Toronto Measles Outbreak Growing

May 9th, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.


We touched on this a week ago about measles making a comeback in the States.

On that topic thread commentor Mike W made a great point I hadn’t really considered:

Mike W

Officials blame a spike in the number of travelers bringing measles in from Israel and Europe.
What official All But Crap? A quick goggle search says Israel only reported 9 cases last year. Try again dip sh**s.The main carriers of contagious diseases comes from Muslim countries because of their ideological religion.Also ABC why dont you tell us the reason the rise in Measles in Europe is because of third world immigrants. If they would research I am sure the reason for the rise in measles in this country is largely due to illegal immigrants.

So if you take a moment to think about it, if this is the case with typically omitted childhood diseases … what is to stop a terrorist from infecting himself with say small pox, or some super-strain of a flu virus, and inflicting himself upon the masses?

I know that in my city hospital beds are scarce in the prime winter months due primarily to outbreaks of the flu. (A lot of patients coming from nursing homes where they cannot care for seniors after their heath condition reaches a certain critical point.)

So, imagine beyond the measles, which are bad enough (I had them as a child … I remember being extremely sick.).

So, you must ponder Mike W’s very possible, and probable, reason for the recent outbreak of once thought of as … abolished in our society. And considering our “open borders” and illegal aliens flooding in on a daily basis … it MUST be factored in. Imagine the stress on our healthcare system in the event of a massive outbreak and epidemic of this or any other contagious disease.


Toronto - A measles outbreak continues to grow in the city as four new cases were reported to Toronto Public Health.

That brings the total number of measles cases to nine since the investigation began earlier this spring.

Everyone affected by this newest outbreak of measles lives or works downtown.

A spokesperson for Toronto Public Health said anyone born before 1970 likely had measles in childhood, and is therefore protected. Everyone else, however, should ensure they have had two doses of the measles vaccine for full protection.

Toronto Public Health is contacting those who are known to have had direct exposure to someone with measles.


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2 Responses

  1. John G

    Yup, and too many parents are buying into the autism scare, therefore not getting their children immunized; i.e., MMR (measles, mumps, ruebella)

  2. hegelbot

    wait what? how do you get a measles out break, don’t Canadians make sure to get their kids infected when their really young. How is nine cases and outbreak? OMG

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