This Is How You Welcome Home Our Troops!

May 7th, 2008 Posted By Lftbhndagn.

Kudos to Holger Awakens Via LGF

This film was made on 24 March 2007 at D/FW Airport and shows the welcome that our troops coming home on R&R from Iraq and Afghaistan each day when they fly into the international terminal. This is the “first” welcome that they get. It’s the one where most of the public has no idea what’s going on until the cheering begins…very moving.

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10 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    damn straight. the cheering just kept getting stronger and louder too. thats how you welcome them home, right there! :beer:

  2. Sterling

    We had a bunch of folks greet us at a nearly empty airport in Maine at around midnight - we were dead tired, but every Marine wore a grin ear to ear.

  3. Steve in NC

    This happens every day in Atlanta also. DFW & ATL are the main hubs for troops rotating from the theater.
    USO operates in nearly all airports supporting troops. Take a moment to seek it out and say thanks in person.

    I doubt such a warm greeting would be found in a blue state.

  4. Dan (The Infidel)

    Contrast that reception with what hippies like Code Pink did to us during the VN war? Helluva contrast. Code Pink has lost their war.

    Call in the witches and hobgoblins Code Stink. won’t do you any good.

    I saw the same thing at Dulles on my way back from Germany.

    Oh and Congress, these guys deserve a raise.

  5. Phendlin (Death Rattlers)

    OORAH! :beer: :beer: welcome home

  6. mindy abraham

    Welcome home :mrgreen:

  7. ssgduke54

    I am very glad to see that at some Airports the ordinary citizens still show their support for the soldiers. But you will not see that at LAX! My Son came on on leave and just before we saw him he told how a lot of people just either ignore him or made disgusting facial remarks when they thought he didn’t see it! Welcome to the People’s Socialist Republic of Kalifornia!

  8. 1LT JAF

    Don’t forget that BWI Baltimore Washington is also a major hub, every week there is a welcoming committee which meets our troopers coming back home..

  9. Howie

    SSGTDUKE54 You must excuse those ignorant fucks in the LA area, my ex-wife lives there. Please tell your son that we support him and we are fighting the insurgency here at home like they are overseas. And like them we will not quit until the job is done. Unlike them we don’t have to worry about getting our funding cut by Congress.

  10. John Knight

    Thanks so much for posting my video! As I type this, I am sitting at the DFW USO and we are in the process of sending 200 or so guys and gals back to the OIF/OEF theatre. It’s such an honor to be part of the welcome and sendoff crew.

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