I presume? You are already so infected, that your fight cannot be anything more than that of savages and woodburning kits. A nice sharpstick to the neck will allow the beverage you prefer to flow plentifully, and in such amounts as to keep you weighted down with survival.

Your canoes cannot cross an ocean…

You cannot live while busy trying to survive.

When one is surviving, one cannot truly live, and if one is not truly alive, then one cannot pursue the Dream.

Keep them trying to survive…this keeps them two steps back.

Jihadis are not alive. They are dead. Their souls are dead. Their spirits are dead. Their words and teachings are dead. They are obsessed with Death. Death is their friend, they welcome him, they worship him, they have been successfully deluded into believeing everything Death whispers in their ears as they lick the dust of the Earth five times a day as being actual truth.

This is why they lick dirt five times a day, to survive. They survive one more day to bring them closer to Death, to the promise of grapes, and couches, and virgins…far, far away from the dirt they eat, and the dirt they sleep on, and the dirt the fuck in, and they dirt the bleed on…to bring them closer to the lie they have embraced as truth.

They love Death.

Only a fool loves Death.

There is a difference between loving Death, and not fearing Death.

And it is one of the many differences between Us and Them.

Oink, oink, motherfuckers…


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10 Responses

  1. sully

    click click BOOM

  2. Lock and Load

    :arrow: louie A truly inspirational work :beer: :beer: I never knew pigs were so intelligent :shock: Perhaps the reason that jihadis are such losers is that they avoid such insightful creatures as yourself :mrgreen:

  3. just posting

    All true. Except the asterisk known as democrats.

  4. Howie

    :beer: :beer:
    Right on Brother Pig!!

    Semper Fi Louie

  5. TBinSTL (just typical)

    I think your uncle Arnold would be proud.

  6. TBinSTL (just typical)

    I heard Louie has only three legs, but then again when you’ve got a pig that smart, you don’t eat him all at once…

  7. steve m

    Well put, well said, well done!

    :beer: :beer: :beer:

    A modern day Poe?

  8. Kurt(the infidel)

    Damn straight Louie! that was great :gun: :twisted:

  9. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    BRILLIANT! Brother Louie … Just, if I may suggest, next time take that big red apple out of your mouth that Bash keeps shoving in.

  10. Mike Mose

    Jihadis and Democrats are the same beast. The dems from within, the jihadis from the outside. Each worship the great evil that rule their lives.

    We are getting ready to replace the Saudi’s oil production.
    The Dems will howl because the USA must fund radical Islam to the death of America. This was Jimmy Carter’s vision.

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